Hello from a Newbie!!


Well-Known Member
I've been lurking for a couple of weeks and wanted to pop in and introduce myself. I've got relaxed 4a hair that averages shoulder length on the sides and mid-back in the back. It's normally very, very thick and I'd receive many compliments on the health, shine and thickness. In August '02, after agonizing for several years, I decided to take Accutane to clear my persistent acne that I've battled since I was 12. I knew that in rare cases, hair loss could occur, but decided I'd take my chances. Armed with daily B-complex, Vitamin E and Biotin cocktails, and Jojoba hot oil treatments and my beloved Paul Mitchell Supercharged Moisture, I hoped I would escape the hair loss nightmare during my 6-month treatment. I've kept my hair well conditioned and moisturized in a ponytail since then. Things went smoothly until January when I my hair started coming out by the handfuls during washing. /images/graemlins/mad.gif I tried to stick out my treatment until the end, with only one month to go, but after two episodes and literally having to vacuum my bathroom floor after every grooming session, I stopped taking the Accutane. Now instead of being obsessed over my skin, I'm obsessed about my hair and eager to bring it back to its normal thickness. I still have the length and I'm grateful that I started out with thick hair because I shudder to think of what my hair would look like if it were thinner.

I've learned so much from this web site and after noticing the friendly, supportive atmosphere, I decided to join. I thank everyone for their posts thus far. I've spent hours and hours reading and taking notes on what I've learned. I've spent a lot of money the past few weeks on products I've learned about here. And I've increased the dosages of the vitamins I'm taking. I can't take anything containing Vitamin A until the Accutane is out of my system, I've got new leads on good multi-vitamins thanks to the posts here.

So thanks again and keep sharing this valuable information. And I'll share my experiences too. I'm determined that I can have it all: great skin and great hair too!

You'll like it here... I have been a member on one other board only, and it was boring, compared to here, I don't even check in there anymore. LOL

Give it up for LHCF /images/graemlins/weird.gif
/images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/bouncy.gif
Hello Oneshinyface, I have one too - well mostly my nose, but hey that counts!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif Welcome to the board - you will love it here, the information is priceless. And yes, you can have it all!! /images/graemlins/wave.gif
Welcome Shinyface ./images/graemlins/wave.gif It's a pleasure to have you join us. You will find lots of love and support here! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Welcome Oneshinyface!! Cool screen name. It's like I can almost see your smile. /images/graemlins/smile.gif The people here are so kind and very imformative. The women on this board have helped to free me from my hair stylist! I believe you will enjoy your stay! Hope your hair situation improves. Let us know about your progress. /images/graemlins/wave.gif

welcome, oneshinyface!

girl, i can totally relate to the username. i also did Accutane. at the time, i was aware of the birth defect side effects but not the hair loss ones. as luck would have it, i didn't experience any excessive loss from the Accutane. i did a 5-month course. since you also did 5 of the 6 months, i bet you will still see a difference in your skin including the shine issue. that really decreased for me, and it's been almost three years since i took it. so you have that to look forward to. maybe you'll have to change to notsoshinyface! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

are you taking B5? it's actually beneficial to the acne issue as well as hair thickness. definitely do some research on that.

again, welcome! /images/graemlins/wave.gif

welcome welcome welcome!!!!! glad that you've come to the board!!!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Welcome! I'm sure you'll get back that thick healthy head of hair in no time. Isn't this board wonderful? /images/graemlins/smile.gif You'll love it here.
Hi, Shinyface! /images/graemlins/drunk.gif Welcome here!

I'm a newbie here too. This is a WONDERFUL board with WONDERFUL ladies as you've already seen!

Glad to have you aboard!
OneShinyface welcome to the board.

I'm really sorry to hear you had to endure the hair loss with your treatment for your skin. Hopefully with the help of the ladies here you'll be able to get some advice on the skin issue also.

Good Luck on your hair & skin journey.
Thank you all for the warm, warm welcome. This brings me near tears because I've been SO upset about my hair. I used to hide my bad skin with my hair, so I'm very self conscious about its lack of abundance. I just have to remember to tell myself to be patient -- and to rely on my newfound support system! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
/images/graemlins/weird.gifWelcome OneShinyFace! /images/graemlins/weird.gif

I can also relate to the acne problem. I considered Accutane, but the hair loss part scared me too. I had to pick my priority too, which was my hair. I am however on some topical meds that work really well. So I'm grateful. If you want some info on them just PM me!
/images/graemlins/wave.gif Welcome to LHCF, OneShinyFace!! /images/graemlins/wave.gif

I'm not THAT new but I've started posting more lately. I'll sure you'll love it here; these are the nicest (and most helpful) personalities on the Web when it comes to hair care for women of color!!!

Best of luck in your quest for a more healthy you,
Welcome...........Pull up a comfortable chair.... /images/graemlins/user.gif