Hello Everyone!


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all. Joined in April but I've been so busy I haven't had time to post. LOVE this site :grin:. I've been reading hundreds of threads the past few days and now I'm thouroughly confused...can anyone type my hair? I haven't had a relaxer in about 6 months, so pretty much everything in the pic is new growth. The new growth is about 4 inches, give or take. I haven't had any of the problems associated with "stretching", i.e., breakage, dryness, etc. Heck, I didn't even know there was a term for not getting a relaxer regularly. The people I know just tell me "girl, you know you need a perm!" Thanks in advance for all your help.
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I also wanted to say welcome... But what I did when I 1st started was a search for typing and went with who ever seem to have the same type of new growth I did... Good luck.
I also wanted to say welcome... But what I did when I 1st started was a search for typing and went with who ever seem to have the same type of new growth I did... Good luck.

Thanks and good idea! But I see new growth that looks similar and some are 3s and some are 4s - so I can't be sure. Does it really even matter if it's 3 or 4-something? or is it best to follow a regimen based on hair type?
Welcome to the group. You will find a wealth of information under the sticky's and with the search feature. Remember, there no crazy questions around here. Enjoy and happy growing......
Welcome.... I'd have to see a further away angle.. but it looks closer to a 3 than 4 because it's not that curled... Back up a little or take a picture of a couple of strands that fell out.
Thanks everybody! Here are a few strands - they still have the root ball attached, so they should be a pretty good indicator. The strand that looks curlier is from the nape area.
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Thanks to everyone who helped me. I guess I'm types 4/a and 3/c.
I thought I'd cut my hair really short after I turned 40, but decided to grow it out much longer. I've always kept it a little past shoulder length, and my husband doesn't think he'd like it super short. I've been bored with my hair for years, so hopefully bsl or longer will be a little more exciting...love the "leave your hair alone" attitude shared by most on this board. I'm hair-lazy so many of your regimens will be perfect for me!