Hello everyone! I’m a newbie…here’s my story


New Member
Hi everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself since I have been lurking here non-stop for the past few days reading practically every post. (Started at the beginning and worked my way backwards!)

Currently, I have long hair (a few inches past bra strap when wet or straight) and I am trying my best to hold on to it and eventually grow it longer. My goal is eventually waist length. I would have probably reached that goal by the end of the year but I had a major setback. I have been relaxed for 18 years and without thinking clearly, I got a different relaxer (Aveda brand instead of my trusty old Vitale) and it broke my hair off. Meaning, it broke down to the new growth (1/2 inch at the time) in a small section of the crown area and here and there all throughout the front. Luckily, it’s growing and I haven’t noticed more breakage now that I am obsessed with haircare.

I am curious to know if anyone else has ever gotten an Aveda relaxer and what their results were. The breakage happened with me and my best friend so we know it had to be the relaxer that caused the breakage. Maybe the hairstylist didn’t know what she was doing. I am mad at the stylist
and Aveda and myself

Right now, I do mostly twistouts in a ponytail. Looking for a way to wear my hair down where it doesn’t look stringy. (Look at my photos and you’ll see what I mean.)
Any ideas? Also looking for products to smooth my hair without a greasy feeling.

(I could have sworn I posted this yesterday but everything I did on the site yesterday seems to have disappeared. Is it just me?? Weird!)
Re: Hello everyone! I’m a newbie…here’s my story

wow you have a lot of courage to transition with your relaxed hair being so long. I know some people with long hair like yours who want to go natural but wont' since they are scared their hair won't grow that long again. I wouldn't know about CON relaxers, i'm mostly natural (being transitioning for a yr) Your hair seems to be other peoples' hair goal
For smoothing your hair have you tried Fantasia IC hair gel with sparkelites? I'm too are in the market for a gel that smooths firmly, but leaves my hair moisturized. Fantasia tends to flake. PM me if you have any questions. I'm sure the other ladies on this board will be more than happy to help you out
Welcome to the board.

The board has been experiencing a few problems, therefore your post may have not have gone through.
Welcome Hairlove!

I looked at your pictues and you hair is lovely.

Tell us a little more about your hair regemin e.g.

Shampoos/ conditioners/ styling products/ oils and the frequency of use.

We are here to help and share!
Egyptian Sand - yeah, it's going to be tough transitioning with my long hair but I am hoping I can do it. If anything, I don't plan to chop the relaxed ends off until the natural hair is shoulder length unstraightened.

dontspeakdefeat..thanks for the compliment.
Right now, I wash every 4th day and I alternate between shampoo and conditioner or just conditioner.

I used Kenra moisturizing shampoo to shampoo my hair while it's divided into two sections (easier to detangle...a tip I found here!)

Then I use Kenra moisturizing conditioner that I comb through. Then I rinse this conditioner and apply LeKair deep conditioner. I sit under the dryer for at least 20 minutes and then walk around for another 15-20 minutes before rinsing. Then I use a detangler...biolage leave-in tonic and comb it through. Then I moisturize my new growth with either proclaim 7 oil or cd healthy hair butter. (I figure if I keep the line of demarcation moist, it shouldn't be as prone to breakage.) Then I pull back into a ponytail with a wide tooth comb and smooth it with a fine tooth comb. (I'm too afraid to brush.) I put a little aura humectant pomade on to lay the hair down a bit. I twist the ponytail just once and apply one or two rollers to the end. Then I put my scarf on and go to sleep.

On the days that I don't use shampoo, I just use a conditioner but I haven't found one that I really like - that gives "slip" as people refer to it here. I've tried Suave coconut but my hair was way too tangly after using. I also tried Herbal Essenses Fruit Fusions but it only worked a little better. I may go back to my trusty pantene though I'm always hearing bad things about it. I think I'm going to start deep conditioning every time I wash/condition instead of every other time.

Anyhow, that's my regimen so far. Any tips would be appreciated! Thanks!
Re: Hello everyone! I’m a newbie…here’s my story

Hairlove, I agree with the other posters: your hair looks good.
I go to an Aveda salon to get my touchups (Aveda salons are a dime-a-dozen out here in Minnesota) and I've never had an Aveda relaxer put in my hair.
My stylist uses Affirm lye (mild). The only other one I've experienced is Vitale. I didn't even know Aveda made a relaxer. I'm sorry it broke your hair off! Maybe that's why my stylist doesn't use it even though they're supposed to use (and push) Aveda products whenever possible.... I'm glad to read your breakage has stopped.

As for gel...hmmm...have you tried Elasta QP's Feels Like Silk yet?
Re: Hello everyone! I?m a newbie?here?s my story

Hi and Welcome to the Board!

Your hair is beautiful and very shiny
Re: Hello everyone! I’m a newbie…here’s my story

You know, I should have known better. The salons that I had been to most of my teenage and adult life used Aveda products but never an Aveda relaxer! Duh! I still don't know what I was thinking!! I guess when she told me it doesn't burn, I was roped in...
Re: Hello everyone! I\'m a newbie &here\'s my story

Sound like you have a great routine going on. Well I want to tell you that you have come to the right place for support and encouragement. The ladies here are great. Good luck on the transitioning. If you get a chance take a look at den1 's pics. She has a lovely head of natural almost waist length hair!
Re: Hello everyone! I\'m a newbie &here\'s my story

Hello Hairlove and welcome to the board

U have beautiful hair!!!

I too am transitioning and have opted not to do the big chop. It can be challenging though but I think summer makes it a bit more easier with the protective styles and all and the ladies here are extremely knowledgable and will be more than glad to pass on some good information!!
Welcome! Your hair is beautiful! I love Aveda products...but I didn't know they made a relaxer...so I wouln'd have gotten one of those. I left a comment on one of your twistout pics... I have the same problem...even while natural(getting the fullness)..so frustrating. I also agree about the flatirioning. If I had known I could get my hair straight and shiney by flatironing(with a good iron) I wouldn't have texturized. Welcome again.
Hi Hairlove!

I'm transitioning after a "bad relaxer", too.
But I don't have anywhere near the length you have!
You have great hair!
Re: Hello everyone! I’m a newbie…here’s my story

your hair is beautiful......stick w/us here and you will be ok............
Welcome hairlove! I'm sorry that you have experienced breakage from the Aveda relaxer, but you should know that I think your hair is gorgeous.
You have my hair goal. I'm glad your breakage is under control.
Hi & welcome to the board!! I think your hair is fabulous!!

I know how frustrating it can be when you experience breakage due to chemical processing!! I've been through it, and I'm sure most of the ladies here have, also!! Right now I have one stupid section on the crown of my head which is shorter than the rest of my hair due to breakage from highlights. Unfortunately there isn't much you can do except wait for it to grow back in.

You might want to try Nexxus Headdress Leave-in conditioner. It's great for adding volume to the hair, w/o weighing it down. I think you would get good results with it!!

HTH!! Again, welcome & thanks for sharing your pictures!!
Re: Hello everyone! I’m a newbie…here’s my story

Thank you for all of the welcome wishes and compliments! I am glad to know I don't have to go through this alone and am so grateful to have found a board like this to give me tips on haircare. When I first realized I had to stop relaxing, I felt so ugly and awful b/c I didn't think I'd be able to do anything with my hair.

Just a week prior to getting the bad relaxer, my mother suggested I stop relaxing. (She and my sister do not relax). But I didn't listen to her and look what happened!

Anyways, I am finally starting to feel somewhat pretty again b/c I felt so ugly at first. You know how they say your hair is your crowning glory. I felt like I would be nothing with damaged hair. I'm glad I'm over that. Today, I have a twirled up bun and I actually feel pretty. A big change from a month ago! I need to get more makeup tips, more cute earrings and next month I'm buying two new pairs of glasses as accessories!

Thanks again!
Re: Hello everyone! I’m a newbie…here’s my story

Your hair looks nice. I'm sure it'll grow back to your current length when you fully transition.
Oh, may I suggest PANTENE SLEEK AND SMOOTH for the "slip" that you may be seeking. I do condition only washes and it is really good for them.

Thanks Crysdon and thanks, Leejure, your hair is gorgeous, too!
I have used pantene before and it definitely gives a "slip." I think I will just have to go back to what works!
Thanks for all of the replies!
Re: Hello everyone! I’m a newbie…here’s my story

That's one of my favorite threads, too! Her routine was sooooo simple! I saved a copy on a Zip disk and I printed it out!