Hello everyone I am a newbie


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon everyone i had to join i couldnt take it any more. I have been stalking this site for a month now so here i am finally a member. I just wanted you guys to know that you guys are very very informative i learn something new everyday and i just wanted to say thanks for sharing
Thank you. Unfortunately i dont know to put up a pic yet but im going to get it so i can show my hair
welcome. Tell us a little about yourself.

Are you relaxed or natural? Texlaxed?

Do you have a regimen?

What are your hair goals?
welcome. Tell us a little about yourself.

I love everything Paul Mitchell and new love ORS Olive Oil Deep Conditioner

Are you relaxed or natural? Texlaxed?
Relaxed but not bone Straight

Do you have a regimen?
Yes mam.
3-4 days i use Mega tek with ORS hair fertilizer and EVOO mixed together
wash 1 day a week with Paul Mitchells Super Skinny or his Moisturizing Shampoo called The Wash
4-5 days Condition With Paul Mitchells supercharge mixed with ORS olive oil deep conditoner its the greatest feeling i tell you
Oil scalp with jojoba and oil hair with coconut oil

What are your hair goals?
I want to have mid back lenght hair
Right now im a little below the shoulders when i learn how to post a pic i will do i
Hi Kerryann! I'm a newbie too! Don't you just love this forum? I've never learned so much from one site!
Hi there,

I am new as well. I've been lurking for a hot minute. Thanks to all of you ladies - I have my ENTIRE office looking to try new things with their hair this year. I'm already indebted to you all.

Thanks again!
