hello everbody! Sorry It's Long !


New Member
I'm so glad to finally become a member, which I might add was one of my New Years resolutions to myself.:yep: Well for starter I just wanted to say I've been a lurker for a year now And I just wanted to say you ladies are a godsend:yep:. And have been such a inspiration to me I'm a 4b natural who BC'ed Feb 08 to my ear and now I'm full shoulder thanks to you beautiful ladies on this board advice even though as a lurker yall knowledge has been a big pay off for me and my progress:drunk: My sister who is a licesend hair stylist thinks you ladies are crazzy and don't believe in what yall have to say and only think bi racial or white people can have long hair :nono: But me on the other hand believe different:grin:

My mother was in the same mind set as my sister too until this Nov when I finally revealed my hair because I allways have it hidden up under wigs cornrowed all the time. And believe me ladies this is the longest my hair has ever been in my entire life. Esp in the the back which is 3 inches shy of bra strap. But when my mother saw my hair let me tell you she stop listening to my sister and now turns to me for advice as far as hair growth:lachen: Which to my surpise is funny with me being the youngest sister and all and I didn't even go to school for hair:lachen: My reggie is this I wash twice a week one co-wash one with poo deep condition twice a week moisturise once a day baggy nightly stay in cornrows using the crown and glory method for two weeks at a time maybe three if I'm lucky meaning if my braids will last that long:look: And faith fully every week I use a protien treatment with a moisture deep conditioner under the dryer for 1 hour rise and then use a leave in moisure then seal . My vitamins is biotin 10grams hair skin and nail rite aid version omega 3-6-9 b-complex beta caroten ,iron,stinging nettle msm,horsetail,vitamin c and cod liver oil ohh and I use my husband multi vit at the time because his for some odd reason has more minerals than the womens hmm goo figure:rolleyes:

But A Special Thanks To The Folowing :
Just kiya :for the salt in conditioner:yay:
Irresisable[sorry if I mispelled it ] but for the tea rise and eggs for growth:lick:
Tiffers for hawwian silky 14in1:love5:
Suri for the moe grow recipe:kissing4:

And the lovely lady that started the whole drinking till I'm waistlength challenge:kiss: Can't think of her name off hand but you are the best!
And last but not least Gymfreak cause your insight as far as healthy living is allways on point:yep: And to the rest God bless you all and thank you once again:dance7:
I just joined today too as part of my new years resolution. isnt this site so helpful? i hope your resolution will be fulfilled!
Hello and Welcome

You're probably not going to get alot of responses cuz this isn't in the hair forum.
Thanks! Please help me out how would I be able to post it there cause I was having the darnest time trying to figure it out and that where I really wanted it to be or at least that where I thought it would be posted
Although I am a Newbie myself and am very busy with hubby, babies, work and grad school I love this site and have found it invaluable in my quest toward healthy hair for myself and my beautiful 3 y.o. daughter.