Hello and help me please...

Relaxed or Natural

  • relaxed

    Votes: 26 45.6%
  • natural

    Votes: 31 54.4%

  • Total voters


New Member
Hello Ladies,

I've finally decided to stop lurking and join. I'm hoping you guys can help me make a decision about my hair. I have been natural and relaxed of and on for the past 4 yrs. I would like to stop doing the big chop (driving my hubby crazy) and just pick one. But, I'm not really sure which one looks best on me. I luv them both. I could manage them just fine. I am really confused about this! So if you ladies could take a moment to look at my pics and put your opinion on the poll (relaxed or natural), I would greatly appreciate it. I just want to know which style you all thinks fits me best. And I am so glad to have found a site about sisters doing the healthy hair thang relaxed or natural. I have some serious hair envy going on. Thank you soooo much!
Welcome :wave:

First of all, your hair looks great!

I think that you have to decide what YOU are happy with. I know that I would like to wear my hair natural, but my hair is too thick for me to manage and I don't work in an environment that if natural-friendly.

I like your hair both ways. I think that you need to figure out what works best for you and your lifestyle.
I'm relaxed but I like your hair natural. If my hair could look like that natural I would do it. But same as Webby, I don't work in "Natural friendly environment."
Thank you guys so far! I am so confused! I guess you can se why now. But, I'm sure a few more opinions will help me decide.

Champagne- who is Big June?! Too funny!

why do you have to choose ?

is what I want to know... As women we go through as million hairstyles in our lifetime...

I know I must have had at least a thousand...LOL

A man is Never going to understand that! unless is into that kind of thing....

like champagne said ... try a texturizer... best of both worlds...
I say leave it the way it is for now. Think it over and then make a decision. We can't pick your (ultimate) hairstyle for you because you have to live with it every day.

Honestly, I think you look best with curly hair. There are more ways of styling your hair straight than getting a texturizer or a relaxer.

ETA: Welcome to the board!
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Welcome, Shalilac :wave:! Your puff sold me on natural :D. Really, though, it's such a personal decision, I don't even feel right saying that. Good luck!
I love your natural hair. It's so beautiful. Do you prefer to wear your hair straight the majority of the time or curly?
"Keep it natural....you can always wear it straight"

That's one of the reasons why I decided to transition and become natural. If I want straight hair, I can get it flat-ironed or go to the Dominicans and get a Dominican Blow-Out but once I get it relaxed or texturized, my natural hair is gone. It's a matter of preference but I like the option to have the best of both worlds.
Your hair looks pretty either way.

What do you like best about both options? How do you like to wear your hair most often?
Thanks again ladies.

Honestly, I luv the texturizing idea, but I have no idea how to get one and make sure the results are consistent. The last time I went from natural to relaxed, we had a nice texturized look, except in the front, my hair was straighter. Then on the next relaxer application (12 wks later), my hair ended up even straighter, but this time all over. So now my hair is wavy in the front and curly in the back.

So how do you texturized girls keep your look consistent? Especially as your hair gets longer.
I like picture #9, you exude a lot of confidence in this pic. And your natural texture is beautiful. I think your decision depends on how you prefer to wear your hair.
Girl leave your hair alone. :hammer: I am relaxed and I voted relaxed...But after looking at your picture....Don't touch your hair. It is very (stress on "very") cute...and it fits your face. Nice pictures, but the ways.
Shalilac said:
Thank you guys so far! I am so confused! I guess you can se why now. But, I'm sure a few more opinions will help me decide.

Champagne- who is Big June?! Too funny!

Big June is the chick in my siggy, supposedly what the peeps in a defunct forum say.
You have very pretty hair. :)

I'd suggest keeping your hair how it is now, and taking some time to make a decision. I think that your hair looks nice either way, so it'd just depend on your preference.

Good luck!
Ahh, so I see you do have a delimma--you look great with relaxed or natural hair--lucky you! Because I'm newly natural I'm so leaning toward the natural you. But, why don't you start transitioning say maybe until spring and see how you feel about both textures and see which you prefer, if you still can't decide, texturizing does sound like a good option. Good luck!
weaveadiva said:
you r a cutie...i think ur hair looks nice both ways! (sorry, i know that doesn't help!)

You have a really cute face, so you can go either way. Your hair looks great both ways.