Hello all!! Im back and natural


Well-Known Member
Not for sure if you all remember me. I havent posted in quite some time. However I do lurk on here from time to time still. Over the last year I have been going thru a lot and my hair became a minor/major stress to a very stressful year...lol. So I decided that it was time for a change and that I needed to stop exhausting myself by running around looking for someone to relax my hair. So Aug 08 was the last time I put the creamy crack in my hair and I hope to never do it again. I BC'd June 22nd at 12am. I love my curls and am looking forward to learning more about my hair and myself.
I have forgotten how to post pics in here and Im sure it wont take me long to figure it out but I just put my fokti together. Its open if you want to take a look. Although I lurk at a lot at other sites this one has always felt like home. Thanks ladies!!! Enjoy my 4b curlies....:grin:

Ok I figured out how to post. Im hoping that they are not really big. If so I will try again :)

A few hours after my BC


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welcome back! :wave:
you have such a beautiful smile and you hair looks great :up:
oh, and you have pretty friends and your sister's hair is awesome :D
You and your hair are very pretty! You look like a model.. I checked out your FOTKI and your twistout was SUPER CUTE!
Thanks everyone for your replies and checking out my fotki. I hope that I can be of some help to anyone that is on the verge of going natural. I felt so liberating after I got rid of those relaxed ends. I will post what products I'm currently using later on tonight in my fotki. Thanks again for the sweet comments.
Yep I remember you too!!! Welcome back, you had beautiful relaxed hair, and now beautiful natural hair... Congrats!!
Not for sure if you all remember me. I havent posted in quite some time. However I do lurk on here from time to time still. Over the last year I have been going thru a lot and my hair became a minor/major stress to a very stressful year...lol. So I decided that it was time for a change and that I needed to stop exhausting myself by running around looking for someone to relax my hair. So Aug 08 was the last time I put the creamy crack in my hair and I hope to never do it again. I BC'd June 22nd at 12am. I love my curls and am looking forward to learning more about my hair and myself.
I have forgotten how to post pics in here and Im sure it wont take me long to figure it out but I just put my fokti together. Its open if you want to take a look. Although I lurk at a lot at other sites this one has always felt like home. Thanks ladies!!! Enjoy my 4b curlies....:grin:
I do remember you....good to see you back! I love your curls...gorgeous!
Hey bablou! Welcome back! I've missed your updates! I loved your hair relaxed and your natural hair is BEAUTIFUL! Congrats!!
Girl you are a beauty and your hair is stunning!! And you are my hair twin...so excited! Off to finish viewing your fotki and your sisters youtube...Bye!
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