HEIFERS.... Hair Care Tips

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Though I can complain, I am happy and hopeful about my hair growing back. I meet black women all the time in public who have nice, thick natural hair. I met one today, and asked her nicely what she uses. She had an attitude and initially said, "Nothing. I just let it grow." I asked her again and she finally revealed her "secret."

If you are a sister like that, please stop! You never know what tomorrow brings, and you could be next in line battling alopecia. I've met many females with this attitude as if their poop dont stink becuz they've become superiorly natural. :nono:

Forgive me if I sound negative, but I dont think the arrogance is called for, especially when alot of sisters ignorantly slap relaxers in their hair along with fungus filled hair glue at young ages. It's not a sin to be helpful towards another sister.

That is all.....

I thought we couldn't say heifer here. I'm surprised the word wasn't blocked. Or maybe its ***** (just checking to see if ***** shows up)

ETA: I guess it didn't show up :lachen:
Before I came in here I thought you were calling all the ladies heifers and asking them for their hair tips. I was ready to post the :popcorn: smiley.
I am sorry that this woman was being snooty to you. Some people are just like that so don't let it get you down. Also, because we are on the hair boards we are really into hair and giving and getting information from each other freely. A lot of women are not into hair, much less giving advice to others. Don't take it personally. She is probably that way to everybody.

On a happier note, I wish you good luck with growing your hair. :gorgeous:
She could have had a better attitude. I don't get the correlation b/w her having an attitude and being natural.
she may be a lurker or a member of another site because she told me she purchased the products online and she directed me to the site. im not posting the site/products because i feel like the owner is all about money. no need to go into detail. the sister may be registered here. if so, i hope she wouldnt be so stuck up about her big afro and hair growth.
This does not make her a bad person, and there are no secrets to hair growth - honestly. I don't blame her for giving a generic answer, perhaps people have asked this question before and when she went in depth with her reggie the asker starts in with a litany of why she can't "do all that" or that her hair ....... (insert excuse here).

Bad timing, unknown previous experiences. Honestly I don't tell people what I do to my hair (anymore) except what I share here. I'm excited about hair, but I learned a long time ago that what's important to me may not be shared by all.
There is SOOOOOOOO Much Insight, Knowledge and Willingness to Share on this Forum, I rarely, if at all have any need to ask anyone IRL what their Secret is.....:look:

All I have to do is come to this Forum and Educate Myself through Search or pm my e-Sisters.:yep:

Thanks Ladies for Always, being there and Always being Willing to Share.:yep:
^^^^ITA. I've got everything I need on here. If I have a question- I'll come here and do a search or start a thread or something. No need to ask a long haired lady IRL...you never know what they have on their mind and their reaction to you asking about their hair.
This does not make her a bad person, and there are no secrets to hair growth - honestly. I don't blame her for giving a generic answer, perhaps people have asked this question before and when she went in depth with her reggie the asker starts in with a litany of why she can't "do all that" or that her hair ....... (insert excuse here).

Bad timing, unknown previous experiences. Honestly I don't tell people what I do to my hair (anymore) except what I share here. I'm excited about hair, but I learned a long time ago that what's important to me may not be shared by all.

Hijabi, I was like, "Hi. Your hair is pretty. What do you use to make it grow that much?"

(her afro was huge!!)

So she looked at me with a look like, "who are you and why are you talking to me."

so I said, "I'm trying to grow my daughter's hair because it was damaged."

thats when she told me she uses such and such.

at first the heifer said, "i dont use anything. i just let it grow."

then she told me the product a few seconds later

she lied!!! lmao
Don't even worry about it. Now you've got us dear...head on over to the children's hair forum and get reading. :grin:
I wouldn't have even bothered asking her. Thats what this site is for. You can get all the answers you need here.
This thread is hysterical and the title has me LMAO :lachen:

illuminatiamerica, some people don't really do anything special to make their hair grow. Maybe its more of a technique than products. I say search the forums or ask people with similar hair. You can even ask here, most of us aren't heifers and don't mind answering hahahaha
This does not make her a bad person, and there are no secrets to hair growth - honestly. I don't blame her for giving a generic answer, perhaps people have asked this question before and when she went in depth with her reggie the asker starts in with a litany of why she can't "do all that" or that her hair ....... (insert excuse here).

Bad timing, unknown previous experiences. Honestly I don't tell people what I do to my hair (anymore) except what I share here. I'm excited about hair, but I learned a long time ago that what's important to me may not be shared by all.

As soon as they eyes start to glaze over, it's over. I go according to the level of genuine interest or if I see they really need some help. My favorite response. "I try to keep all my products as natural as possible and I don't handle it roughly or use heat." Just like that allinonebreath! lol
well maybe i should have taken my wig off first and scared the heck out of her?
i wrote this thread becuz she was the last straw of uppity natural sisters i meet on a regular basis.
Hijabi, I was like, "Hi. Your hair is pretty. What do you use to make it grow that much?"

Well there is your problem right there. Products don't make hair grow. Hair just grows. The question and the way it was phrased surely caught her off guard. If you had asked me that out of the blue you probably would have gotten the same short answer from me as well. And I'm not natural, nor uppity, nor stuck up. I love to talk about hair.

Next time try something like "You have gorgeous healthy looking hair. Do you use any special products or techniques to keep it looking so good?" That should get you better results.

Side note: since when is heifer a bad word (banned on this site)? I call my girls heifers all the time as a term of endearment.
Well the real secret is actually to just let it grow.

Letting it grow means to disturb it as little as possible with chemicals, heat, harsh brushing etc.

I seriously don't use any magical products, so I agree completely with her reply.

There is no hair product in this world that will make your hair grow unless you have a healthy hair regimen. It's all in the handling of the hair, not in the products IMO. I think I can honestly say that is the truth after being on this board since 2003. I've seen so many products come and go on this board.

When people ask me how to make their hair grow, they still don't want to do what I do. They don't really want to give up frying their hair on a weekly basis etc. :lol:
Well the real secret is actually to just let it grow.

Letting it grow means to disturb it as little as possible with chemicals, heat, harsh brushing etc.

I seriously don't use any magical products, so I agree completely with her reply.

There is no hair product in this world that will make your hair grow unless you have a healthy hair regimen. It's all in the handling of the hair, not in the products IMO. I think I can honestly say that is the truth after being on this board since 2003. I've seen so many products come and go on this board.

When people ask me how to make their hair grow, they still don't want to do what I do. They don't really want to give up frying their hair on a weekly basis etc. :lol:

I don't know...I did not have the bet regimen when I used megatek and my hair grew crazy fast. It was not like that before and my hair never grew that fast.
Hijabi, I was like, "Hi. Your hair is pretty. What do you use to make it grow that much?"

(her afro was huge!!)

So she looked at me with a look like, "who are you and why are you talking to me."

so I said, "I'm trying to grow my daughter's hair because it was damaged."

thats when she told me she uses such and such.

at first the heifer said, "i dont use anything. i just let it grow."

then she told me the product a few seconds later

she lied!!! lmao

Honestly, I think it's because of the way you phrased your question because that's how many women who want a quick fix say it. And we all know that hair grows and hair grows because it's a natural bodilyprocess. She probably didn't want to go into a lecture on how your hair is growing but youre not retaining length blahblahblah so she just said she lets it grow.....because she probably does. And the look....idk I defend her because everybody tells me I walk around looking mean...and I can't help it. I'm either looking mean or I look like this :grin:...so I rather look mean when I talk to strangers (don't trust ppl and can never be too safe around these parts lol)

BUT then when you mentioned the word damage, that was probably a key word. I've never heard anyone IRL address hair that way so she probably figured...oh maybe she really is interested so let me give her some advice.

This has been happening to me for the past couple of weeks cause the SAME girl keeps asking about me hair but she never genuinely seems like she wants to sit down and listen...probably thinks I have good hair and she keeps rubbin my darn scalp...so yeah she gets the mean look and I brush her off with quick comments...this may have been happening to that woman and you were the thousandth person to ask that common question about her hair that day. I would've just let it go and kept it moving...but maybe that's because I'ma jerk myself:lachen:
Side note: since when is heifer a bad word (banned on this site)? I call my girls heifers all the time as a term of endearment.

HAHAHA women/teens/gay men these days call eachother b**** as a term of endearment all the time too and same goes with the n word. Doesn't mean its not a bad word lol
it just wasnt that serious.... she just had an attitude, she not obligated to tell u.

This!!!! Thank you for saying this. Just because we have bloggers and youtubers that are willing to tell every single detail about their lives and because so many people on here share so much as well does not mean that sisterhood carries over into real life.

Truth be told I would have looked at the OP cross-eyed too if some stranger just came up to me asking about my haircare practices.

People need to stop thinking that they are owed something, and learn to do things on their own. You have this huge resource here not to mention 50-11 other forums and blogs to get info from, why bother some woman on the street.

What if she would have told you she uses pink oil and nair, would you have went and used it?

And as far as someone being uppity . . . really? It's not that difficult to grow long natural or relaxed hair, contrary to how y'all make it seem in here everyday. Before I found lhcf I never knew so many people had such difficulties and were so clueless about how to take care of their owns bodies :confused:
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