Heavy Trim or back to sew-in...


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I'm Naz. I've been lurking for awhile, but I finally got the courage to get a subscription and join you lovely folks. I have a few concerns and I want some input from people who know hair all to well.

I used sew-ins on and off for about 2 yrs and I got great growth results, but because I did not know how to care for them I suffered a lot of breakage, but even then I retained length. (GOD KNOWS HOW) Anyhow last fall I decided to revert back to my relaxed her (which was thin but down my back), but didn't care for it too well either which is why I have shoulder length hair now with terribly damaged ends.

So my question now is should I

A: Keep the relaxed hair, cut it to make it healthy and take on a regimen to grown it back or

B go back to a sew-in grown my hair out that way and utilize this forum to care for my hair while it's in there

I would appreciate any feedback. I'm at wits end here :nono::crying3:
I would go with choice A, keep the relaxed hair, cut it to make it healthy and take on a regimen to grow it back.

Eventhough you can take care of your real hair under a sew in, I think it would be more beneficial for you to give your hair and scalp a rest from it that way you can wash/DC/treat your hair as often as necessary to maximize its full health potential. Just my .02.

I agree with E2B!

I think it would be more beneficial to just deal with your hair for a while. Figure out a regimen that works for your hair. After you do that, if you decide to go back to weaves you'll have a better idea of how to keep your hair healthy under those weaves.

I personally don't do weaves or braids because they are too much stress on my hair/scalp.
I agree with the other ladies take care of your hair without the restraint and confinement of a sew in..buy some half wigs..go to youtube and see how to work them...you take it off every night and you can give most of your hair a break from daily combing but also you whole head can benefit during the wash and conditioning process...My favorite youtube channel muffinismylovers....that's her screen name ...take a look her real hair is almost below bra strap length.
You want to keep the manipulation and tension in the back to a minimum.

Do updos and other things besides the sew-ins until you get it healthy again.
They both seem like good options to me. I am growing out my hair with option B, but doe what you feel works best for you. One question, How short would you cut it? Would you feel comfortable dealing with your hair at that length? Just something to think about. Best wishes and HHG!
i would cut it just to the shoulder, it's in layers due to the uneven way that it grows. I guess it wouldn't matter about comfort honestly, I just want it to be healthy as it once was . We do what we must, right?

In agreement with Esq.2b.

I would not put the weave in and just maintain my own hair. You can wash, DC, co-wash to its full potential. You can also still wear protective styles with your own hair.
I would think "A" would be your best option as you do not want to aggravate any existing damage by stressing out your hair with a sew-in...

I say A. Learn your hair for awhile, figure out a regimen, and get it back healthy. Then if you want to go back to sew-ins you'll be better equipped to take care of your hair.
no need to cut! i'm growing out uneven-ness myself, but instead of wearing a sew-in, i'm pinning my hair up into a bun everyday.

if you want length, keep your hair as it is, go with a sew-in, and browse the site on tips on how to maintain healthy hair underneath a sew-in. lots of ladies have done this and had great results.

if you're trying to grow your hair out, there is absolutely no need to cut if you're just going to hide your hair, in my opinion. hope that helps.
I would go with choice A, keep the relaxed hair, cut it to make it healthy and take on a regimen to grow it back.

Eventhough you can take care of your real hair under a sew in, I think it would be more beneficial for you to give your hair and scalp a rest from it that way you can wash/DC/treat your hair as often as necessary to maximize its full health potential. Just my .02.

I agree with her. I would not subject damaged hair to a sew in. I would cut it & baby the heck out of it and IMO you can't properly do that in a sew in.
i def think u should go with choice A, it will be easier to manage and you will actually be able to see how ur hair is reacting to all the treatments and what is working for you and what isnt working for you.
good luck

I agree with @cicilypayne, you can either cut the damaged parts of your hair off and start anew, or keep the damaged ends (as long as you start taking care of the rest of your hair from hear on out)and then maybe cut the damaged ends off at a later point. If you want a style change then I would look at half or whole wigs, and yes muffinismylovers in the business! Wigs are a nice option b/c you can still take care of your hair with condishes and treatments and can change your style daily/weekly whatever with a new wig style.
All right ladies. I see where you're going with this. FINE, I will do as you say. I leave my hair and it's well being to what you all say. Thankfully I was brave and took a bit off the ends, moisturized and baggied for a few hours and VOILA...the hair came out perfect. I was able to seal with some olive oil for the night and it was almost cool to the touch. Thanks so much girls. I'm finally figuring out what exactly my hair likes and what it doesn't. It seems to do well with air drying in twists and baggied the same way. WHO KNEW? Now if I could only come up with a good regimen and most importantly a SIMPLE ONE. Any suggestions...I've slowly been building (buying really) up to start something similar to Sunshyne's here at: hairlicious.blogspot.com/2008/03/har.html
What do you guys think? Moisture/Protein balance sound good?