Heavy Protein before or after relaxer?


Well-Known Member
do u think its more important to do a treatment, say the week before a relaxer so it will be strong enough to withhold the chemicals, or a couple of weeks after to stop any breakage u may be getting, or both? Im confused since most say only to use one every 4-6 weeks, but many do treatments before and after relaxing and some even get one during the relaxing process(immediately after). what do u think is best for the hair?
For me, I think it's most important to do a heavy protein BEFORE relaxing because I want to do everything possible to prepare my hair and have it as strong as possible before the chemicals. If the relaxer is properly applied, then shouldn't need heavy stuff after and I do a mild protein the first wash after (I've started doing a protein/moisture treatment that first wash after by mixing a mild protein with a moisturing conditioner -- my cocktail is a 50/50 mixture of humectress and keraphix).

On the other hand, if the relaxer is improperly applied, then may need to do a heavy protein sooner, like a couple of weeks post relaxer to help prevent breakage. But I ALWAYS do the heavy protein BEFORE relaxer on the girl scout's principle that PREPARATION before is the key, rather than damage control after.
thx, I have some of that too! Im gonna use it the wash before(probably 5-7 days bc my scalp is sensitive) and then Ill use it a week or two afterwards.

or do u mean u use it right after relaxing?
I guess I'm a little different than everyone else
I do a heavy protein treatment immediately after relaxing, even before I wash with shampoo. I use Motions Protein Reconstructer, and I've never had any problems with breakage, even up to my next touch-up
That's a good plan LeoLady...I was using Motions CPR right before and after a relaxer. But my relaxers don't take too well these days...I am using Motions, but I have added Nexxus Emergencee to the rotation. I use it right after and a combo protein-moisturizing right before.