Heaven is for Real movie: Another Perspective

Thanks for sharing, @Belle Du Jour

While I definitely believe people can have genuine spiritual experiences, especially when on the brink of death (or death and then resuscitated), I would not base my theology or understanding of Heaven on the child's experience or vision.

Humans can err, as a matter of personal interpretation, perception, etc. especially a three year old kid. This is why God gave us infallible Scripture and the teachings of the Apostles with His stamp of approval. Even among the greatest saints and their spiritual experiences, the Church doesn't require us to believe in them (though after investigation and Church approval, we can at least get assurance that said experiences/visions do not contradict the Faith).
Thanks for sharing. That commentary is kinda....??? Someone irreverently rebuked the Msgr. Where they do that at? :rolleyes: And he's right, we cannot base heaven and the 2,000 year old tradition of the Church based upon the "musings" (my term lol) of a pre-schooler. We have to be very careful about any private revelations because of the tendency of the mind to cloud judgement. The human psychology can be a very dangerous thing...yet, it is a g-d-given wonderful thing if sane. We go by tradition because it is outside of ourselves. I'm wondering if Medjugorje is a total farce. I hope not, but then again, there has come theological error or something of the sort (not sure which) from Ivan.


This!!! Private revelation can be dangerous. Tis one reason I reject anyone's correction of myself via their own personal desires named "G-d told me." He's quite capable of telling me Himself, esp. if someone is outside and not covered under our Magisterium.

Ex., someone once told me that the L-rd woke her up to call me and tell me I had the spirit of witchcraft (because I was not deferring to every whim of my husband and had discussed with this lady's daughter, my best friend at the time). I was hurt by that, wondering why on earth she would say such a thing and mind you, nothing any sound catholic would ever say. There were serious financial problems so why someone would tell me I was basically evil escapes me :nono: The fact is that this lady was causing discord in her home by persecuting her husband for being faithful to the RCC and not leaving for the evangelicals. :nono: That was not private revelation that is universally applied. Our Church is universal. Same with people having marian visitations. It all has to be vetted under authority of the Church.
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Thanks for sharing. That commentary is kinda....??? Someone irreverently rebuked the Msgr. Where they do that at? :rolleyes: And he's right, we cannot base heaven and the 2,000 year old tradition of the Church based upon the "musings" (my term lol) of a pre-schooler. We have to be very careful about any private revelations because of the tendency of the mind to cloud judgement. The human psychology can be a very dangerous thing...yet, it is a g-d-given wonderful thing if sane. We go by tradition because it is outside of ourselves. I'm wondering if Medjugorje is a total farce. I hope not, but then again, there has come theological error or something of the sort (not sure which) from Ivan.

JB, I believe Medjugorje has been denounced by the bishops, and that Irish woman, "Maria Divine Mercy" has been denounced as well.

There might *possibly* be hope for Garabandal, but I'll check on it to see what the Bishop's ruling has been.
And I don't say what I said about my friend to harm any non-catholic ladies reading this, but to point out the reasoning behind how dangerous private revelations can be. There was nothing - absolutely nothing - holding my friend's mother from attaining salvation (in the end) within the RCC. She had been given the sacraments.