
New Member
I want to increase how much I wash my hair, but I would need to blow dry it. What product can i use that will help keep the heat from damaging my hair. Would using the heat everyday damage my hair. What hairstyles can I wear other then buns and ponytails (hate wearing hair pulled back) Braidouts and twistouts take to long to dry because my hair is super thick especially when I am strecthing. TIA
Do you like wigs or even half wigs maybe with a cute head head. I have a pic in my fotki of a nice one I think atleast. That will help with not using the dryer daily and you could still wash it. But yea overall I think the blow dyer will kill ya hair slowly even with a protectant.
No I don't like wigs. I think I might start rollersets and then wraping and do it every 3-4 days. ANY MORE SUGGESTIONS?!