Heat-Users Support Thread


New Member
Anybody here use heat (relaxed/natural) sometimes or alot and have good experiences with it? Um, I co-wash, deep condition and use heat about twice a week right now and mah hair isn't breaking off, thinning, ends splittin/frayin, etc. It's actually thicker and gaining length at a good pace. I'm just wondering.:look:

I've already heard the "It's bad for you", "It's STILL damaging", "I wouldn't use it that much", "I don't use it at all" arguments. You can keep posting in those other threads with that.

To every poster/potential poster: I think using heat and not using heat are both great techniques. It's just a matter of what works for who. I'm just trying to congregate all the "Who" of this "What":yep: So let's keep it positive. This isn't a "Non-Heat Users" bashing thread either. :naughty: :brucelee:

I'm just looking for some "Heat aint the debil" soldiers, if there are any. :lachen:What's your reggie? What's your progress? What have you learned? Please share.:yep:

Say it with me "I use heat, and dammit I like it!"
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I'm not afaraid of heat at all. I'm not using too much heat ow cause my hair is still short and don't look good because of the lenght. But when i have longer hair i will be using heat frecuently, depending on my mood.
I use heat about once a week and my hair thrives with it. The straighter I keep my hair the better otherwise it will get dry and break off. I use ceramic flat irons, heat protectant, and good technique.
Anybody here use heat (relaxed/natural) sometimes or alot and have good experiences with it? Um, I co-wash, deep condition and use heat about twice a week right now and mah hair isn't breaking off, thinning, ends splittin/frayin, etc. It's actually gaining length at a good pace. I'm just wondering.:look:

I've already heard the "It's bad for you", "It's STILL damaging", "I wouldn't use it that much", "I don't use it at all" arguments. You can keep posting in those other threads with that.

I'm looking for some "Heat aint the debil" soldiers, if there are any. :lachen:What's your reggie? What's your progress? What have you learned? Please share.:yep:

You're so funny! When I first joined the board I thought heat was the devil too. But I think every head is different and you should listen to your hair. But at the same time, there is nothing wrong with taking heed to other's people's warnings. Not everything my dear Grandma warned me about was correct but 90% of it was. I think the anti-heat campaign wasn't meant to keep us from looking our best, but more of a good will intention from people that have been through setbacks (and heartaches) due to heat use.

With that said I don't have a problem with heat at all. I rollerset twice per week, and flat iron almost every other day.

My reggie:
I use a moisturizing shampoo (keracare, mizani, biofusion, etc)
I DC with my steamer with each wash (kerecare or biofusion)
After DC I use a rinse out conditioner (keracare)
I use a dime size of leave in (kerecare. I triple condition)
I use a quater size mizani thermasmooth serum
I henna every other wash day.
Roller set, flat iron.

During the week I might flat iron every other day or I might flat iron everyday with no problems. BUT because I wash and condition my hair so much, I'm never flat ironing dirty hair. If I go a week or more without washing my hair and I try to flat iron, it will start to break.
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I have been going without heat for the past month or so, doing braid outs. However, my hair in the back is brushing my shoulders, so I really think that braidouts are not a protective style for me right now.

So. I just think that if I'm going to have to do buns/phony ponies, then I'm going to have to use heat once a week. I have not been able to make air dried hair look neat pulled back!

I haven't noticed that my hair was breaking off using heat once a week.
I went on a heat-free diet for about 6 months and it didn't do me any good. I started using it again about 2 months ago, and i'm transitioning so i need it, otherwise i'd look a mess. Right now i'm using it once every 2 weeks after i wash my hair. Just a flat-iron though. I can't blow dry aswell otherwise my ends feel a bit dry.
I think heat is only bad when its direct heat - i.e. a blow-drying comb being yanked through your head or over zealous use of flat irons and curlers. Personally I am transitioning now but when I was relaxing I had to roller set to get that soft bouncy look. Air dying just did not cut it for me. Even now when I wash my hair in my weave I still sit under my hood dryer to dry my hair under the weave as I do not like matting or that mildew smell. I think you just need to do what works for you. I also think our fear of hear on the hair boards stems back to the 80's & 90's when everyone was using their hot curlers on a daily basis and ending up with no hair.

Like all things heat should be done in moderation.
i have learned the hard way the rollersetting and over moisturizing will JACK my ends. every time. :wallbash:

My hair got to just touching MBL at its longest with me using heat on the regular.

My reggie - I wash every 2 weeks and relax when I see enough NG (2-3 months)

Shampoo/treat scalp with Rite Aid Coal Tar Shampoo (leave on several mins)
Shampoo with Paul Mitchell Lavender Mint Moist Poo
Condition in shower with shower cap with PM Lavender Mint Moist Con (heavenly!!! Gives sooo much slip and moisture)
*If I use protein I will use aphogee 2 min or mix an egg with con and sit under dryer without a plastic cap. I only do this on rare occasions tho*
Apply Paul Michell the conditioner leave in
Apply Fantasia IC Heat Protecting Serum

Sit under dryer until 80 percent dry

Blow Dry with Cricket blow dryer
Flat Iron with Chi

Either use flexi rods or wrap at night. Cover with silk scarf

Apply Fantasia as needed throughout week (usually every 4 days)

That's it. If you can't tell my hair loves silicones and gets weighed down easily so I stay away from oils)

In 06 I had a bad bleach job and my hair was 1 inches in some places, but mostly just touching SL and super damaged. I grew my hair to longer than APL and healthy in 1 year using heat so if it aint broke, I aint fixin' it lol
My hair USED to be more dry when I didn't use heat. But that was before I found the right products. Now my hair and ends are soft either way. I just haven't figured out how to smooth things out without heat at this point.
:grin: i loooooove me some heat :grin:

I usually wash and deep condition my hair once a week. I used to blow dry on high/hot heat but it seems like air drying and finger combing is doing better than blow drying it with the comb. Last year I used to flat iron my hair almost every other day and it's odd because my hair grew more during that time than it has in the past, but now I've cut back to once a week. :drunk:
That's funny about the blow dryer vs. hooded dryer. For me... I feel my hair/scalp gets a LOT more heat sitting under the hooded dryer for 35 minutes than by brushing through with my chi rocket with comb attachment for about five minutes.
That's funny about the blow dryer vs. hooded dryer. For me... I feel my hair/scalp gets a LOT more heat sitting under the hooded dryer for 35 minutes than by brushing through with my chi rocket with comb attachment for about five minutes.

Very true. That's why Im usually only under the dryer for 10 mins or less before I blow dry. But blow drying from wet will jack my hair.

If I rollerset, I have to sit under the dryer for 2+ hours. THAT'S a lot of heat!
That's funny about the blow dryer vs. hooded dryer. For me... I feel my hair/scalp gets a LOT more heat sitting under the hooded dryer for 35 minutes than by brushing through with my chi rocket with comb attachment for about five minutes.

My scalp actually gets a lot more heat when I use my blow dryer...idk if it's because my boyfriend always wants to talk to me while i'm sitting under the dryer so I always have to stick my head out from under it (whaaaaa? what did you just say? i mean you're talking like you're sitting right next to me). But I enjoy my blow dryer more than my hooded dryer because I can part my hair where I want and direct the heat to wherever isn't drying fast enough.
I never thought I would see this thread:lachen:

Hot girl checking in. Being here 2+ years with no progress to speak of makes you re-evaluate some things. I am very slow, but duh, my hair does not like to be airdried. At all. And yes I have tried every technique in the book.

In an act of rebellion, I found out that my hair actually does well with heat. In Sep I was so fed up with not making any progress that I said, fuhgeddaboudit I am going back to washing, dc ing weekly and using my flat iron. Fast forward to now, my hair is doing just fine. I am growing and retaining.

My rules for using heat:
Only on clean deep conditioned hair. One pass with my Solia.

Wash every 5-7 days. Deep condition for 20-30 min under the dryer. Apply leave in, twist hair up sit under soft bonnet dryer for 30 min. Apply heat protection and flat iron.

Thanks for starting this thread OP!
I'm checking in! I use heat once every week or two, whenever I wash and deep condition. I also blow dry after airdrying my hair about 70%. I then flatiron and maintain by wrapping or flexi rods. Yep, heat works for me.
Whenever I air dry completely my ends are ususally rough and brittle to the touch so I prefer to blowdry. But, every now and then I still throw in a braidout or a wet bun. :)
I've been blowdrying for 5 weeks now. My hair looks and feels better. My ends don't seem any worse than they were when I was doing low/no heat. I do DC with cholesterol for at least an hour when I wash and use a leave in daily.
I don't really use heat but I don't think direct heat is the "devil". I washed and rollerset all this year and didn't need heat for my styles.

I will probably be using a lot more heat next year because I need to learn to flat iron. A lot for me is like once or twice a month.
Thanks for publicly admitting your love for heat ladies!:lachen: It's about time some us "Hot Girls" (SelfStyled term :lol:) spoke up. All hair ain't alike :nono: So I'm looking forward to learning some things (tips, advice, stories) from you. Thanks again!
Yeah :lol: I might as well have started a thread about hot combing a one-month old baby's hair. It's just as appalling...:lachen:

I never thought I would see this thread:lachen:

Hot girl checking in. Being here 2+ years with no progress to speak of makes you re-evaluate some things. I am very slow, but duh, my hair does not like to be airdried. At all. And yes I have tried every technique in the book.

In an act of rebellion, I found out that my hair actually does well with heat. In Sep I was so fed up with not making any progress that I said, fuhgeddaboudit I am going back to washing, dc ing weekly and using my flat iron. Fast forward to now, my hair is doing just fine. I am growing and retaining.

My rules for using heat:
Only on clean deep conditioned hair. One pass with my Solia.

Wash every 5-7 days. Deep condition for 20-30 min under the dryer. Apply leave in, twist hair up sit under soft bonnet dryer for 30 min. Apply heat protection and flat iron.

Thanks for starting this thread OP!
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So for those who have joined challenges...how will you work out using/not using heat...depending on if they allow it? Me..I think I'll just keep my heat usage to myself.
I'm more of a curling iron girl more so than flat iron, I do like the quick convenience of nice curls. That being said even I've used a flat iron this year (more than I would normally advocate). :blush: I would never go back to using them every day, but I understand how to use heat correctly now and not to abuse heat so I'm not worried about using heat appliances anymore.

Knowing this I ran out and bought some Kerastase Ciment Thermique. It's a heat activated reconstructor and it is excellent I will never attempt to straighten/curl without it. Yes it's expensive, but it's worth it. http://www.lookfantastic.com/hairca...tase-resistance-ciment-thermique.html#reviews
I'm trying to see if they sell it (Kerastase Ciment Thermique) locally like in Sally's, for example. Otherwise, I'll have to order it from Amazon.com for $28. Is that the normal price?

I'm more of a curling iron girl more so than flat iron, I do like the quick convenience of nice curls. That being said even I've used a flat iron this year (more than I would normally advocate). :blush: I would never go back to using them every day, but I understand how to use heat correctly now and not to abuse heat so I'm not worried about using heat appliances anymore.

Knowing this I ran out and bought some Kerastase Ciment Thermique. It's a heat activated reconstructor and it is excellent I will never attempt to straighten/curl without it. Yes it's expensive, but it's worth it. http://www.lookfantastic.com/hairca...tase-resistance-ciment-thermique.html#reviews
I have to admit - I tried the no heat thing for awhile. It thickened up my new growth but did nothing for the rest of my hair. Now I see that for my hair, in the winter especially, I do SO much better with heat. I plan on flat ironing twice a month until the spring and now that I know how to do it right, I know I will do much better with retention. Being on the heat!!! :mwahahafire:
I'm trying to see if they sell it (Kerastase Ciment Thermique) locally like in Sally's, for example. Otherwise, I'll have to order it from Amazon.com for $28. Is that the normal price?

I'm not sure about the US but over here Kerastase is only sold in reputable hair salons, so I tend to buy their stuff online at a reduced price. Yes the $28 sounds about right I'm afraid.
Lady Raider, I use Redken Smooth Down heat protector, and I also spray the Pink Fantasia on my ends.

IA Geechy - let's keep this thread positive. I was not trying to knock those that don't use heat in no way- scout's honor. I like the way you put that..... It's just a matter of what works for who. That is so true! I wish airdrying would have worked for me. I think that is why I stuck with airdrying for so long- I am lazy, and it was so much easier for me to airdry in a pony.
Sorry Self-Styled.:giveheart: When talking about thread-bashing, I wasn't referring to your post. I just wanted to put it out there, to everyone in general, since I missed the opportunity to do it in my original post.:yep: I know how far these type of threads can veer off course.

BTW, I moved that comment to my original post...

Ooooooooooookay. Moving on.:look: How about that heat?:grin:

Lady Raider, I use Redken Smooth Down heat protector, and I also spray the Pink Fantasia on my ends.

IA Geechy - let's keep this thread positive. I was not trying to knock those that don't use heat in no way- scout's honor. I like the way you put that..... It's just a matter of what works for who. That is so true! I wish airdrying would have worked for me. I think that is why I stuck with airdrying for so long- I am lazy, and it was so much easier for me to airdry in a pony.
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I love you original poster! :grin::lachen:

I don't have regimen for heat use because I scared and ran away from it. Going to read this post tho.. but ty OP and posters. :yep:
I am so happy to see this thread. I used to used heat once a week after I wash and deep condition and my hair was doing just fine. Then I decided to try a no heat for 12 weeks personal challenge. I was keeping my hair under a 1/2 wig but after 3 weeks I got to the point where I just wanted to snatch that thing off my head. So I did a braid out last night and it did not come out cute this time :sad:. So I said *** this, pulled out the blow dryer and flat iron! I am going to keep my ends tucked under in a bun.

I think for me it will be important to keep my hair off my clothes since I am shoulder length. I will be using heat twice a month and alternating with the 1/2 wigs until summer. Heat isn't the devil when used correctly :grin:
I always use a heat protectant either CHI or KeraCare :lick: