Heat-Free Sleep Friendly Curls from a Paper Bag..?


New Member
I saw this video today and it looks like a great alternative to curling irons (heat) and flexirods aka sleep deprivation.

The girl that made the video is Asian (the Hello Kitty bags are so cute! :lachen:) but I think it will work on AA hair b/c I remember my mother mentioning doing this when she was younger....

I bet relaxed girls could do damp hair so long as their roots dried straight, and maybe naturals could try a dry set on flat iron or stretched hair..?

interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ill try it on my sister and you definetaly can sleep with it because it paper its not hard like rollers or flexi rods. Good post!!! Thanks!
I saw this video today and it looks like a great alternative to curling irons (heat) and flexirods aka sleep deprivation.

The girl that made the video is Asian (the Hello Kitty bags are so cute! :lachen:) but I think it will work on AA hair b/c I remember my mother mentioning doing this when she was younger....

I bet relaxed girls could do damp hair so long as their roots dried straight, and maybe naturals could try a dry set on flat iron or stretched hair..?


my mom used to curl her hair as a teen with paper bag strips or paper towels and it looked nice.
it looks similar to those rag curls...i forget what it's called...but when they use cloth instead of paper

eta: it came out pretty tho
Yep, it would work :yep: I've seen people use a lot of creative stuff to make rollers even pencils and cans. The trick is just trying to get them to stay in place. There's also a YT video of a young lady using silk scarves as rollers.
This is very old school. My mom used to do this and so did I. It's basically rag curls using paper instead of cloth.
I've never tried this but it looks good, I don't think I could use this w/o heat, I'm 100% natural; I don't use heat at all, maybe later when I hit waist length.
This brought back memories of sitting in my grandmama's kitchen the night before Easter. She used to press my hair and the pull out the "Red and White" grocery bags. When I'd wake up the next morning I'd have a head full of curls and leave the house with the threat of getting by behind beat if I went outside and sweat my hair out. :grin:
Wow! This brought back some serious memories, That is all I used to use as a teen, the Pink rollers used to hurt to sleep in, so this is what my Mom taught Me.
Dang showin' my age, O Well! It is what it is!
I'm going to try this as soon as I can, my only worry is about my ends not getting curled. I've heard of this method but this is my first time seeing it.
That's awesome. I would try it, but I do not think my hair is long enough for that to work. Plus, that would be a whole lot of paper I would have to cut up. :-/
That's awesome. I would try it, but I do not think my hair is long enough for that to work. Plus, that would be a whole lot of paper I would have to cut up. :-/

It is. I did it when my hair was shorter than yours.

You don't have to cut the paper, you can tear it. AND you're not limited to paper bags... you can use regular notebook paper. I used to twist mine up to give it bulk then go to town. :)
Hmmm, I've heard and seen this with a friend's mother. But for her, she'd use some good ole fashioned baby wipes. I had NO idea about it, until she showed me some of her childhood pictures. At first they looked like ribbons until I asked why did her mother put some HUGE white bows on her hair when you couldn't even see any darn ponytails hanging out of them LOL!! I was quite embarrassed when she explained it "Chile way before your time we'd curl our our using some good ole brown paper sacks from the grocery store!!" Says using the baby wipes was like a way to dampen the hair slightly to make it a smoother set. I have never heard of using these in that fashion at all until she told me. And never even attempted to try.
yes my mom did these to me. i even have a pic of them in my fotki. the curls came out nice but they were done on blowdried hair.