
New Member
I flat ironed my hair 2 weeks ago for the first time since my BC 1 year ago and I believe I have heat damage now. :cry: I have a bunch of straight pieces that won't curl at the ends and it's super frizzy - just looks like a puff ball.

I used a maxiglide on max temp and I didn't use a heat protectant, plus I also had vaseline in my hair from heavy sealing. After reading what I just wrote, I know I deserve a :whipped:and every ounce of heat damage I've incurred.

I attached 2 pics - how bad does it look? It's mainly just the top. I haven't washed my hair yet since I flat ironed - should I wait and assess the damage then or it won't make a difference? I normally use no protein in my regimen but I'm thinking maybe I should try Aphogee 2 Step Protein Treatment and Balanced Moisturizer or perhaps the Intensive 2 Minute Keratin Reconstructor. Does this sound like a good idea or should I wait and assess the damage after I wash with my normal regimen/products? Please help!


  • Heat 1.jpg
    Heat 1.jpg
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    Heat 2.jpg
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Your heat damage (if that's what you have) doesn't look bad to me at all. But I would definitely wait until after it has been washed before determining if it's damaged or not. Nice hair BTW. I'm curious though, if you haven't washed your hair yet, then why do you think you have heat damage? Have you just been spraying your hair with water for it to revert?
Thanks! You can probably see what I'm talking about better in this pic:


The bottom half of my hair curled back fine but as you can see at the top, it just looks frizzy with no curl definition and the straight pieces. And yes, I just sprayed it with water and added gel.
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Your heat damage is not bad at all. Always flatiron your when its clean and conditioned. Also try doing a protein treatment to see if the damage can be reversed.
i believe those pieces may revert after a protein treatment. don't fret hun.

and you deserve an arse whuppin for not using heat protectant, lol.
I say wash it, deep condition and re-evaluate your hair. If you still believe you have heat damage, then next do a protein treatment to see if that will help your hair revert to its previous state.
Moisture, moisture, moisture! I had this too and complained about it constantly. Moisture will take care of frizz. You're hair doesn't look that bad really. ITA with all the ladies that responded to do a protein treatment and then DC. If it's still acting up you can plop your hair and that helps with curl definition.
Thanks guys! :bighug:

I think I will wash it first and follow my normal regimen before I do a protein treatment. Hopefully it was all in my head. :drunk:
If you used vaseline a.k.a petroleum/mineral oil and you just wet the hair or co washed it you are going to end up with straight or not fully reverted pieces. I never knew just how strong mineral oil was at blocking moisture until I tried to press with it and then eventually did a co wash. The minute I clarified my hair it was right back to what it was.
don't worry about heat damage, i know i may sound crazy, but welcome and embrace the damage you've done!

last year in April, i heat damaged the right side of my hair, a good few inches of hair, went from 4b to like 3a lol, and i didn't cut it, just left it, it's still there til this day.

and you know what, that side of my hair has retained better than the left, it doesn't break half as much and it doesn't get SSKs.

on many occassions i've considered purposely heat damaging the rest of my ends to help with retention, but hey, that's just my experience.

just moisture moisture moisture, and all shall be fine :)
A lot of people have a finer/looser texture in the crown. If you straighten in the future, turn down the heat for that section. I think your hair looks good and I wouldn't have noticed it had you not said anything. Like everyone else said, I think it's recoverable.