Heat and Rollersets


The Credit Countess
Does heat set a roller set better then airdrying. I am a rollersetting, airdrying person, but I am starting to wonder would heat make my rolleset last longer.

What are your thoughts on this
I think the heat does set the rollersets, IMO. I believe your curls would last longer if you use heat.
So I wonder could I use heat for like 1/2 hour and then air dry the rest of the way. I usually airdry my hair over night.
I have half dryed my hair and let it airdry the remainder of the way, it was smooth, but a little frizzy,
For me, the heat did not make a better longer lasting rollerset, my hair just dried quicker.
heat made my roller set infinately better. i air dried overnght the first time and i got a frizzy curly mess. i dried with a hood the second time, and it was a lot better
Yes, I think you should sit under the dryer for like 20 min, then let it airdry the rest of the way. This is exactly how I do my rollersets. And my hair has never come out frizzy or anything. I like it, you should try it!:)
I use heat and my rollerset last almost 5 days last week. I have a Pibbs and use med-low heat and it is like a big ole fan.
I prefer to dry under my bonnet dryer, but you may try (as you mentioned) drying under the dryer for the first 20 or 30 minutes just to "set" the rollers, but make sure you have enough time for the rest of the night to air dry. That's where the frizziness comes in if you air dry and when you take the rollers out and it's not all the way dry.

I recall when I had a LOT of time to air dry a rollerset once, it seemed to me that it came out much softer to the touch and bouncier though.