

Well-Known Member
So many are battling diseases that I believe are curable. God have provided the answers.

I will start by saying first get the sludge out your body, and in tandem nourish and alkalinize your body. Next add, exercise. And remember God is first. Study and prayer.
Great post, and Amein.... staying hydrated with Alkaline water is optimal for health, as well.

cup + water = Adam's Ale :lol:
Good info. Maybe one day we can have a healing thread where we discuss the spiritual reasons people are sick. I think that's what most people are really suffering from.
I was just getting ready to start a thread about health that comes from God. but I found a great article, I hope its okay to post. I thought it would be very beneficial to everyone. Its working for me.

God’s Healing

In Genesis 9:13, God sets a rainbow in the sky and says, “I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.” It’s amazing to me how He fashioned the rainbow out of the light of the sun and the water of the sky to create such beauty. Similarly, all plant life needs water and light for life. Is it possible, too, that God gave us healing promises in the rainbow of colorful fruits and vegetables that come from the earth? In this article, we’ll explore the various health benefits of fruits and vegetables by their respective colors relating to the rainbow by Michelle Irwin

Red fruits and vegetables contain lycopene, which help
fight and prevent cancer. They also contain anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants that protect cells. Antioxidants are also important to heart health. Some “red” examples include:

  • Apples, Red Cabbage, Red
    [*]Cherries Cranberries
    [*]Grapes, Red Goji Berries
    [*]Lettuce, Red Leaf Peppers, Red
    [*]Pomegranates, Potatoes, Red
    [*]Raspberries, Rhubarb
    [*]Ruby Red Grapefruit, Strawberries
    [*]Tomatoes, Watermelon
Orange & Yellow
Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables contain beta-carotene, which also help fight and prevent cancer. Beta-carotene is beneficial for the eyes, heart,
and the immune system. Examples include:

  • Apricots Butternut Squash
    [*]Cantaloupe Carrots
    [*]Grapefruit Lemons
    [*]Mangoes Nectarines
    [*]Oranges Peppers, Orange
    [*]Papaya Peaches
    [*]Pears Persimmons
    [*]Pineapple Tangerines
    [*]Yams Peppers, Yellow
    [*]Squash, Yellow Watermelon, Yellow

Green fruits and vegetables are made up of
chlorophyll, which contains lutein and folic acid. Lutein protects against macular degeneration, and folic acid is an important B vitamin that protects against birth defects. The “green” group is also critical for cell regeneration and healing. Here are some examples:

Apples, Green • Artichokes • Asparagus
• Avocados • Bok Choy • Broccoli
• Brussels Sprouts • Celery • Chives
• Collard Greens • Comfrey • Cucumber
• Dandelion Greens • Fennel • Green Beans
• Honeydew Melon • Kiwi • Lettuce
• Limes • Okra • Onions, Green
• Parsley • Peas • Spinach
• Swiss Chard • Tomatillo • Wheatgrass
• Zucchini


Blue fruits and vegetables contain powerful
antioxidants that protect cells. They also help reduce the risk of cancer, stroke, and heart disease—while slowing the aging process! Some examples include

  • Broccoli, Purple Cauliflower, Blue
    [*]Carrot, Purple Grapes, Blue
    [*]Kelp Blueberries

Indigo foods are good sources of vitamin K and lycopene. Here are a few examples
  • Blackberries Black Beans Black Cherries
  • Black Currants Black Olives Black Raspberry
  • Boysenberries Plums Prunes

Violet foods are rich in antioxidants and vitamins.
A few examples include:

  • Black Tomatoes Dulse (seaweed)
    [*]Elderberries Kohlrabi
    [*]Mulberries Passion Fruit
    [*]Purple (Red) Onions Purple Cabbage
    [*]Purple Eggplant Purple Grapes
    [*]Purple Green Beans Purple Peppers
  • Purple Plums

Just as there are seven colors of the rainbow,
there are seven days of the week. You could incorporate into your diet a selection from each color for each day of the week. Why not make
Sunday your “red” day, Monday your “orange” day, Tuesday your “yellow” day, and on down the line? Or try to eat a rainbow every day through juices,
salads, smoothies, and soups. No matter what your strategy is for eating a
variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, we can be sure that God’s gift of health is certain through His rainbow garden.Michelle Irwin is the author
of Sugar-free Raw Desserts, now available through, a great
way to incorporate items from the food rainbow into your favorite desserts!
I'm very surprised this thread isn't any longer. I just came back from the hospital and I just felt like I was gonna explode or something, so the first thing I did when I got home is pray and read The Bible. I feel calmer now.

I've been battling health issues for over 20 years now and! I'm not even in my thirties yet but I already have two chronic diseases:nono:...the other day I was going through my bills and I swear 2/3 of it were hospital bills: all kinds of tests, mental institution, check ups, name it. I try to enjoy my life as much as I can but it's just hard when you spend most of your time at the hospital instead of enjoying friends and family. I wanted to start a thread but I think this one is very good: has anyone been able to take hold of their health after battling a serious illness or disease? How did you do it? Feel free to pm me if you'd rather not share it openly.
Great thread... I hope others have insight to contribute. Just the other day I was reading the book of Matthew... Jesus healed many people... And performed many miracles. We have to remember that He is still a healer. My pastor spoke on Sunday about tapping into healing power through fasting and praying.
Oh wow... I’m glad you bumped this thread @Maracujá

I’ve been feeling like I need to be healed in my body. I’m overweight and have been so tired and depressed lately. I was just looking up YT videos on what God says about being healthy. I need to do better.
I'm one to believe the body can heal itself; for years we've been using an ozone generator to purify our water. I'm glad this thread is bumped as well, because I've fallen short of drinking water first thing in the a.m., like I used to. I'm back to doing this (glass of warm water -- working my way up to 4 glasses) and I get an energetic boost each morning. I've lost a couple of pounds and I've not yet started fasting, but this is sure a great precursor for it. Health and healing to all....
God's timing is perfect. Just before I came across this thread, I was just thinking about the power of life and death being in the tongue and that we will have what we say. Instead of saying I have (insert name of disease or discomfort here), say I have Jehovah Rapha. He is our healer. Take it one step further and touch the place on your body that needs healing and strengthening as you speak life to that issue. God bless you on your journey to renewed health.
This is a very sensitive topic for me, because I've been battling physical and mental illnesses for decades. But I've noticed that since I've been paying more attention to my prayer life, diet + exercising, things are starting to look up. I'm still overeating, but overall I've cut out most junk food, I seek alternatives instead:

* salmon burger instead of beef burger
* snacking on blueberries instead of coated nuts
* having fruit for breakfast and thanking God for food
* consuming foods with a water content 90% of the time
* eating potato chips occasionally and less fried foods
* cooking & baking more, it doesn't have to be complicated either.
* when I'm craving something sweet, I bake it myself (cheaper and healthier).

Let's keep this thread alive and continue to share tips with one another!
The timing... I ran into an angel named Jose a little over a week ago, who reminded me of the importance of stretching. His wife is in the hospital and he walks with her to keep her pressure regulated. He started telling me about stretching and how we forget to stretch upon waking..I mean, all babies and cats do it.. lol stretch/yawn/shake. It's amazing how we forget the simple, innate knowledge God had already given us to maintain good health, as we get older. I don't do yoga, but I do stretches while sitting on the bed before standing up. Our bodies weren't designed to sit for too long or stay in one place. Thankfully I have a job that requires constant walking/movement and I stand most of the time.

Jose also reminded me of the importance of magnesium, an element crucial to good health. If you eat these regularly, you'll be getting good levels of magnesium. I'm at 6 out of 10.. love avocados and almonds! But I'm not sure I'm getting enough of this essential mineral.
Top 10 Magnesium-Rich Foods
(values from the USDA):
  1. Spinach, cooked — 1 cup: 157 milligrams (39 percent DV)
  2. Swiss chard, cooked — 1 cup: 150 milligrams (38 percent DV)
  3. Dark Chocolate — 1 square: 95 milligrams (24 percent DV)
  4. Pumpkin seeds, dried — 1/8 cup: 92 milligrams (23 percent DV)
  5. Almonds — 1 ounce: 75 milligrams (19 percent DV)
  6. Black beans — 1/2 cup: 60 milligrams (15 percent DV)
  7. Avocado — 1 medium: 58 milligrams (15 percent DV)
  8. Figs, dried — 1/2 cup: 50 miligrams (13 percent DV)
  9. Yogurt or kefir — 1 cup: 46.5 milligrams (12 percent DV)
  10. Banana — 1 medium: 32 milligrams (8 percent DV)
I have some maca powder and made some cocoa with it but don't do this often; I'm more a coffee person. Does anyone take maca regularly?
While eating the right food is essential for optimal health, I believe in a holistic approach and the mind/body/spirit should all be fed the right things. In the past year, I've had to be mindful of what I'm allowing into my spirit.

The grace of the Lord Yeshua the Messiah be with your spirit. ~
^^^^Thank you so much for the reminder. Though I've taken up walking again, I really don't stretch quite enough, I always forget. But as you mentioned, I most times do feel this innate desire to stretch.

As far as food: spinach is my go to vegetable, as well as broccoli. Dark chocolate, black beans, avocados, lactose-free yogurt and bananas are also part of my staple. My doctor diagnosed me with low levels of magnesium last year, so I take supplements for it, in addition to my diet, during the cold months.

When it comes to what I let into my spirit, because my real battlefield is my mind, I've become much more vigilant. Haven't watched the news in aeons, don't read the newspapers and don't buy trifling magazines anymore. Over here, I have a few forums and threads I'm subscribed to, so I mostly check those out. Avoiding pressing the 'new posts' button helps, because you never know what title will unsettle your stomach.
@Maracujá said:
"When it comes to what I let into my spirit, because my real battlefield is my mind, I've become much more vigilant. Haven't watched the news in aeons, don't read the newspapers and don't buy trifling magazines anymore."

I stopped when I was around 12 or 13. In class, we were required to watch the news and report back. I'll never forget. A reporter with no weapon was asked to lie on the ground somewhere off in East Asia. When he got on the ground, the gunman shot him, with the tip of the rifle touching his back, on television. They showed it over and over.

Yesterday I did a dry fast. That means from the time I wake up until the time I went to bed, I took no sustenance. I had no water or liquid. I had no food. Nothing.

I like to do some kind of fast on Sundays. I am not always up to do a dry fast every Sunday. But they help me to re-set my tastebuds and to get quiet and listen to my inner voice.

I try to take very, very good care of myself.

Most importantly, it is very important to be vigilant about what you let into your life. I fail at this from time to time.

There is no [forever or always empty] void. Something will always come to fill that void. I prefer to fill the my own mind and Spirit with that which I choose. Living passively allows for others to use you for their purposes. I try very hard to live actively and live for the purposes that I consciously choose.
I sure hope we can keep this thread going. I just learned of two black women—one 30 something and the other 40 years old— that died of heart attacks in the past two weeks. The 30 something y/o has 5 children and the 40 y/o has 3 children.

The food, the stress, the lack of exercise is killing us.

Lord have mercy!
I sure hope we can keep this thread going. I just learned of two black women—one 30 something and the other 40 years old— that died of heart attacks in the past two weeks. The 30 something y/o has 5 children and the 40 y/o has 3 children.

The food, the stress, the lack of exercise is killing us.

Lord have mercy!

It is and it's really sad. I often visit to keep up to date, it's a topic that has become an obsession for me really. We often think that healthy food takes a lot of time to prepare and often times, we're already exhausted from work. So we keep overworking ourselves and then paying a ton of medical bills and for convenience food.

Cooking at home has really been the solution to my ails, it's an ongoing process but I'm seeing wonderful results already. We need to change the way we look at food: as mentioned in an Essence book on Black Women's health --> healthy food IS delicious.

Stress is my biggest pitfall as well, the only solution is to simplify life as much as possible. I don't have children right now, but from what I observe from women who do, they're mostly running these children from one activity to the next WHILE working 8 or more hours a day outside the home :Nono:. Another tip that really helps me is: stress is NOT the situation itself, it's your response to the situation.

Exercise has to do with our subconscious: we have an either/or mentality instead of an and/and mentality. Just to give an example: two days ago I had to start work at noon. But I also had to run an errand, exercise and get to work on time. So I walked to work for 1h30min. Since the recycling park is nearby my job, I just went there to drop a few plastics I had at home and then headed on my merry way to work. It was windy, but it wasn't that cold. And even so, I purchased a thick coat & some boots to remain active even during this period. It's small adjustments that reap big rewards in the end. It's crucial in this case as it pertains to our livelihood.
"The Most Frequent Command

The most frequent command or teaching in the New Testament given by Jesus was not to be holy, or to love one another but to not worry, to have no fear or to not be anxious. In fact, there are about 365 mentions of this given by Jesus which gives us at least one verse for every day of the year. We might think that that Jesus is only trying to help us to alleviate our anxieties but He is actually commanding us not to worry because it is really a lack of trust or faith in God"

Yes, stress is a thing we tend to overlook... even people who don't they are stressed and all is good are actually stressed out. It's a silent killer...A faith-based life truly is a healthy way of life...
It is and it's really sad. I often visit to keep up to date, it's a topic that has become an obsession for me really. We often think that healthy food takes a lot of time to prepare and often times, we're already exhausted from work. So we keep overworking ourselves and then paying a ton of medical bills and for convenience food.

Cooking at home has really been the solution to my ails, it's an ongoing process but I'm seeing wonderful results already. We need to change the way we look at food: as mentioned in an Essence book on Black Women's health --> healthy food IS delicious.

Stress is my biggest pitfall as well, the only solution is to simplify life as much as possible. I don't have children right now, but from what I observe from women who do, they're mostly running these children from one activity to the next WHILE working 8 or more hours a day outside the home :Nono:. Another tip that really helps me is: stress is NOT the situation itself, it's your response to the situation.

Exercise has to do with our subconscious: we have an either/or mentality instead of an and/and mentality. Just to give an example: two days ago I had to start work at noon. But I also had to run an errand, exercise and get to work on time. So I walked to work for 1h30min. Since the recycling park is nearby my job, I just went there to drop a few plastics I had at home and then headed on my merry way to work. It was windy, but it wasn't that cold. And even so, I purchased a thick coat & some boots to remain active even during this period. It's small adjustments that reap big rewards in the end. It's crucial in this case as it pertains to our livelihood.
I've been working on getting myself out of that mindset that healthy food is time-consuming or inconvenient to prepare.

Spinach is my go-to vegetable too. I buy a 1-pound bag and I steam the whole thing at one time in my stock pot, with my steamer basket. I keep it in a container in my fridge and take some out when I want it.

Today I made a big batch of chicken so that I'll have enough for the rest of the week. I sprinkled salt-free seasoning on top and baked it for 20 minutes.

I started to be consistent with taking homemade lunches to work too. I just make a wrap with turkey, a slice of cheese, mayo or hummus, and vegetables. And I stopped eating lunch at my desk so that I'm not reading emails or answering the phone while I'm eating.
Redmond has a great face mask (The Clay of 1,000 uses).. just used again today. But I use it sparingly..strong stuff.

Went to a seminar once, where one of the entrepreneurs had this to say about overall health: "In order to be healthy, you need to eat local food, that is in season."

Been living off this tenet and it's yielding great results, haven't been sick all winter. Also, being single permits me to splurge on organic food. Just the fact that I have to use the word 'splurge' for a basic necessity makes me cringe :rolls eyes:.
^^ ITA... I know a big one is ingesting local honey keeps immunity from local allergens. I've been in Georgia for more than 10 years and never developed asthma or any allergies. They have a local section of honeys at the grocery stores and occasionally I'll buy them from the farmers themselves at the local farmer's market.
Noticed that my skin has been getting really dry lately, despite me massaging it with coconut oil after every shower. The problem is not only the hard water area in which I live, but also the amount of dry goods I eat, such as too many cookies. So now I'm trying to incorporate more foods with a high water content in it:yep:. Such as cucumbers and fruits.
^^ watermelons and watercress too...tis the season

I just drank Health-Ade Kombucha for first time (lemon /ginger)'s such a refreshing drink! I'm no "health nut" or vegan, but I may make it a staple for the summer and see how it goes.
