Health Issues contributing to your hair loss?


New Member
Just wanted to know if any of you ladies are battling major health issues that are contributing to your hair loss. I mean beyond typical shedding/breakage. I'm suffering from a lot of setbacks recently which can only be attributed to my health/meds. Like for example, the clumps of hair I've pulled out over the pass weeks. The amount this past weekend was depressing.:cry: My hair was beginning to flourish to the point that I've almost made it to bsl/wsl, but, now is another story..... I'm trying not to get discouraged though. but, it's hard not to when your progress is coming out in clumps. I'm about to cornrow tonight for the next few weeks.:nono:

Thanks to you ladies on this board, I did make a lot of progress since last year, especially my mother's hair. Her hair looks better than mine, it's flourished beautifully, thanks to the advice of this board!:grouphug: .

But,now I'm really debating cutting it all off to a bob-length, or keeping it "as is" since I don't wear it down often anyway. I have RSD/CRPS which is a chronic neurological pain disorder in both legs (hair loss is 1 of many symptoms). the closest thing to compare this to is fibromyalgia, but it's not. So, to my chronically ill sisters, how do you manage despite it? whether it be hair loss from your health or med side effects, or combo of both?
protein treatments for me. i have a blood pressure problem, it was 194/110 yesterday so my job sent me home
protein treatments for me. i have a blood pressure problem, it was 194/110 yesterday so my job sent me home

hope you feel better, but I think protein will probably make my hair worse. I can literally hear my hair snap, crackle, and pop when I run a comb or my hands thru it, no joke. any other suggestions that you think might help. my mother has hpb and type 2 diabetes. it's been a little over a year since her dx, but she's been doing so much better controlling them thru diet & exercise.
someone told her to take a shot of white vinegar everyday for the hbp.
haitians know of a wild weed that we call "ascoci" in creole, it's prepared as a tea, it dramatically lowers you hbp, too much of it can lower it too much. but, I don't know what it is in english. haitian sisters, what is ascoci in english?:ohwell:
I'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through and I know how frustrating it can be because I've been there. Last summer, before I found this board I lost like half my hair because of medication (steroids) I had been taking for lupus...that's what eventually caused me to find this board.

Since I can't really do anything about the medication I take now I have been working with my doctor to make sure I'm as healthy as I can possibly be under the circumstances. So, I've gotten alot more serious about taking vitamins and eating a much healthier diet, including drinking lots of water. My diet changes have made a big difference for me and so far seem to counteract the medicine.

Anyways, I said all that to say check with your doctor and see what they say about things you could be doing to compensate for what your illness is doing to your body. Hair loss may be a symptom...but there may be something you can do about it.
I'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through and I know how frustrating it can be because I've been there. Last summer, before I found this board I lost like half my hair because of medication (steroids) I had been taking for lupus...that's what eventually caused me to find this board.

Since I can't really do anything about the medication I take now I have been working with my doctor to make sure I'm as healthy as I can possibly be under the circumstances. So, I've gotten a lot more serious about taking vitamins and eating a much healthier diet, including drinking lots of water. My diet changes have made a big difference for me and so far seem to counteract the medicine.

Anyways, I said all that to say check with your doctor and see what they say about things you could be doing to compensate for what your illness is doing to your body. Hair loss may be a symptom...but there may be something you can do about it.

I'll definitely talk to my docs. I know I need to increase my water intake and consistently take my vitamins. me losing 7lbs recently could have contributed to it, too. two of my meds make me really nauseous, so I've been tossing my cookies at least 1-2 a day. I had no idea I lost weight :perplexeduntil my doc weighed me the last visit. I can't afford to lose any weight!
KPH and Precious, you ladies both replied with protein treatments. maybe I could try that, too. But, I'm a little confused because my hair already seems really brittle, wouldn't protein make it worse? :ohwell:

what protein treatments do you ladies use? maybe I could start with a light protein, what are your recommendations on which ones to try