Heads up Naturals


New Member
NO, I am not a natural, but after looking at this fellow hair sister's website I feel like I want to be! Naturals, this site could be an inspiration to you all!

Click Here!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Her hair is gorgeous isn't it? /images/graemlins/smile.gif I'm amazed at all the styles she is able to create all by herself. I'm all thumbs when it comes to styling hair--natural or relaxed.

There are tons of inspirational albums on this site:
Natural Women on the Web

Off the top of my head, I remember Kali, Monicurl, Jetcitygirl and Cocodiva also having some really impressive photos. But there are many, many, more!
She's a cool gal. I used to go to her web page a lot. Looks like it's gotten better, so maybe I need to go back! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Oh, I love JetCityGirls album. It depicts every single step of her natural process (the great and not so great). From her ttwa all the way to a head full of long natural hair. I am going to try to do an album like that as well and put it up in about a year. I’m taking pictures now.

An album like hers is really helpful to those considering going natural because it shows all the ups and downs and how she worked through them and her growth is impressive.
I always loved her album. She was one of the first ones I went to when I was trying to decide wether or not to stay natural. She's done alot more with her album since I last visited it.
Those albums are great. And Nappturality not only shows 3c/4a hair, but also 4a/b, and 4b hair. This is great because no matter what your hair texture, there are great styles that can be done on every type of head!

I loved going to the napptural women on the web!
i'd seen the motown album but hadnt realised there were so many other albums out there /images/graemlins/smile.gif thanks sassy girl for postin them