Heads Up: Major Sebastian Products Discontinued

Paris Belle

Active Member
I hope this hasn't been posted already, but I thought everyone should know...

For those Sebastian products users, while in Trade Secret, the clerk told me that Sebastian Penetraitt, 2 + 1, Colorshines shampoos and conditioners and Potion 7 and 9 have been discontinued.

She seemed pretty sure, so if you see it around and you use it, stock up now!
NOOOOO! (breath, webby, breath)


Ok, I can live w/o Potion No. 9, but please tell me that they are only discontinuing the Colourshines shampoo and not the colourshine themselves. I don't even remember what my natural hair color looks like...that's how long I've been using colourshine... :cry3:
LadyJoli said:
I hope this hasn't been posted already, but I thought everyone should know...

For those Sebastian products users, while in Trade Secret, the clerk told me that Sebastian Penetraitt, 2 + 1, Colorshines shampoos and conditioners and Potion 7 and 9 have been discontinued.

She seemed pretty sure, so if you see it around and you use it, stock up now!

Thanks this is good information because I use these products. I love the Penetratt.
LadyJoli said:
I hope this hasn't been posted already, but I thought everyone should know...

For those Sebastian products users, while in Trade Secret, the clerk told me that Sebastian Penetraitt, 2 + 1, Colorshines shampoos and conditioners and Potion 7 and 9 have been discontinued.

She seemed pretty sure, so if you see it around and you use it, stock up now!
Britt said:

Oh Lawd...I didn't see Penetraitt...Webby feels faint
That's my staple.
Heck, I've been using it long enough, that if I could take back all the money I've spent on it...well, I could have easily bought myself a salon full of Pibbs :mad:

So, I wonder just how much of their products they are expecting to sell.
I hope the cellophanes aren't being discontinued too. Maybe someone call the company, confirm and let us know, here's the number listed on their website. I've gotta run into a meeting and I'm already late.

Sebastian International, Inc.
Woodland Hills, CA 91365
I was just as surprised as you all are! I was going to buy the Penetraitt..I ended up purchasing Emergencee.

I don't believe they're discontinuing their Colourshines line of colors, only the shampoos and conditioners.
my friend is a stylist and he told me that the products aren't being discontinued but they will only be avaliable for stylist to purchase.
atlantatiffany said:
my friend is a stylist and he told me that the products aren't being discontinued but they will only be avaliable for stylist to purchase.
So, in other words...we're going to have to go underground to get our stash? :look: :sekret:
I go to Trade secrets all the time to buy kenra and have never ever seen those products in any of their stores. Not a big loss for me since I have never seen them to try them.
Brooke007 said:
I hope the cellophanes aren't being discontinued too. Maybe someone call the company, confirm and let us know, here's the number listed on their website. I've gotta run into a meeting and I'm already late.

Sebastian International, Inc.
Woodland Hills, CA 91365

Called Sebastain company about dicontinuing of products such as 2+1 and Pentraitt as previous discuss and company said the products are still in production and their was no info the computer about discounting. Products will still be avalible to professionals which means consumers will still be able to purchase. She said that it may have discounted in specific area if the distrubtuor in that area no longer sell the products to the stores. Overall, the product is still in existance. :grin:
What does Penetraitt do? What do you use it for? I forgot all about Colorshines.. I should get one.. I still have alot of scab hair so I wasn't gonna get it highlighted again till it's all gone..I should get a colorshines instead! Do they have the colors listed online anywhere?
RushGirl said:
What does Penetraitt do? What do you use it for? I forgot all about Colorshines.. I should get one.. I still have alot of scab hair so I wasn't gonna get it highlighted again till it's all gone..I should get a colorshines instead! Do they have the colors listed online anywhere?

Pentraitt is heavy duty protein condition like the brand Aphogee. It is used about every 6 weeks and is excellet for the hair because it makes your hair strong. Many use it a week before relaxers. I heard colorshines is a good product because it does not dry out your hair. Sebastians line of products are superb. I thinks colorshines would be a good choice. Do search on the forum for hair coloring or something to see what has been said. Also, go to the offical website www.sebastian-intl.com :lachen: