Headaches due to Growth aids?


New Member
Ok so I am finally on the growth aid kick. Almost two weeks now I have been taking Bee Mine. I started a blog diary on my experience with growth aid and reflecting back on the last two weeks. I am noticing I have headaches. I do have allergy/sinus issues but I wonder if my headaches are simply due to BeeMine. BeeMine basically has olive oil, coconut oil, and sulfur in it. Anyone else experiencing headaches with growth aids? Particularly with Bee Mine? If so how long did they last and/or what have you done to relieve headaches?
I got major headaches while using MTG...i don't know if it was because i was using it too often( i used it every 2 days or so.) But I always wondered if sulphur triggers headaches in some ppl. I since ordred BT hoping for a lesser whiff of that sulphur smell...I haven't gotten it yet. i will send an update on my results of using BT.
Oddly enough, I get at least a mild headache ANYTIME I've used a new growth aid on my head. :look: Usually, it feels like lightheadness more so than sinus, and I've always thought it was because most growth aids stimulate your circulation somehow, and all the blood was rushing to my head. Or, all that massaging did it. :lol:

Anyhow. I've gotten headaches for the first couple of uses for all of them - Lenzi's Request, MT, MTG (that one might have been from the smell), Sweet Success oil, coffee oil - I think at this point, if my head didn't start to feel a lil swole after using a topical growth aid, I would assume it wasn't doing anything. :lachen:

Anyhow. I know my body, and the headaches have never concerned me/made me uncomfy, so I continued using the products (except MTG. :lachen: :nono: ). I would think that if it persists, for more than 3-5 uses (that was my personal cutoff) - I don't know. I might have to reconsider using it - long hair ain't worth a consistently sore head.

One thing I found to help, was to massage my head, starting from the nape of my neck, and working forward, keeping my shoulders and jaw and neck very loose the whole time. Besides feeling just SOOO yummy, the headaches always eased, too.

I thought BeeMine also had essential oils in it. I know certain essential oils, like rosemary, can increase circulation, and I could see how that might cause a headache.
I get headaches when I sleep overnight with any type of growth aid or indian oil (shikakai or alma) on my scalp. I had to stop doing treatments overnight. That stop my hair-related headaches.
I get headaches when I sleep overnight with any type of growth aid or indian oil (shikakai or alma) on my scalp. I had to stop doing treatments overnight. That stop my hair-related headaches.

I have been using it at night and going straight to bed. I will try putting Bee Mine on in the morning. I washed my hair last night and I didn't put any Bee Mine on because I am trying to see if my headache are due to Bee Mine. But.. I woke up again with a headache again today.
Yeah - they mostly ALL give me headaches - MN was REALLY bad. MTG just smelled. BT gave me some headaches. Im using BeeMine now - i only use it about twice a week b/c i am APPARENTLY very sensitive to growth aid headaches and have to be light with it. Now -the real questions is - did ANY of these aids help? I took tylenol to relieve them, so does that mean i stopped the blood flow and reversed the effects? hmmm.........
That is also a good suggestion using it only twice a week. Your pics look like you have good results to me. I wonder what gives the headaches. I am about to get a head massage right now! Hopefully I will feel better.
I just ordered beemine and it has a very strong acrylic sent which i thought was kind of strange. I used it twice and it didn't cause any head aches, but it really made my scalp itch. Not like I'm allergic to it, but just like something is kind of crawling on my scalp lol. Did anyone else experience this?