He Will Send His Angel Before You


Well-Known Member
This sermon is about 35-40 minutes long. I like how it breaks down how Abraham used the trajectories of God's word to determine God's will in choosing a wife for Isaac. (God did not command Abraham to go choose a wife for Isaac and one who was not a Canaanite.) Here is an excerpt from the sermon:

"For many of us life is a constant struggle, on the one hand, to know what God's will is and, on the other hand, to maintain a happy confidence that God will overcome all the obstacles that would prevent our doing it. In Genesis 24:1–9 there is an incident from Abraham's life that shows how he discovered God's will and kept his confidence strong that God would enable him to do it. And I believe that the reason God put this story in the Bible is that we might learn how to know God's will and be encouraged to trust in God's power to get it done.

I think the main point to be learned about these two things is this: we can know God's will and maintain trust in his help, if we are familiar with the trajectories of his Word"

Here is the full sermon.
Thank Angel Loo' :giveheart:

I haven't listened to the message yet, however, the title of your thread just filled my heart with so much peace.

It is so true how God indeed, sends His angels before us to protect us and to prepare the way so that once we arrive, we will see that Jehovah Shammah has been there as Jehovah Jireh.

Our Faithful God who is already there, and has made every provision for us. In Jesus' Name.

Now just imagine; if the title of your thread alone, has blessed me, how much more will the message itsself indeed? :yep:

Thank you again, Angel Loolalooh; you were right on time with this. Praise God. :yep: