He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluff!


New Member
Had a touch-up today. I was 12 weeks post and I texlax.

Anyway, the touch-up went well...(I tried Design Essentials Lo-Lye instead of the Affirm Fibreguard and loved it). Anyway after I was shampooed and conditioned, he was combing out my hair which was a breeze and it did feel farther down my back so I was really happy. I don't let my happiness show because you know they will just kick you down emotionally about it anyway, so I kept my mouth shut. So he finished combing my hair straight back shows me the comb with hair in it and says, "see this hair?...that's a sign that your ends are bad...you need a trim". First of all, there were like ten strands in the comb and I saw him remove them twice, so that is like 20 strands. I said, "What"? He said, "when you see hairs in the comb it is a sign that your ends are bad". So I said, "but I trimmed it a few weeks ago". He listened to me talk about dusting, Creaclip, the SplitEnder and had an amused look on his face. Then I said, "my ends aren't bad, I have much more hair than that in my comb at home and it's normal". Then he repeats that it's a sign the ends are bad. Then I said: "Can I have that comb?" He gave it to me. I took the hair out of the comb, separated a few of them individually, running them between my index finger and thumb. Then I say to hem strongly: "These are shed hairs".....(a pregnant moment of silence)....I said: "These are shed hairs...there's a bulb on the end".....he kind of cuts me off and says, "they may be shed hairs, but its a sign......blah blah blah..I tuned him out after that. Then I kept it light by saying, "don't worry about me I'll let you at it in about 3 inches". Then he kind of mockingly says, "3 inches..." and chuckles. It's like they can't stand when your hair care makes your hair better than they ever could. But Imagine telling me that a few shed hairs means he has to trim it....that's a new one on me!
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

You are braver than I am.:yep: I have had it with stylists in general. I just don't trust them anymore.:nono: I will not go near one so to speak.
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

That is hilarious at least you didn't fall for the okie doke! Good for you!
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

SHS will come up with anything to get those scissors in your hair. Good for you, for sticking to your guns.
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

Knowledge is power.
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

lol I hope you go back to him when you get those 3 inches. I'm so glad you corrected him, i'm sure he knew you were right....if not thats kinda scary. please keep a sharp eye on him if you do let him trim : :)
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

I love it! I can hear him now, "3 inches...hmmph! Who does she think she is?" :lachen:
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

I was told my hair was damaged because I had hair in the comb. I was like I just took off my ponytail and did not comb my hair before coming to the salon (big mistake). I hadn't comb my hair in a week, of course I had hair in the comb.
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

This made me laugh out loud. He had some nerve. Good for you!!!
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

Good for you for standing up to him. I wouldn't go back to him ever and especially not for a trim. He'll probably trim off all your progress just out of spite.
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

Any excuse to show off with a pair of scissors, lol! :nono:
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

HAHAHAAA I hope you were speaking loud too. LMAO
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

If everyone cut their hair everytime they saw their hair in the comb they'd soon be rocking a fade!
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

Grrrrrl aren't you glad you know better than that? He woulda chopped all your hair off. Lol.
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

Wow...But from what I hear so far...You let him in your head for a trim in 3 inches and you can KISS your progress good bye....
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

GOOD FOR YOU!!! You killed it for me with "when you see hairs in the comb its a SIGN its bad"....sounds like a mixture of superstition and just plain foolishness. Like the relaxer locks the hairs in the scalp.

And then for him to go on about it.....I can't stand EXTRA.

Its not about being rude or "nice nasty," but you can assert yourself, be confident in your assertion and be in control of your response and its trajectory.

I am so happy for you - go girl
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf


So true. Don't let him do it.
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

Wow...But from what I hear so far...You let him in your head for a trim in 3 inches and you can KISS your progress good bye....

ITA stay away from him, he's just sharpening his scissors so he can DICTATE to YOU how long YOUR hair should be, so he can manage it quickly and get PAID

lol I hope you go back to him when you get those 3 inches. I'm so glad you corrected him, i'm sure he knew you were right....if not thats kinda scary. please keep a sharp eye on him if you do let him trim : :)

I hope you don't go back to him, find someone else or learn to DIY-cause he's ready to sabotage your great progress, if you let him at your hair he'll just chop off 6 inches in the blink of an eye and claim he saw bad ends 6 inches up (see MzMomo's hair-tragedy in the HL thread) WATCH OUT!
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

Good for you, always a battle going to a salon now a days it seems. Everyone thinks they know what's good for your hair and most of the time the female stylist don't even have there own hair done. Last time I agreed to a trim he gave me a CUT and charged me $25 more.
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

I have been there :yep: They only difference is you said :nono: I didnt :wallbash:

I went from shoulder length to ear length in a matter of minutes. :cry4:

I would not sit in his chair again :nono:
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf


Don't go back to him and he sounds like BOO BOO the BUFFOON. Was his license given to him in LOCO lane south drive. This tops the list of WTH (What THe H E double hockey sticks) I've heard. :nono:

:nono: I agree with Lucia he will chop off any progress to show you right, Don't go back to him for trims please or cuts. *or anything
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

shed hairs = trim? well that's news to me! and for just about everyone with hair sense as well! If hair in a comb necessitated a trim, he'd have no clients, there would be no hair to style.

He's a fool for that one.

OP, please don't let him anywhere near your hair with scissors!
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

I'm so glad you took charge and stood up for yourself. IMHO, I wouldn't trust this person to continue doing your hair.
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

Didn't we all learn in grade school that the hair sheds 50-70 hairs each day on average (or something like that)? Surely a "stylist" who graduated from a state accredited beauty education program knows this. The unit on cutting must be the most fun in beauty school because these stylist act like they have flashbacks once they see a chance to cut.
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Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

Didn't we all learn in grade school that the hair sheds 50-70 hairs each day on average (or something like that)? Surely a "stylist" who graduated from a state accredited beauty education program knows this. The unit on cutting must be the most fun in beauty school because these stylist act like they have flashbacks once they see a chance to cut.

The majority (95%) of women who go to beauty schools to get serviced DO NOT go for a haircut :nono: The 4% that will allow a cut are white (My guesstimate) and the 1% of BW that will allow it, either knows the student (who's been working out of her house for years, anyway) or is from the senior home (They market low prices to the senior home so students can pratice).

Unless they do continued education classes for cutting and practice on friends or family how do they hon their skills? You do not have to complete a certain amount fo cuts to graduate :nono:

We all know not many BW line up for free haircuts from students :lachen:
Sooo when you sit in that seat.....you are prime meat for SHS who want to show off their skills (or lack there of ):rolleyes:
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

FINALLY, A HAIR SALON SUCCESS STORY!!!! im glad i can read about at least ONE lhcf'er who speaks the hell up!!!! knowing me, i would have said alot more to him lol, with a few chuckles and a wink.
Re: He said my ends were "bad" because there was hair in his comb...I called his bluf

Had a touch-up today. I was 12 weeks post and I texlax.

Anyway, the touch-up went well...(I tried Design Essentials Lo-Lye instead of the Affirm Fibreguard and loved it). Anyway after I was shampooed and conditioned, he was combing out my hair which was a breeze and it did feel farther down my back so I was really happy. I don't let my happiness show because you know they will just kick you down emotionally about it anyway, so I kept my mouth shut. So he finished combing my hair straight back shows me the comb with hair in it and says, "see this hair?...that's a sign that your ends are bad...you need a trim". First of all, there were like ten strands in the comb and I saw him remove them twice, so that is like 20 strands. I said, "What"? He said, "when you see hairs in the comb it is a sign that your ends are bad". So I said, "but I trimmed it a few weeks ago". He listened to me talk about dusting, Creaclip, the SplitEnder and had an amused look on his face. Then I said, "my ends aren't bad, I have much more hair than that in my comb at home and it's normal". Then he repeats that it's a sign the ends are bad. Then I said: "Can I have that comb?" He gave it to me. I took the hair out of the comb, separated a few of them individually, running them between my index finger and thumb. Then I say to hem strongly: "These are shed hairs".....(a pregnant moment of silence)....I said: "These are shed hairs...there's a bulb on the end".....he kind of cuts me off and says, "they may be shed hairs, but its a sign......blah blah blah..I tuned him out after that. Then I kept it light by saying, "don't worry about me I'll let you at it in about 3 inches". Then he kind of mockingly says, "3 inches..." and chuckles. It's like they can't stand when your hair care makes your hair better than they ever could. But Imagine telling me that a few shed hairs means he has to trim it....that's a new one on me!
