He Likes Me But He Is Into Black Lives Matter

DEAR AMY: There’s a guy who has made it known that he likes me. I am interested in him, too, but here’s my dilemma: We are of different ethnicities (I’m white). This is not an issue for me, but he has strong beliefs in the “Black Lives Matter” movement. In the city where we live he hangs mainly with residents who are mostly (their words) brown and black people.
I am already trying to figure out where I fit in. Some people have embraced me, while others play the reverse racism card. How do I know what he feels for me is genuine when he espouses views that openly favor people of color?

I am open to his invitation for us to get to know each other, and I really don’t care what others may say, but I am mindful of the backlash. I don’t want to face racial prejudice. How can I even attempt to have this conversation with him? Should I?

DEAR WONDERING: You state that your race doesn’t matter to you, and yet it does. Of course it does.

Black lives do matter. It would be hard to argue with this true statement about the value of human life, and the importance of acknowledging the reality and challenges of contemporary life for people of color.
If this man and his friends are racist, then you aren’t going to want to hang out with them. But if they are trying to explain themselves and their view of the world, given their perspective as people of color, then this might be an eye-opening and potentially life-changing experience for you.

You can only have this experience by diving in and having it. Talking about race is important. You could start by asking this guy to explain how he feels about people who don’t have his skin tone. Does he have white friends other than you? Do you have black friends, other than him? You may find parallels between your experiences.
I will say this for men who your wife is matters. She dictates what the kids do and what matters in the household.
I think these colorblind chicks except for black peen are the worse. These men have to give up something in the name of progress.
Exactly. BM who marry white women usually just become white. He's going with her family, her friends, the woman controls everything which is why ww don't mind taking on a blk dude because it's just him and they aren't doing black anything, let alone March. They don't care.

The BM who just have kids with them, they try to hold on a bit I notice instead of crossing all the way over to white.
The dudes that scream black lives matter, on SM all day acting as if they are the new Marcus Garvey Always have a white or Latina chick tucked secretly away. :rolleyes:

Right LOL! He's telling her he hangs out with black and brown people yet decided to date white? He couldn't find a black or brown woman in that circle? He's selling a brand of hypocrisy that's not even discreet LOL!
Right LOL! He's telling her he hangs out with black and brown people yet decided to date white? He couldn't find a black or brown woman in that circle? He's selling a brand of hypocrisy that's not even discreet LOL!
Right?! You can't find one black woman???
I have so many of these dudes on my FB page. Always posting about social justice and reform, sharing articles. Every now and then you see their mixed kids someone tagged them in but you never see the mama because they know they're full of ****. I call them out though, I don't care.
Black lives matter only means black mens lives matter to alot of these dudes. I also think what alot of them are fighting for isn't justice or reform, but to merely have the ability to sleep and procreate with non-black women in peace.
I don't think it's quite that but probably a part. White women vaginas ain't that magical, that's why they are getting left to raise their little interracial oow babies, just like black women. I think alot of black men want to rule and subjugate like white men in this country. Or black men in African countries.
Black lives matter only means black mens lives matter to alot of these dudes. I also think what alot of them are fighting for isn't justice or reform, but to merely have the ability to sleep and procreate with non-black women in peace.

Amen. Last week I was listening to a podcast that had an Asian host and black male guest. They were discussing how the kkk/nazis hold up Taylor swift as the white ideal but she won't denounce them. Black man said she shouldn't since it would affect her sales. Then he said if she wanted to do something to end racism, she should sleep with a black man since that would solve everything. :rolleyes:Some days I just can't with these bm.
"How do I know what he feels for me is genuine when he espouses views that openly favor people of color?"

IMO, this statement says it all.
This is the part that I was going to quote too. This girl shouldn't be anywhere near black people. Any black man who knows her and is still interested in her isn't for black people. I could see her telling him "you're not like them" or better yet I can hear him telling her "I'm not like other black dudes" Ugh! Why do I still let stupid things like this get my pressure up? I already can't stand most white girls. This doesn't help.
Is this guy really that into BLM and social justice? You know white people exaggerate everything. He probably reposted one meme about BLM, and suddenly he's militant in Becks eyes.

That was my thought. :lachen::lachen:

What exactly does he do that she thinks "favors people of color"? Is it saying hes against state sponsored murder? Having a group of mostly black and brown friends? What exactly is it? :drunk: