He keeps on blessing me over and over again


Well-Known Member
From unemployed and living on section 8 with a broke car to this in just under 2 yrs. God is good and can't nobody tell me different. God just blessed me with this Galant on Tuesday. And to top it off, he let me keep my Camry.

This makes me smile. Please share your testimony.

It's just been me learning to trust God. . .really trust him and not just say i trust him. April 2007 i got a temp to perm job. . .or so i thought. Sept 2007 they laid me off for budget reasons. I was mad at God for getting my hopes up.
But apparently He needed me home with my kids. I was out of work and had two toddlers and a school aged child. I did ChaCha for a while, did some mystery shopping and got unemployment. i ended up back in school full time as well.

Not one time did I have a threat of eviction(I had section 8 but still had a portion of my own to pay) I never received a turn off notice and never went without anything that we needed. God kept us. in the literal sense.

fast forward January 2009 I told God I needed to be connected with people who were about something more than the 1st and the 15th(y'all know what i'm talking about :look:) lol

So he showed me a commercial for the North Carolina Women's Conference. I looked online and the tickets were so high i thought i'd die because i knew i wasn't going.

They had a scholarship application on the website. I filled it out even though the deadline had passed. The response I got back was that there was no more funding. I said, ok God you showed me that commercial in the middle of the night for a reason but if it isn't meant for me to go, I wont go. I had a job interview that same week through the same temp service.

Someone else got the job. I was bumbed. But still greatful for what I did have. Anyway, I got another email from the conference informing me that oh yeah by the way, your ticket will be at the desk. Hallelujiah!! I was so excited I knew God was about to make moves I prepared myself. The day before the conference I got called in for a second interview with the same job that was on January 27 the day before my birthday and the conference which were on the 28th.

The first temp didn't work out. I got that job. Hallelujiah! Now remember I said I was on unemployment. Well, my last payment was Feb 9 I had gotten all the extensions I could and there was no money I ALMOST panicked but I remember that God kept me that whole time so I didn't even worry about it. I enjoyed the conference, networked with 1200 women of all walks of life who were positive and motivated to do and be better. Got to hear some awesome speakers including lisa ling, susan taylor and jean chatzy.

My start date for the new job was. . . . . . .Feb 9 Hallelujiah. seemless transitiion from unemployment to paycheck. Aint God good?!

Now when I moved into my section 8 home I had been looking for homes to buy. Not that I had the money but I knew i'd buy eventually so I went house shopping. Well summer 2009 God confirmed that I needed to take my house hunting seriously.

It seemed crazy to be looking for a house in the middle of a recession and with only 6 months of work under my belt, 5 of which were temp. I looked anyway. The house I have was great, fell in love with it. Then BOOM! someone bought it, or so I thought. The house was gone off the market and I just kept looking. My realtor kept sending me leads. He sent me an email and before looking i replied that ONE of these houses is gonna be mine. Sure enough, MY house was back on the market.

Got a fantabulous lender who got me preapproved and approved with a 4.875 home loan. Got my house for a great deal plus my fantabulous realtor got the seller to cover 5000.00 in closing costs.

Oct 9 I closed. Oct 31 I moved in. It doesn't feel new. It feels like mine, it always was.
Now, back when God confirmed that I was ready to buy a house I WANTED a car. But he told me to get the house first. So just this week, Monday, to be precise, he confirmed that I was ready to get my car, I got approved for the loan with no problem great low payments and I plan to pay this car off early as well as pay my home off early.

I graduate in August(Lord willing) with the degree He sent me to school for. God is good and I am just pleased to be his daughter. I love being blessed, but what's even better is that throughout this all, he has allowed me the ability to bless other people. It feels good. really good.
I am so happy for you!!! I know it feels good with God's hand in everything and leading you! This was soooo a confirmation to me and I thankyou for sharing how God is so real in your life. There is so much that I have been fasting and praying for. I thank God that he has made a way for me as well to go back to college and pursue my degree. I thank God that He has made a way for me to pay my bills. Like you, He is constantly showing Himself to me. I'm just waiting and holding on.
Praise Be to God. To God Be the Glory!!!!!

Congratulations. Your testimony is going to bless another person. When you first posted on here I remember what you went through. However, no matter what you always encouraged us here with the word. God is good. I am celebrating here with you!!!!!!
I have been following your posts regarding your struggles with school and finances, so needless to say I am overjoyed to read your testimony! I'm truly happy for you.
God is so good! I'm so happy for you and it makes me so happy to see when we recognize our blessings and realize how much He loves us!
You are indeed blessed. I've also read your testimonies in the past year and this is nothing but God's work in front of our very eyes; so thanks for sharing your testimony. I'm very happy for you!!!
It's just been me learning to trust God. . .really trust him and not just say i trust him. .

AMEN. This is sooooo important. I had to learn this as well and when I finally did, SO many doors opened up to me.

Your testimony is so beautiful and inspirational. I LOVE hearing this kind of thing because it just serves as an awesome reminder. Your house is absolutely beautiful!

I pray that God continues to bless you.
From unemployed and living on section 8 with a broke car to this in just under 2 yrs. God is good and can't nobody tell me different. God just blessed me with this Galant on Tuesday. And to top it off, he let me keep my Camry.

Now it's on you to pray that God grants us our needs now :grin::grin: In this blessing,you are our "older" sister. Please don't forget us in your prayers. I'm very happy for you and yours. Beautiful testimony.
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^^^^^ Everything that everyone has said above. I too have followed your story and just wanted to give a congratulations check in. High Five... God is truly great in making a way out of no way. God Bless and keep the testimonies coming...I love them
Now it's on you to pray that God grants us our needs now :grin::grin: In this blessing,you are our "older" sister. Please don't forget us in your prayers. I'm very happy for you and yours. Beautiful testimony.

I got y'all. I love to receive blessings, but I love to see others blessed as well. We are all blessed to be a blessing in some way or another. I have nothing that I can even think of to ask God for for myself anymore. he takes care of it just like that, before I even get caught up in begging and/or missing something, He handles it.

I love to pray for other people actually. Even if I don't know a person's need.