I have a relative who says that he is a born again Christian. But, everytime he gets angry or upset, he curses, using vulgar words from a to z. It is so embarrassing because he'll do it in front of anyone. I am almost to the point of not going around him anymore. Our other relatives just laugh and joke when they hear him "let er rip."

He reads his Bible, attends church almost every sunday and will witness about the salvation of Jesus Christ in a heart-beat. But, how can you shout, cry and holler when at church, but, use such filthy language, on a regular basis?

I have prayed for him, with him, and have showed him Scriptures that say that we are not to let any corrupt communication proceed out of our mouths.

Sorry to rant on like this, but, how can I help him clean up his mouth? The same God that listens at church, listens out of church too.
You can't my sister. Sometimes you just have to pray and pray and pray and live by example. I know that it hard to do sometimes, but we can't make anyone change unless they want to.
Ooo I have to share my story. I developed this nasty habit in 6th grade to fit in more. However, like most habits it became difficult to stop anhd I would curse in every sentence. Until in 11th grade, some friends and I were talking about who was a Christian and I mentioned that I was. My friend was like "You, you're a Christian?" Someone else mentioned they couldn't tell because of my filthy mouth. I was hurt. From then on I decided to clean up my language. It was a real struggle. I am so sad to say that when I was younger(like Junior High) I even used to curse when I prayed thinking it was okay because I would say things like "F" the Devil:lol: (I'm sorry I had to laugh looking back but I know that is TOTALLY unacceptable). I'm also sad to say that I haven't totally kicked the habit. I tend to curse when I'm reaaly angry mostly to my self BUT this NO excuse. It is wrong because I bless my Lord with this same mouth. Can fresh water and salt water flow out of the same fountain? NO. It is a daily struggle...old habits really do die hard. However, I have made much improvement, even others have noticed and it is now 3yrs later from when I started. I dunno maybe your relative is going through the same thing. I ask God to guide my thoughts which has helped me maybe he can do the same.
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Cursing is a bad habit to break. Today at work, I just let it all out and felt so guilty but so refreshed. I feel like a hypocrite when I curse. But remember cursing is a bad habit that takes time to correct. let your relative know that you are there to support him and help him lose his bad habit. Remember only he can stop himself from cursing not you.
sbg4evr said:
Cursing is a bad habit to break. Today at work, I just let it all out and felt so guilty but so refreshed. I feel like a hypocrite when I curse. But remember cursing is a bad habit that takes time to correct. let your relative know that you are there to support him and help him lose his bad habit. Remember only he can stop himself from cursing not you.
Yes that is exactly how I feel!
Thanks you guys for all of your advice. I just need you all to pray for me so that I will be atrue Christians who worships God in spirit and in truth. And since only what I do for Christ will last, I'd better be involved in those things that involve His kingdom.

Grace, mercy, and peace 2 u Sisters...
I struggle with this as well, Not the hard words but saying hell alot and trying not to call people names when I am driving. I am delivered from the hard ones Thank you Jesus but the other stuff just seems to flow easily and so I really have to work harder on controlling my thoughts and actions when I get upset. I will call someone a dingbat in minute and that is so not right. I call my ex a Jerk all the time and I know I should not be doing it. I notice that when I confess with my mouth my sin I start to get better. So anyone who hears and have some scriptures of taming the tongue please share.
Ooo I have to share my story. I developed this nasty habit in 6th grade to fit in more. However, like most habits it became difficult to stop anhd I would curse in every sentence. Until in 11th grade, some friends and I were talking about who was a Christian and I mentioned that I was. My friend was like "You, you're a Christian?" Someone else mentioned they couldn't tell because of my filthy mouth. I was hurt. From then on I decided to clean up my language. It was a real struggle. I am so sad to say that when I was younger(like Junior High) I even used to curse when I prayed thinking it was okay because I would say things like "F" the Devil:lol: (I'm sorry I had to laugh looking back but I know that is TOTALLY unacceptable). I'm also sad to say that I haven't totally kicked the habit. I tend to curse when I'm reaaly angry mostly to my self BUT this NO excuse. It is wrong because I bless my Lord with this same mouth. Can fresh water and salt water flow out of the same fountain? NO. It is a daily struggle...old habits really do die hard. However, I have made much improvement, even others have noticed and it is now 3yrs later from when I started. I dunno maybe your relative is going through the same thing. I ask God to guide my thoughts which has helped me maybe he can do the same.


You had some passionate prayers!
Salvation is a continuous process and God convicts us of things as we grow in Him. Keep praying for your friend and the deeper his relationship grows in Christ the more convicted he will feel about cursing and eventually he will stop. My husband used to have the worst potty mouth. It was nothing for him to call someone M.F. To him it could be an insult or a term of endearment. Over the past couple of years he has really made a conscious effort to stop cursing. He hasn’t stopped completely. Every now and then a word will slip out…mostly when he is talking about his job. But, he reached a point where he realized that cursing all the time just sounds bad, there are other ways to express himself and we don’t want our children talking like that.
I know this can be a struggle for some, and I thank the OP for bringing this one up. I don't do it, but in some situations when others are doing it around you it can be hard not to cling to the lingo.
So anyone who hears and have some scriptures of taming the tongue please share.

Hey :wave:

Do not be rash with your mouth, and let not your heart utter anything hastily before God. Ecclesiastes 5:2

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29

We use our tongues to praise our Lord and Father, but then we curse people, whom God made like himself. Praises and curses come from the same mouth! My brothers and sisters this should not happen. Do good and bad water flow from the same spring? James 3: 9-11 (NCV)
I used to have this habit real bad too. I developed it in Junior High when I wanted to be cool and be in the in crowd, until I realized in my late teens it was a habit I couldnt break. After a while the habit took hold on me til every other word just about was a cuss word. I had a spiritual encounter with God and repented of my behavior and asked God to take away all my committed sins and the desire to do it including CUSS. God heard my prayer and realized my sincerity and took away the desire and broke the habit of cursing in my life!!! Only He can brake a habit once it is formed like a chain about the neck.
You have to find peace in this situation. One of the greatest sermons I ever heard was on the fact that you can only change your behavior and no one elses. It freed me so much. He knows profanity is a poor witness, he just hasn't let the Lord persuade him through His Word. And ultimately He is the only one who can persuade Him it's not your responsibility. It's only for you to tell him the truth and be done with it unless he asks for your help.
I find that when I find myself slipping that I've exposed myself to cursing and didn't cleanse myself with the Word afterwards. I've noticed that if I have the urge to do something ungodly, cursing etc. that I need to backtrack and find out when and how I was exposed, why is this coming up now? I can always trace it back to something I read and let slide or watched or heard someone say or do. I know that I'm supposed to wash myself with the water of His Word the second it occurs but don't always. I'm gonna do better:blush:. I know that it's for my benefit:yep: Once he's persuaded that it's for his benefit and his witness he'll come around. We grow at different areas faster than others hopefully he'll come around soon. Just keep being a witness and let your light so shine. That's all you're required of te Lord to do. He chastises His own.