Hazards of LHCF . . .

-Having a hair calendar (yes in addition to my appointment book) to keep up with trims, moisture conditioners, protein conditioners and clarifying poos.
-knowing what a DC, CO wash, BSS, SHS, and EVOO mean
-wanting to pass out LHCF referral cards to those I see with damaged hair
-wondering if that sista I see with her hair pinned up all the time is actually protective styling
-recurring PJ ism (I am on the 12 step program. My name is IJN and I am a PJ)

This is a cute thread!
-Having a hair calendar (yes in addition to my appointment book) to keep up with trims, moisture conditioners, protein conditioners and clarifying poos.
-knowing what a DC, CO wash, BSS, SHS, and EVOO mean
-wanting to pass out LHCF referral cards to those I see with damaged hair
-wondering if that sista I see with her hair pinned up all the time is actually protective styling
-recurring PJ ism (I am on the 12 step program. My name is IJN and I am a PJ)

This is a cute thread!

YES! I want to do it all the time. I was so tempted to hand out cards when I went to see American Gangster with my mom and my SO.
:ohsnap: This thread is too funny and too true!!!

I find myself buying products on sale because I know I have some LHCF sisters that I can send them to. :nono: Speaking of which, I have to go send some pms...
Buying "treatment" olive oil in the big metal can, so when you walk in the house your SO asks, "Just how big a salad you plan on making?"
-Neglecting all your favorite blogs since joining.
-When at the grocery store, looking at items and wondering what they can do in your hair
-Going through every strand in your head to check for split ends
-Being in the market for a new camera so that I can show off my hair progress with nicer pictures
-Panicking when a strand comes out my head only to be relieved when I see a bulb at the end which signifies natural shedding

okay for real get outta my head!! you hit that nail on the head!!:lachen:
:ohsnap: This thread is too funny and too true!!!

I find myself buying products on sale because I know I have some LHCF sisters that I can send them to. :nono: Speaking of which, I have to go send some pms...

Now that's really sweet. By the way am I on your friends list?:grin:
1.searching individual hairs for splits
2.paranoid about wearing your hair down for fear of rubbing your hair on your clothes
3.Got my husband CO washing moisturizind and sealing with oil.
4.sneaking products that you bought in the house so he doesn't hear or see me put them in the closet(I bought three things of vatika oil tday and two ors replenishing paks)
1) Your next relaxer date is more known than Aunt Flo's visit.
2) As soon as you get the new product rave you get a bit upset when there's a new one.
3) When asked for hair advice, you try to diagnose and prescribe like a doctor, even though 9/10 they're going to ignore your suggestions and think you're over the top.
4) Being more open-minded (a good thing). After learning about UT, MN, MTG......and so on.
5) You become an alchemist and start making concoctions in the middle of the night inspired by your genius.
6) You literally cringe when you hear the phrase, "good hair".
- Being in the BSS, pulling out my phone to call "someone" to find out what brand they said i should use for.....Oh $#!+...wait a minute...who am i trying to call???!! Its just a forum!!!

......and then.....

-Manhandling my SO for his sidekick...and trying to explain to him why i so deperately need internet access while shopping @ the BSS.

-Starting an argument with my mother because she cleaned out the shower drain before i got to carefully monitor how much shedding i just had.

-Crying my eyes out when my hair got caught in a zipper and broke off all of....3 hairs lol

- "mom...does this look like 3c to you?"
"Does it look like what???...wtf are you talking about?"
" umm...:look: nevermind..."

- My SO accuses me of cheating on him with "Sally" :lachen: