Having career/school problems can you pray for me please?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, I am in grad school and am in training for my field and my supervisors are telling me that im not doing a good job. i am starting to doubt that this is what i should be doing with my life and i keep thinking about another field . I'm really scared and am getting discouraged. I didnt want to pray about it because I feel so far from God but I hope he can help me. Please pray for me. Thanks.
locabouthair said:
Hi everyone, I am in grad school and am in training for my field and my supervisors are telling me that im not doing a good job. i am starting to doubt that this is what i should be doing with my life and i keep thinking about another field . I'm really scared and am getting discouraged. I didnt want to pray about it because I feel so far from God but I hope he can help me. Please pray for me. Thanks.

I am totally with you in prayer. Do not allow the devil to deceive you. I have also struggled with doubting myself during my time in grad school. But everytime I get down, God shows me His love. Never let the devil deceive you. Just think, if you weren't worth satan's time, he would not have you struggle so much. God must be trying to use you in a mighty and great way in your field if satan is trying to bring so much doubt to you (I am telling myself this at the same time I am saying it to you). Always fight his negative words with THE WORD OF GOD (see below):

Proverbs 3:3-6

3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart.

4 Then you will win favor and a good name
in the sight of God and man.

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;

6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Hey hon,
I just said a prayer for you and will keep you in my prayers. How do you feel you are doing? I know from going through the training for my field and watching others go through training that performance can at times be subjective. I would find out what they believe is my strengths and weaknesses and work on those and I would gather as much information on my own from books, journals and other sources even the net and apply it if
this is the field that you feel you really want to be in.
You know you are never far away from the lord . He is as close as saying Jesus and if you talk and pray to him , he will hear you and answer because he loves you and wants you to talk and pray to him. Pray to him about what you are going through and he will help you.
Whenever I find myself being afraid I repeat Pilippians4:6-7
6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everthing by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God.(NKJV) ( Then I would ask him to help me not be afraid and help me with the the task at hand or with what ever is going on in Jesus name).
An nother good promise is
7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. ( You could even pray this "Father please allow your peace which surprises all understanding guard my heart and mind through Christ Jesus") because he says to remind him of his word. I have struggled with the spirit of fear alot myself to be honest.
Always remember he loved you enough to make you and he is concerned about you. He wants you to ask him for help and direction because you are his child.
Start reading in the New Testament In John even if it is just a page a night or where ever he directs you and I believe you will start to notice some changes for the better.
locabouthair said:
Hi everyone, I am in grad school and am in training for my field and my supervisors are telling me that im not doing a good job. i am starting to doubt that this is what i should be doing with my life and i keep thinking about another field . I'm really scared and am getting discouraged. I didnt want to pray about it because I feel so far from God but I hope he can help me. Please pray for me. Thanks.

Good morning Locabouthair,

You know, we all have felt far from God at times, but the Word says He will never leave, nor forsake us. When you feel far away and choose not to pray, realize that is just a lie from the devil to keep you feeling distant and eventually to make you leave Him. First, reconfirm your commitment to Christ and make sure there is no sin between you. (If there is, ask forgiveness and know that He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.) Once you have done that, take the authority that is already yours in Jesus Christ and take charge of your situation.

Now, in the natural: Look at the areas you need to improve and make some adjustments. Perhaps you can find a mentor in your field or another student to pair up with. Assess your situation. When did you start doubting that this is the career for you, before or after the supervisors' comments? If you really love this field, keep striving and you will be successful in it.

If you choose to take a different route, that's okay, too. Nothing you have learned is a waste. Everything we learn, every experience we have makes us even more marketable. Don't feel trapped. It's okay.

I will pray with you:

Father, in the name of your son Jesus Christ, I thank you that you, yourself have ordered the steps of my dear sister, because she is righteous in your dear Son, Jesus. I thank you that you will give her clear focus on what you have called her to do and then you will equip her to achieve it. Father, she has the mind of Christ and you will lead her. She is more than a conquerer, so she wins all of the time!

I thank you Lord that "Locabouthair" is your dear child and as such, has your favor and the favor of men and women. Call those men and women into her life to minister to her needs and help to steer, motivate and encourage her.

These things, I ask in the matchless name of your dear Son, Jesus Christ and I call it done...Amen!

Please keep us posted on your progress and remember, you are blessed and highly favored.
thanks everyone. i am trying to take it one day at a time. i have to meet with my supervisor about my progress so far and i dont think it will be good but i will try to be optimistic.

royal glory: I started having doubts when my supervisors and teachers say they are concerned about my progress. when i was in undergrad i felt like this was what i should do with my life because i did well in all my classes but now that i am struggling it's placing more fears in my mind. thanks again.