Having Big Times Problems W/This Site


Well-Known Member
I am having major problems viewing and posting on the site.
I am constantly having to log on 8/9 times to read threads.
9 out of 10 of my replies/new topice do not post.
I e-mailed "Contact Us"and got a reply on how to fix the problems. I did as requested in the reply-it didn't work.
I e-mailed back and have gotten no reply since then.

I hope this posts-I have redone this 4 times.
I tried to create a new topic on the Christian Forum but it didn't show up. I don't know if that may be related to what you are talking about. :ohwell:

ETA: This problem is no longer a problem for me. :yep:
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You lucky Lady. Please pass some of that luck to me.

I cannot get from one page to another without being kicked off the forum. My posts don't post. Etc., etc.
I have to continue to log in also.

My best guess is Nikos has us setup on some sort of timed auto log out thingy but it's set too low.
I am ready to spit!

I just tried to post a reply and I got botted of the system each time I tried to submit/preview it. Four times I had to log back in and write the reply all over again. And each time I got booted when I tried to submit or preview my reply. I hate that V Bulletin Message thingy.

I hope this posts. Here we go.......

senimoni--Yes, I did, but it did not help.
This used to happen to me alot, but I made one small change. You know when you log in and there is a box to say "remember login" or something like that. I NOW keep it checked. Before I would uncheck it and that is when I had the problems you are talking about. Now that I keep the box checked I no longer have that problem. However, my fail safe is to copy everything before I hit "post" so that in the event that I am timed out I don't have to retype everything. Try logging out and logging back in and leaving that box checked.
maybe its your computer or network or internet, something. i log in and post from 3 different computers, and i have no trouble at all. maybe its not the site, but something wrong on your end, i dont know what to tell you :confused:
KAddy said:
This used to happen to me alot, but I made one small change. You know when you log in and there is a box to say "remember login" or something like that. I NOW keep it checked. Before I would uncheck it and that is when I had the problems you are talking about. Now that I keep the box checked I no longer have that problem. However, my fail safe is to copy everything before I hit "post" so that in the event that I am timed out I don't have to retype everything. Try logging out and logging back in and leaving that box checked.


I never unchecked that box. Woe is me.