Having a weave longer than 3 months :/


Well-Known Member
I have a net weave in....is it bad if I keep it in longer than 3 months?

I had some unexpected expenses this month that are ripping a huge hole in my wallet so I need to postpone redoing my sew in.
I absolutely would not keep a weave in for 3 months. I think the longest I would wear one is about 6 weeks. Be careful mamacita!
What would leaving a weave in longer than 6 weeks do? Your hair is braided right? I don't think your hair would mat up, but maybe the weave hair??? Why did I post...right? I'm thinking about doing a whole head weave to put my hair up for a while. What is the time limit on how long to leave in a weave???
You will get mixed feelings on this but general rule is 2-3 months. Now some ladies won't go past 6-8 weeks others longer. A major concern is matting & dreading of your natural hair if kept in to long.

It really boils down to the care of your natural hair for me. So I would advise against it.
yea, I wouldn't wear a weave, especially a net weave, for longer than 6 weeks.....I have a net weave, my first, and I really don't like the fact that I cannot "get" to my hair the way I want to. I think I will just stick with the weave without the net the next time......
My hair is braided up....nothing has matted yet...I have had other weaves when stuff got funky after 4 weeks...I am using extensions plus hair so it looks fine...underneath it seems to be holding up
They say 3 months is okay but I personally don't go past 8 weeks. If you're thinking 3 months and 1 week, you may be okay but I wouldn't go past that. Anything past 8 weeks for me and my hair dreads up and gets matted and it's a BEAST trying to do a take down.

I'd take it down if I were you and just rock a ponytail. Seriously don't go over 3 weeks. Your hair will be a tangled, dreaded mess... take it from a weave diva.
My hair is braided up....nothing has matted yet...I have had other weaves when stuff got funky after 4 weeks...I am using extensions plus hair so it looks fine...underneath it seems to be holding up

Forgot to add, this really all depends on how fast your hair grows as well.
Call me stupid, but what is a net weave? I've had weaved hair before, but long time ago. I think I had it for like 2 months, probably 6 weeks. I'm thinking this might be the norm because of loosening, but not damage to your hair. I don't think my hair would mat up if corn rowed. Plus I wouldn't use anything that would cause build up which is a big contributor to matting. Just my opinion. Maybe some people's hair mat up while braided...dunno. But I'm interested just the same!
My hair is braided up....nothing has matted yet...I have had other weaves when stuff got funky after 4 weeks...I am using extensions plus hair so it looks fine...underneath it seems to be holding up

You won't know if your hair has matted and dread up until you actually take it down and tried to comb through it.

That's exactly how you get dreads.. hair that has not been combed or manipulated for months on end. When the braids are tight to your scalp you're okay but you probably have over an inch of new growth.. just sitting there, unmanipulated- dreading up as we speak.
hmmm....im nervous but gotta get the car fixed...hopefully i dont have too many issues
Call me stupid, but what is a net weave? I've had weaved hair before, but long time ago. I think I had it for like 2 months, probably 6 weeks. I'm thinking this might be the norm because of loosening, but not damage to your hair. I don't think my hair would mat up if corn rowed. Plus I wouldn't use anything that would cause build up which is a big contributor to matting. Just my opinion. Maybe some people's hair mat up while braided...dunno. But I'm interested just the same!

With a net weave, a "hairnet" piece of material is sewn to the cornrows around the perimeter and the tracks are sewn to the net instead of directly into the cornrows. It is said to reduce the stress/weight of the track hair pulling on your natural hair, as well as allowing more flexibility in where tracks are sewn because you are not limited to sewing where the cornrows are.
My hair is braided up....nothing has matted yet...I have had other weaves when stuff got funky after 4 weeks...I am using extensions plus hair so it looks fine...underneath it seems to be holding up

When I have worn weave I have used EP hair also - and it looked fine. It looked so fine that I let it stay in about 3 months because I was too busy to get back to the stylist to get it taken down. Trust me, hair WILL mat after that period of time. When you take it down, use a ton of conditioner and go very, very slow to detangle. You could be doing it for a couple of hours, easily.
With a net weave, a "hairnet" piece of material is sewn to the cornrows around the perimeter and the tracks are sewn to the net instead of directly into the cornrows. It is said to reduce the stress/weight of the track hair pulling on your natural hair, as well as allowing more flexibility in where tracks are sewn because you are not limited to sewing where the cornrows are.

Hmmmm, thanks for that explanation. I'm going to look into that. This sounds like the ultimate weave...

Girl, get your car fixed regardless. If you don't, how will you go to work so you can make money to buy hair stuff???
I have a net weave in....is it bad if I keep it in longer than 3 months?

I had some unexpected expenses this month that are ripping a huge hole in my wallet so I need to postpone redoing my sew in.

This may be irrelevant, but did you do it urself?? If so, why not just re-use the hair, and re-do the sew in??
I did it before-I wouldn't go much longer than 3 months though. I had Extensions Plus as well and the weave looked fantastic-I had to use more heat on my new growth around my face to blend it with the sew-in. Be patient when removing the net-I thought i was clipping the thread around the net accidentally clipped one of my tied down braids. Fortunately, it's growing back and is well hidden, but I thought I'd warn you!
I would say not to do it. It depends on your hair whether it matts or not, how quickly it grows and how much you've been washing and oilling your hair. The net helps but its not going to stop how your hair naturally reacts. If you have curly or coarse hair, it probably will matt or tangle at the 3 month mark especially if you wash it a lot. If you just can't take it down, Oil your hair down a lot and make sure you fully detangle your hair when you take the weave down b4 you shampoo it.
hmmm....im nervous but gotta get the car fixed...hopefully i dont have too many issues

What was the purpose of starting the thread and asking for advice if you already knew you were going to keep it in? Every comment advised not to do it, why even ask?
If you really have to stretch it out, I'd say no longer than 12 weeks. And I would cut back on washing if you're gonna go longer than that to limit the possibility of matting/tangling.
What would leaving a weave in longer than 6 weeks do? Your hair is braided right? I don't think your hair would mat up, but maybe the weave hair??? Why did I post...right? I'm thinking about doing a whole head weave to put my hair up for a while. What is the time limit on how long to leave in a weave???

Yes, your hair is braided, but it's possible for it to get matted This is due to some part on the constant washing, product buildup, and the weave not being fully dry afterwards, not to mention the hundreds of shed hair that hasn't been detangled in 3+ months.

I think it's more common for it to matt if you're transitioning/natural, and leave the hair in for longer than 3 months. I wore my last sew-in for four months, and when I took it out it had started to matt up. I had to take my very precious time tugging strands of hair apart.

The recommended longest length of time is 3 months. That's how long I wear my sew-ins.
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It depends on your hair type, the last time I had a sew in 2 weave for a long time was for 2 months, I washed and conditioned every two weeks, and moisturized constantly, however when i took it out, the hair at the nape had dreaded, have to just cut it off, so be careful, I say know your hair, because i know this girl with BSL hair, and wears her weave for 4 months and has great hair, but its not for me
I agree with Glam, if you are going to do it definately cut down on the washing. I wouldnt advise it, but it wont be sooo bad if you dont have fast growing hair, the new growth is what really dictates how bad it will be. Have you considered an in between style that is not so heavy on the pockets to lower your risks?
I just got a net sew in & was hoping 2 keep it 3 months but u ladies sure have scared me. The lady that did my weave says that she sometimes goes to 4 months. However, I don't know what her real hair looks like.

Does any1 that has used Cowboy Magic think that it would help w/the take down? I used it 4 the 1st time when I was blowdrying my hair n prep 4 the weave & it is ndeed magic. After working it n, the comb would glide right through my hair the 1st time w/o a hitch.
Okay, I am not tryig to start anything, but I have never gotten a full weave and left it in less than 3 months.....I usually have it in for 4 months at a time. I wore it consistently for years this way. I know I am not saying to "popular" thing, but I am proof your hair will not necessarily dread and fall out. I am not saying you should leave it in for this amount of time, but I am saying it not a guaranteed thing that it will dread up. I am cheap and it would cost me a pretty penny, so I left them in for a while. I think it is the only reason why I have the length I have now. Just adding my 2 cents.
I say leave it in until you get your car fixed or take it down and do a wig or something cheap until you can get your hair redone. I personally dont see anything wrong with leaving it in for an extra 2 weeks or so, just be very careful when taking down. Take the braids down 1 at a time and add conditioner or oil and detangle with fingers first and then with a wide tooth comb. You should be fine.....
I've never heard of any good coming from leaving a weave in for that long :nono:. But I think it's really up to how you have cared for your hair with the weave thus far. It also depends from individual to individual.

I'm just speaking from my experience with braids (although different, I know, they are still similar) and after 3 months, my hair was wrecked! :perplexed Do what you feel is best for your hair and your wallet tho.

3 months is fine to keep it in. However, longer than that, you run the risk of matting. Be careful. I say once the 12 week mark hits, take it out and rock ur natural hair for a while
bumping to say, like you i had financial issues and wasnt able to redo my weave when i had originally planned to. i just checked and i had the wevave in for 15 weeks. will i ever do that again? no. would i suggest it? no. it certainly took longer than normal to get everything out (think 4 hrs) but when it was all said and done i had all my hair on my head. i was starting to get a bit anxious because my hair felt kinda funny underneath but it was just fine.

towards the last couple of weeks i reduced my cowashing and blowdrying from once a week to every 2 weeks but that was about it. good luck if you still have the weave in sophisticated1.
took it out...no tangles or knots....it was great! the only problem was my scalp was extra sensitive in some spots
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