Have you tried Pooka? www.pookapureandsimple.com


New Member
I don't visit the hair forum often these days, mostly in ot. I just want to support a team of sistas and let you all know about their line of skin, hair, plus more product line. To be honest, I don't know much about these four beautiful women, I stumbled upon them through another site.
I don't visit the hair forum often these days, mostly in ot. I just want to support a team of sistas and let you all know about their line of skin, hair, plus more product line. To be honest, I don't know much about these four beautiful women, I stumbled upon them through another site.

I bought the lemon and tea tree foot balm for my friend and he loves it. He suffers from athlete's foot and this works wonders.
I bought the hair oil in Whole Foods last week. It's the Nectar Hair Oil and Treatment. I didn't even know there were sistas behind it. I was looking for a good scalp oil and the bottle was pretty sitting on the shelf :grin:

Haven't used it yet but I'll report back once I do.