Have You Tried 100% Coconut Oil Shampoo Bar?


New Member
Tropical Traditions sells 100% Coconut Oil Shampoo Bars and I am definitely wanting to try this BUT I don't know if I will even like the idea of a shampoo bar...because of the rub-to-lather-then-put-in-hair factor. But I was looking for a shampoo that used coconut oil as its base and didn't have harsh ingredients and blah blah blah. Below is the link...you have to scroll down...

What you you think LCHF?? Or if you have used it...how was it?! Thanks.

OOOh! this looks good.
I'll be watching this thread to see if anyone has used it. It has good reviews on it too. I'm thinking about ordering one to see how it works :user:- I love coconut oil for my hair.
$4.50 for 1 bar? Guess I'm cheap:yep:
I've made the coconut oil soap before. It's traditionally called "Seaman's Soap" because !00% coconut oil soap will bubble and lather even in sea water. It can be drying though, so we made sure we moisturized/conditioned our hair and body after use. If tropical traditions uses cold pressed organic coconut oil, then even the unsented will have a wonderfully light coconut smell.
I used to buy my EVCO from them years ago. I might start again. Thanks for the link.
It can be drying though, so we made sure we moisturized/conditioned our hair and body after use.

That is what I heard too...and I don't need anything drying out my hair but I guess as long as I remoisturize after I shampoo then it should be okay?? I guess the only way to get answers is to try it out and if I hate it, then I know that product isn't for me...
That is what I heard too...and I don't need anything drying out my hair but I guess as long as I remoisturize after I shampoo then it should be okay?? I guess the only way to get answers is to try it out and if I hate it, then I know that product isn't for me...
I found that a "moisturizing" conditioner or creamy leave in with Aloe vera juice, glycerin, and some type of oil(jojoba, castor...) in it helped seal the cuticle and keep the moisture in my hair( I have cottony/natural hair and I live in a humid area so a little bit of glycerin doesn't bother me). I also only used the soap once a week. My hubby used it almost everyday, but he wasn't trying to grow long hair either.
This thread got me wanting to use coconut soap again:yep:.