Have You SHOCKED Anyone This Year?


Well-Known Member
I went to my grandmas house one day earlier this year and she kept asking me why i always have my hair pinned up.

I told her i was taking care of it in a new way than what i had been and that keeping it up keeps my ends healthy....that way i don't have to keep trimming them and my hair can just grow out.

So she kept going on and on about it and i told her it was long.....she kept on insisting that i wear it down....so i took it out of my hair clip and slowly unraveled my French twist.

Her eyes got big as daylight!!:lachen::lachen: I thought she would've had a heart attack the way she reacted!!!!:grin:

So i said....see...i told you it was long!! I'm taking care of my hair!!....As i pinned it back up....lol!
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Great post! I haven't really shocked anybody length wise but health wise yes. I went to a Christmas party and everyone was like WOW it looks so shiny and healthy..what are you doing to it! I just smiled and said "just taking care of it".... now if I can only start gaining some length i'll be stomping with the big dawgs! lol
Great post! I haven't really shocked anybody length wise but health wise yes. I went to a Christmas party and everyone was like WOW it looks so shiny and healthy..what are you doing to it! I just smiled and said "just taking care of it".... now if I can only start gaining some length i'll be stomping with the big dawgs! lol


Thats cute!!....but you will get there! Before you know it!!
Too cute! No, I haven't shocked anyone like that per se, but at Thanksgiving my mom said "Wow, your hair is getting so long." And at Christmas, my uncle made a joke about my hair being a weave, since it's so long to him. :)
Yes, I have ... but I went the other way. I've had long, relaxed hair pretty much all of my life, but I went natural and big chopped on September 1, 2008. I went from BSL to neck length, and my family went balistic; they could not believe I chopped off all my hair.

Just yesterday, I had my hair down and someone commented on how long it was. Even I'm shocked, LOL!
Yeah, when I wore an old roller set down to work. I wear a bun or flat twists. They were like "Wow, you've got A LOT of hair!" One co-worker called me Cat Woman. I wear that bun like a librarian when I'm really a "wild thang". LOL!
lol love the story! everyone was shocked when i cut my APL relaxed hair down to a couple inches and now everyone is in shock at how fast its growing back...i also get shocked faced when my hair is straightened and people find out i dont have a relaxer lol the faces r priceless
Hell, half the people at work. One supervisor calls me Chaka Khan and she walked past me with my hair straight lol she did a double take so fast I hollered lol. She didn't realize it was me.
At my job. I always work with my hat on or my hoodie and as I never press or blow dry my hair. So when my hair is showing its in a bun. Well for the christmas party I did and everybody wa slike WOOOOW why dont you do it more often and I simply answered that I don't have the patience to do it on a weekly basis ( to avoid getting into a hair convo with folks that would NOT understand at all)
For some reason, I continue to shock one of my co-workers. We're both part time and never see each other that much. Last week when I was going in, she was getting off and said, "I swear, every time I see you, your hair gets longer". I don't know how. It's always in a shrunken fro or twists.

I gave her a 16 oz bottle of Wen's Sweet Almond Mint for free once. She better lie to me! :lachen:
lol...thats so cute, i cant wait for the day. only way i shocked people was when i BC'd...and then when i came home for winter break and everyone hadnt seen me and my (now) big hair since august. that was fun.
Went to Jamaica in October, wore my half weave. Shared a hotel room with my aunt and she was complaining at me "why do you keep wearing that weave?" When I showed her my hair she said "OH My goSH I didn't know you had so much hair!!" then I said that's why i been wearing the weave to protect it and explained to her that I would not be wearing it forever..
In August I cut 8-10" of my natural hair for a change of pace, and ease in styling. I think that shocked a few people. LOL!!!
Yup... I shocked my sister in law on Christmas day... she had cut her hair from BSL to SL and I told her how nice it looked... now she remembered when I cut my hair all the way down to about an inch 2.5 years ago, but I never wear it down. When she learned that it had grown down to BSL she said WOW out loud.... her eyes bugged out!

Seeing it in its curly state makes it hard to recognize length even for folks who have nappy hair, but for a person with 1a hair it's a real shocker!
I shocked myself. Does that count? I had ear length and shorter hair (layers). I took out my kinky twists in March 07. I did wash n gos in a ponytail, no detangling with phony ponytails and half wigs. I got a relaxer and rollerset/flat iron in nov 08. My hair was back SL .
Some of my old classmates. I wear my hair in a ponytail about 98% of the time. I'm like the ponytail guru but one day, I decided to wear it down and some of them were like, "Your hair is so pretty," but the real shocker came from a guy in class who started BLUSHING:blush:. Sweet.

I put it back in a bun the next day, lol.
Hell, half the people at work. One supervisor calls me Chaka Khan and she walked past me with my hair straight lol she did a double take so fast I hollered lol. She didn't realize it was me.

just wanted to say i love your flexirod tutorial......its the one i refer to all the time :yep:

back to op..... i always wear my hair up in an unimpressive ponytail......

i did my hair in braidouts yesterday....(it came out nice but i thought they were a bit too small....no pictures unfortunately)...but my aussie friends who have never seen my hair down were showering me with compliments :grin:.....it was a bit weired coz i dont usually get them....