Have you seen the movie Knowing?


New Member
If you haven't seen this movie, you need to go see it!!

This is the one with Nicholas Cage and his son and all those numbers! Before I went to see the movie I only thought the movie was about numbers. Boy, was I in for a surprise! I was amazed at the story.

This week, I had been asking God to show me his greatness. Show me why/how other people get so on fire for you. I'd been having those feelings of "I'm not good enough and why don't I feel so inspired and as excited as other Christians."

Well, all you have to do is ask and God will provide!

I think he wanted me to see this movie! I don't want to give it away to anyone who hasn't seen it but halfway through the movie I started getting an inkling of what was going on and my mind could only keep saying "Wow" as I tried to keep the tears away.

As the movie ended, I tried hard not to let any tears fall since I was with my friend and she is not a Christian (believe, yes but Christian no). I didn't want to freak her out. I did cry a little in the bathroom afterwards though.

Anyways, God did show me someone's interpretation of his greatness. I can only think Wow at what it might really be like.
If you haven't seen this movie, you need to go see it!!

This is the one with Nicholas Cage and his son and all those numbers! Before I went to see the movie I only thought the movie was about numbers. Boy, was I in for a surprise! I was amazed at the story.

This week, I had been asking God to show me his greatness. Show me why/how other people get so on fire for you. I'd been having those feelings of "I'm not good enough and why don't I feel so inspired and as excited as other Christians."

Well, all you have to do is ask and God will provide!

I think he wanted me to see this movie! I don't want to give it away to anyone who hasn't seen it but halfway through the movie I started getting an inkling of what was going on and my mind could only keep saying "Wow" as I tried to keep the tears away.

As the movie ended, I tried hard not to let any tears fall since I was with my friend and she is not a Christian (believe, yes but Christian no). I didn't want to freak her out. I did cry a little in the bathroom afterwards though.

Anyways, God did show me someone's interpretation of his greatness. I can only think Wow at what it might really be like.

It's good to find one's spirituality but be careful trying to assess the position of another. That is not between you and G-d but between that person and G-d. Only He knows the heart and He wants each of us to personally fulfill our own destiny with Him. I'll try and see the film, sounds good. G-d bless.
It's good to find one's spirituality but be careful trying to assess the position of another. That is not between you and G-d but between that person and G-d. Only He knows the heart and He wants each of us to personally fulfill our own destiny with Him. I'll try and see the film, sounds good. G-d bless.

I understand....I was being cautious with those words. I do not know how to express what I mean and I don't mean to judge. What is the proper way? If I can't say/tell whether someone is a Christian or not, then how can I determine who to date when I should date someone equally yoked? This is a whole other conversation - I really just wanted to share my thoughts on the movie.
I pray you can lead your friend to Christ. That would be awesome.

I'll going to look this movie up. Thanks for the review.
No, I have not but glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing.

It's good to find one's spirituality but be careful trying to assess the position of another. That is not between you and G-d but between that person and G-d. Only He knows the heart and He wants each of us to personally fulfill our own destiny with Him. I'll try and see the film, sounds good. G-d bless.

But if someone does not consider themselves to be Christian, then there is nothing wrong with acknowledging that. There are people who believe in God or a god, but do not believe themselves to be Christian. =)
No, I have not but glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing.

But if someone does not consider themselves to be Christian, then there is nothing wrong with acknowledging that. There are people who believe in God or a god, but do not believe themselves to be Christian. =)

I didn't know that that was what she was alluding to. I assumed, perhaps erroneously, it was the judgmental "christian" behavior on this list by a certain bunch who are bent upon telling others what they do and do not believe...when they do not know this to be certain. Hairlove is a tender heart. I just thought, "oh no."

She meant it from another perspective. I apologize.
I didn't know that that was what she was alluding to. I assumed, perhaps erroneously, it was the judgmental "christian" behavior on this list by a certain bunch who are bent upon telling others what they do and do not believe...when they do not know this to be certain. Hairlove is a tender heart. I just thought, "oh no."

She meant it from another perspective. I apologize.

Oh no, I'm not sure either...but I was just adding just in case... :yep: Definitely understand where you are coming from here and do agree.
I saw the movie.

I thought it was interesting. I had to do some research to see what the director was trying to convey in this movie. Since I had no idea what it was about beforehand, i didn't get the same reaction.
I saw the movie.

I thought it was interesting. I had to do some research to see what the director was trying to convey in this movie. Since I had no idea what it was about beforehand, i didn't get the same reaction.

Rara - I had no idea what the movie was about - I just thought it was about numbers. I think that's exactly why I had that reaction. It was not what I was expecting. I guess I was thinking "wow - someone in hollywood is thinking."
So this a Christian movie? Sorry, I hardly get to watch TV, so I miss all the previews...
can you tell us what exactly made you so emotional? i saw the movie. hated the ending tho

It's hard to explain. I guess I wasn't expecting a movie that had anything to do with accepting Jesus. So, when it turned out to be that, I was pleasantly surprised. Definitely someone's take on things but their expression of it, just reminded me just how "big" it can really be.
oh my manager told me not to go and see it. I am shocked, I didn't know it was a spiritual movie. He told me it was terrible. Sorry only sharing what his response was. I do not know what he believes. he has a bible in his office but he curses so not sure about what he is into.
oh my manager told me not to go and see it. I am shocked, I didn't know it was a spiritual movie. He told me it was terrible. Sorry only sharing what his response was. I do not know what he believes. he has a bible in his office but he curses so not sure about what he is into.

I could believe that. Like I said, I didn't know what the movie entailed until I saw it. So, I can imagine that someone who has no interest in seeing a movie that has some mention of Jesus would consider it a bad movie - simply b/c they weren't expecting that. Almost like, "man, I didn't go to the movies to get preached to!" :)