Have you ladies tried this *new* relaxer?--Optimum Choice "Bodifying Relaxer"?(PICS!)


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

I didn't want to create anymore "product junkies" :giggle: , but I was wondering if any of you ladies have ever tried this new relaxer by Optimum Choice:

"Optimum Choice Bodifying Relaxer" (No-Lye) Formula.

I was wondering, because I picked up and actually bought this relaxer today! I wasn't even thinking about buying a new relaxer, but when I read the box I just had to buy it because it FINALLY described what MY hair type is! :D :D

The box called this relaxer a "Revolution for Fine Hair". I have fine hair, and supposedly this new "Bodifying" relaxer is supposed to be so "mild" that it leaves your hair's elasticity and straightens your hair without leaving it limp and weighed down.

I'm a little leary about this relaxer being "NO-LYE" however, because I haven't put a no-lye relaxer in my hair for over 5 years due to a bad experience years ago (dry hair, shedding, etc.). But this relaxer seems promising!

So, my questions are:

-What do you ladies think? Should I have my stylist put this new relaxer in my hair for my next touch up?

-Have any of you ladies tried this relaxer (or ANY Optimum Choice relaxers) before?

-What do you think about no-lye relaxers in general? Yay? Nay? Depends on the brand?








Re: Have you ladies tried this *new* relaxer?--Optimum Choice "Bodifying Relaxer"?(PI

I want my sister to try it, she relaxes her hair and has fine hair. I've seen it at the local BSS, but haven't heard from anyone who uses it. Can't wait to hear some reviews!
Re: Have you ladies tried this *new* relaxer?--Optimum Choice "Bodifying Relaxer"?(PI

I was told they replaced the reguler strength anti breakage with this. I have not tried it and don't plan to. I just went with the regular strength relaxer.
Re: Have you ladies tried this *new* relaxer?--Optimum Choice "Bodifying Relaxer"?(PI

tried and loved it! it comes in 2 strengths..i didn't burn..and it relaxed really well!!