Have you ever....?

Giving Numbers to Strangers...yes? or no?

  • Hecks yeah all the time

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes depending on the situation

    Votes: 12 70.6%
  • Eeew no! there are too many creeps out there.

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • I don't give out my number to anyone

    Votes: 3 17.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Given your number out to a stranger at the light or any other odd public place? :grin:

So I’m driving to my dad's house after church and pull up to a light, when I hear a woman calling for my attention on the passenger side of a car getting ready to turn left. Now in any other instance I would NOT have rolled down my window but since it was a woman I figured that maybe I had left something on my roof or that my gas door was open. I rolled my window down and she asked me how old I was (ugh... what?:ohwell:) when I answered she opened her door so I that I could see a it was actually the VERY cute guy driver who wanted my info. I mean he was really cute yall. The whole situation was new and weird to me, he asked my name and I told him, then he wanted my number and I paused. The light turned green I told him sorry and drove off and of course my mind drifted into a sea of "what ifs"

I mean of course there could have been a thousand dangerous scenarios that could have erupted if I had obliged but what if it could have resulted in something good?

What do you guys think? Have you been in similar situations?
Dam girl you should have gotten his number! Do you know how impossible it is to come across VERY cute guys who approach? Now go kick yourself. To answer your question yes one time I was driving home from a party about 3am Sunday morning a group of guys slowed down next to my care and held up a paper to the passenger side window that read "what is your number?" I was so shocked. We were driving at 55 mph on a nearly empty I-20 highway. When they saw that I was weaving into the shoulder. They drove off and left me alone. The last thing I saw was guys on the passenger side craning their necks to look back at me. I dont know maybe they were drunk.
I would not sweat it. Even though he was cute, I think you did the right thing. And the whole situation seems a little sketchy to me too with the female wingman and all. If you'd met him at the grocery store and had time to chat or if you met him at some affair maybe, but for all you know homie might have just got out of prison or he and her could be involved in some kind of con.
I would not sweat it. Even though he was cute, I think you did the right thing. And the whole situation seems a little sketchy to me too with the female wingman and all. If you'd met him at the grocery store and had time to chat or if you met him at some affair maybe, but for all you know homie might have just got out of prison or he and her could be involved in some kind of con.

:lachen: seriously those were my first thoughts. that they would come and mug me or something or into some kind of weird freaky stuff :nono:
i gave my number to a hot guy that i met while on vacation in aspen. he was staring me down and i just never got around to talking to him. i was busy with other people. so he texted me and i actually ran into him and his friends at another bar the next night. we still never connected though. he waited for me but i was busy and then on my way to the next bar that night soon after!

i think it could be fun. i mean, immediate attraction, what's wrong with that?

i just found his card yesterday. lol. i should look him up for fun. he was manly hot and all kindsa stuff. lol.
I used to give my number to strangers back in the day if I found them attractive. There were a couple of really annoying guys but other than that nothing bad came out of it.
Dam girl you should have gotten his number! Do you know how impossible it is to come across VERY cute guys who approach? Now go kick yourself. To answer your question yes one time I was driving home from a party about 3am Sunday morning a group of guys slowed down next to my care and held up a paper to the passenger side window that read "what is your number?" I was so shocked. We were driving at 55 mph on a nearly empty I-20 highway. When they saw that I was weaving into the shoulder. They drove off and left me alone. The last thing I saw was guys on the passenger side craning their necks to look back at me. I dont know maybe they were drunk.

Impossible? I dunno about that one.

I dont give my number to strangers. And I especially dont understand dudes who ask for the number second to asking your name. This happened to me a lot in the south. I mean either way it's NO....But when it's only after asking me my name, I'm looking at you sideways.

When I was single, I met people through friends, and places I frequented where I was already in a position to get to know them on some level first. Then, IF I'm interested I may give you my number.

My cousin right now is being stalked, harassed, verbally abused by a dude she gave her number to off the street. And it's someone she will have to run into eventually based on the area she met him. He has no shame, fear or respect for her. And his reason for it is because she suddenly became uninterested in him. The psycho has even threaten her life.
I'm just curious: what will someone do to you with your phone number, worst case scenario?

In my mind everyone is a stranger. How could you know someone before gou meet them? Do you need every new person in your life prescreened by someone else. Sh-t, people i've met through people have been huge a- holes.

I think it depends on the circumstances not that they are "a stranger". That just sounds paranoid.

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ChasingBliss said:
Impossible? I dunno about that one.

I dont give my number to strangers. And I especially dont understand dudes who ask for the number second to asking your name. This happened to me a lot in the south. I mean either way it's NO....But when it's only after asking me my name, I'm looking at you sideways.

When I was single, I met people through friends, and places I frequented where I was already in a position to get to know them on some level first. Then, IF I'm interested I may give you my number.

My cousin right now is being stalked, harassed, verbally abused by a dude she gave her number to off the street. And it's someone she will have to run into eventually based on the area she met him. He has no shame, fear or respect for her. And his reason for it is because she suddenly became uninterested in him. The psycho has even threaten her life.

There is no reason for someone to ask for a number sans conversation.

Sorry to hear about your cousin's situation. I have a friend that was stalked and harassed by her ex boyfriend. (he was the new manager at our local hang out joint when they met) There are some crazies out there.

Eta: Can someone discover your address, place of work etc from your phone number? Or do they learn it from other sources. I'm not a stalker, so I don't know and my only phone number is registered to an address several states away, and i don't pick up unknown numbers.

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I'm just curious: what will someone do to you with your phone number, worst case scenario?

In my mind everyone is a stranger. How could you know someone before gou meet them? Do you need every new person in your life prescreened by someone else. Sh-t, people i've met through people have been huge a- holes.

I think it depends on the circumstances not that they are "a stranger". That just sounds paranoid.

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Welp, the way I did things worked for me. Never had a problem with it. Others can do as they please.

There is no reason for someone to ask for a number sans conversation.

Sorry to hear about your cousin's situation. I have a friend that was stalked and harassed by her ex boyfriend. (he was the new manager at our local hang out joint when they met) There are some crazies out there.

Eta: Can someone discover your address, place of work etc from your phone number? Or do they learn it from other sources. I'm not a stalker, so I don't know and my only phone number is registered to an address several states away, and i don't pick up unknown numbers.

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To the bolded, it has happened many times to me.

As far as people getting your info off a number. They absolutely can. Especially if they are willing to pay for it.
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I'm just curious: what will someone do to you with your phone number, worst case scenario?

In my mind everyone is a stranger. How could you know someone before gou meet them? Do you need every new person in your life prescreened by someone else. Sh-t, people i've met through people have been huge a- holes.

I think it depends on the circumstances not that they are "a stranger". That just sounds paranoid.

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I think it's more about being careful and discerning. The OP's story just sounded sketchy to me and all she knew was that he was cute. No conversation at all because the woman spoke for him. Otherwise I agree that it's not good to be paranoid.
I never gave my number out to any strangers. An ex-co worker she was all that and got picked up a lot and gave out her number situation like OP but no girl in the car just him doing the asking. In that case tho they talked they never hooked up. I don't know what the point was on that one. Maybe he was trying but didn't expect to get her number or what. We both thought he must of have a GF or wifey then.

Maybe one day I would. What stops me, is that I don't know them from no where and all the negative scenarios goes through my head.

It would be neat though. Maybe one day. :grin: Well when I am single again. hahaha.
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