have you ever wondered..how long will we keep this up?


Well-Known Member
-the long hair healthy whateva challenge.

For example if I am blessed to reach the age of 50 will I be saying, hmm I need to wear my hair up in a protective style, it needs to grow, grow, grow!

Will we keep stretching our relaxers, taking megavitamins, scalp massages, transitioning, braidouts, weaves -chatting on the internet about hair care. As you get older will it even really matter? Just something I tend to ask myself?
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Good question...I think once I reach my hair goals or have a family and leave the single life behind (which ever comes first) then all this extra stuff like challenges and things wont really be a priority to me any more. Now the basics of what I've learned about proper hair care will stay with me forever. I think I will be a bunner for life:lachen: I do feel however, that if later in life I happen to run into some hair issues I will be very gratefull that I am equipped with the knowlege to be able to fix any hair problem that comes my way.

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lexi84 said:
Good question...I think once I reach my hair goals or have a family and leave the single life behind (which ever comes first) then all this extra stuff like challenges and things wont really be a priority to me any more. Now the basics of what I've learned about proper hair care will stay with me forever. I think I will be a bunner for life:lachen: I do feel however, that if later in life I happen to run into some hair issues I am very equipped with the knowlege to be able to fix any hair problem that comes my way.

I agree with this completely!!!!!!!!!!!
Since I have not really changed my regimen since I was about 17 I believe I will stick to doing the same things. I will probably still wear my hair in the protective style/phony pony sometimes and bun it up somedays. These are easy styles along with being protective. I will probably stop taking the gnc ultranourishhair vitamins and maybe the biotin (although I put it in my pill box nowadays without even noticing). I will probably stay with the MSM for a long time. I've always stretched my relaxers so this wont stop, and i've noticed in my family the older ppl get the straighter their natural hair texture gets so I probably will just stop relaxing altogether. When I have kids I will probably be back on here getting advice on their hair.
With the very nature of black hair, problems will come up in the future that will need to be solved. We'll need that personal challenge - 3 mo no relaxer or bun because our hair will be misbehaving.

On another hair board they have very active members in their 50's and 60's talking about and growing that hair:)
I gave it up already :lol: I just don't have the attention span that is needed to stay on this hair thing. I was all excited when I first joined LHCF now it's just blah for me.
cincybrownsugar said:
I gave it up already :lol: I just don't have the attention span that is needed to stay on this hair thing. I was all excited when I first joined LHCF now it's just blah for me.

thanks for being honest-- i like the pic in your siggy!
It's cool for now but I've mostly got it figured out (mostly). But I know when I get older maybe 50 or 60, i'm gonna cut it to a TWA and keep it that way.
I think once I reach my goals I will continue to give my hair tlc. I couldnt imagine curling my hair everyday,relaxing every month,no moisture,etc. Now that I know better I wont make the same mistakes.:)
I think once I reach mid back -- my new goal, I will maintain my hair the same as I have. It now becomes a matter of habit that is not forced. I just cant bear to begin some of the unhealthy hair care practices that I did prior to joining LHCF. I would be too scarred to see my hair dropping and breaking after all that hard work!
Once I reach my goal I can afford to trim 1/2 an inch every 6 weeks. So I'll be wearing it down more but the rest of my regimen is pretty much habit.
I was always on a hairboard or makeup board the whole time my hubby was overseas on a military mission that was a year long. Once he came back it tapered off and once I started getting true length / reaching my goals I very seldom get on the boards that much. I am thankful I have over a years worth of true hair care knowledge that will help for years to come.
I don't see trying to get healthy hair as a challenge, so I'll probably be doing the same thing forever. Once I reach my goals, I'll probably maintain my regimen.
cincybrownsugar said:
I gave it up already :lol: I just don't have the attention span that is needed to stay on this hair thing. I was all excited when I first joined LHCF now it's just blah for me.

Well forgit u then! :lol:

*waving at Cincy*

*this chick has the prettiest danggone hair.....dang Cincy...*

*I know you're tired girl...:look:, I know...:D *
B_Phlyy said:
I don't see trying to get healthy hair as a challenge, so I'll probably be doing the same thing forever. Once I reach my goals, I'll probably maintain my regimen.

I agree with this. It's like when you go on a diet to lose weight. In order to maintain the loss and healthier eating habits, you don't go back to the things that made you gain weight. I will never go back to the things I used to do and I have certainly integrated all that I have learned from LHCF into my lifestyle. I will definitely wear my hair down more often after I reach my goal, so that I can enjoy my hair more. Also, I agree with the poster who mentioned passing healthy haircare habits on to children. My daughter is 6 and I treat her hair just like mine. I feel so thankful to have learned all that I have here and to pass it on to my daughter so that her beautiful, natural hair will be well-cared for all her life. She is already particular about the products that go into her hair and how it is treated. One evening, she had a fit with my husband because he tried to blowdry her hair after washing it! :) So all of this has been time well spent and I will continue these practices for the rest of my life.
cincybrownsugar said:
I gave it up already :lol: I just don't have the attention span that is needed to stay on this hair thing. I was all excited when I first joined LHCF now it's just blah for me.

i have to toatally agree. and the thing is im fairly still new to this board , but not to haircare, before i joined this board i had a period in my life where my hair grew alot in like a years time , it wassn't bsl but it was long compared to what i had been sporting, i'll say it had gotten to shoulder blade length and thats coming form above the neck length. everthing i have gathered from lhcf was like common sence to me.

i won't say i gave up i'll say i've slacked off, i have never been a bunner my heads to fat for that, and i have always only gotten one perm a year
what i did learn from lhcf is co-washes and mtg, and that there is enough to make me happy i joined
leleepop said:
I think once I reach my goals I will continue to give my hair tlc. I couldnt imagine curling my hair everyday,relaxing every month,no moisture,etc. Now that I know better I wont make the same mistakes.:)

I Agree.

Besides, what I do to my hair is not that big a deal nor does it take that much time. I am a single mother, I have a career, I am a part-time student, I have a home to maintain and a boyfriend that also needs time from me. My hair can never be that much of a priority.

It's kind of like when people do on a diet to just loose weight, but they never really adopt lifelong healthy habits and gain it all, if not more, back. Taking care of my hair has become just like eating healthy and working out - things I will for for as long as I can so that I can.
For me: forever - even if I decide to relax again (I'm natural).

But here's the thing, I lurked for months before I joined. And while I respect some ladies with their regimens - I don't do all the crazy long drawn out stuff. I still flat iron my hair. i still curl my hair. I use Petrolatum and Mineral Oil. I blow dry. I sit under the dryer.

In other words: I've found products, styles, tools and a regimen that works for me that I can easily continue to maintain. Hell - I'm wearing my hair out now MORE than I did when I was transitioning...

So for me, this whole learning my head process has been more about, just that - learning MY hair rather than these life changing wear-my-hair-in-a-bun-for-3-years-straight type stuff.

But that's just me. :)
levette said:
thanks for being honest-- i like the pic in your siggy!


MonaLisa said:
Well forgit u then! :lol:

*waving at Cincy*

*this chick has the prettiest danggone hair.....dang Cincy...*

*I know you're tired girl...:look:, I know...:D *

Hey Mo

:wave: thanks for the compliment, and yes I am tired :lol:
I think that the fire has already burned out for me. I have spent a lot of time on the forum and a lot of effort caring for my hair, but proper hair care has become more of a routine than a hobby. As many of the ladies have already said, I'll always benefit from what I learned when I was more into hair. I'll also always be neurotic about my hair, but I've given up on trying to reach any particular length. I just want healthy, full hair that I can wear in any style. No more waiting a year for a trim while the left side of my hair outgrows the right and I'm left hiding the flaws. As India Arie said, "I am not my hair."
I don't think I'll stop coming to LHCF for a long time, but I don't plan on continuing to bun every day or take on "no heat for five months" challenges anymore. Once July of next year comes around, I'm going back to washing once a week and wearing my hair down on the weekends. However, I will never forget the things I've learned here like daily moisturizing and relaxing every 10-12 weeks, etc.
Once I reach all of my hair goals I will still maintain a healthy hair regimen, taking care of my hair is more of a habit for me than anything, a good habit at that. ;) As far as LHCF and other hair boards, I dont think I would give them up completely, I'm somewhat addicted to them already! :look: :lol:
I'd probably post less often, and lurk instead. :)
i will b/c these healthy hair practices totally fit my lifestyle. Befor LHCF i was already "stretching", I just didn't know that was what it was called :lol: . I hated giving the hairdresser my money b/c i felt they were just aking my hair out. I now wear wigs and love it b/ci do NOTHING to my real hair, get up and go and slap on a wig and don't have to worry about the humidity, etc. I already take vitamins and meds even before so just more pills to be popped...
SandySea said:
I think that the fire has already burned out for me. I have spent a lot of time on the forum and a lot of effort caring for my hair, but proper hair care has become more of a routine than a hobby. As many of the ladies have already said, I'll always benefit from what I learned when I was more into hair. I'll also always be neurotic about my hair, but I've given up on trying to reach any particular length. I just want healthy, full hair that I can wear in any style. No more waiting a year for a trim while the left side of my hair outgrows the right and I'm left hiding the flaws. As India Arie said, "I am not my hair."

" I totally agree!
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