Have you ever thought...?


Active Member
Have do you guys ever think that every time you relax that you are relaxing you older relaxed hair. Let me explain. You know how they say when you shampoo that you dont need to put it in the hair but on the scalp because it will clean your hair as you wash it out. This could be happening every time you relax. Everytime you relax your new growth while washing it out you are relaxing you older relaxed hair. It may be mild but still relaxing it though. I noticed that at the 6 weeks point my hair would not be as shiny and bouncy no matter who did my hair (this was before transitioning, cutting it all off and taking care of it myself), but once I got my new growth relaxed my whole head looked all silky and sparkly. This could explain why every time I transitioned I retained more length. I dont know, this thought just popped up in my head. Has anyone else ever thought about this and what other little epiphanies or random hair related thoughts have popped into your heads?
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I would think that it does something, but very little. The shine may come from the Clarifying with the poo that comes with your relaxer.

I just thought the water lowered the ph almost immediately that its not anything to worry about.
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Ive always wonder this, why some relaxed heads only look good after a touchup. Some weeks after a relaxer the entire head looks like it needs to be refreshed even the previously relaxed hair.
Sistaslick described this as chemical run-off, when the relaxer for the new growth is washed out it relaxes the previously relaxed hair. Sistaslick recommends to coat your previuosly relaxed hair with oil or a light conditioner so this doesn't happen.

I coated my hair with conditioner the last time I relaxed and my hair came out just as silky and shiny as when I didn't but I kenw my hair, especially the ends were protected.

Here's the link to the article:

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Interesting thought. Maybe that's a reason for stretching, as over the same period of time the older hair will get re-relaxed less frequently if you stretch?
Have do you guys ever think that every time you relax that you are relaxing you older relaxed hair. Let me explain. You know how they say when you shampoo that you dont need to put it in the hair but on the scalp because it will clean your hair as you wash it out. This could be happening every time you relax. Everytime you relax your new growth while washing it out you are relaxing you older relaxed hair. It may be mild but still relaxing it though. I noticed that at the 6 weeks point my hair would not be as shiny and bouncy no matter who did my hair (this was before transitioning, cutting it all off and taking care of it myself), but once I got my new growth relaxed my whole head looked all silky and sparkly. This could explain why every time I transitioned I retained more length. I dont know, this thought just popped up in my head. Has anyone else ever thought about this and what other little epiphanies or random hair related thoughts have popped into your heads?

that is why I was glad when the relaxer manufacturer's came out with the prerelaxer treatment which is supposed to go on your already processed hair to prevent further damage to the strand.
Have do you guys ever think that every time you relax that you are relaxing you older relaxed hair. Let me explain. You know how they say when you shampoo that you dont need to put it in the hair but on the scalp because it will clean your hair as you wash it out. This could be happening every time you relax. Everytime you relax your new growth while washing it out you are relaxing you older relaxed hair. It may be mild but still relaxing it though. I noticed that at the 6 weeks point my hair would not be as shiny and bouncy no matter who did my hair (this was before transitioning, cutting it all off and taking care of it myself), but once I got my new growth relaxed my whole head looked all silky and sparkly. This could explain why every time I transitioned I retained more length. I dont know, this thought just popped up in my head. Has anyone else ever thought about this and what other little epiphanies or random hair related thoughts have popped into your heads?

yes. you are right on the money. i remember reading something sistaslick wrote to this effect, which is the precise reason it is important to stretch between relaxers.
i don't think the rinse made much of a difference except when it came to my ends. i haven't relaxed in about four months (transitioning) but when i used to i think my ends got it the worst. every time i rinsed out that relaxer it would kill my ends! i usually trimmed them right afterwards.