Have you ever thought that you had it all together?

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Not saying that you totally left God, but that you stopped depending on Him in everything? Have you ever felt that since you didn't read your Bible daily or pray daily and everything was going well in your life that you were doing good, but then something happened...

*note you don't have to tell your business. You can simply reply with a yes or no. Those who did experience this, please tell me how you got closer to God.*

I will be honest, my fear is that I am running back to God because of my current situation , but when things turn for the better again, I will get laxed in my fellowship. I have prayed to God that He doesn't allow my tears to be in vain.
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I have. And we as humans do this only because we become stronger the longer we are with Him. And we then feel, we can do all by ourselves.

Remember telling our parents, "I can do all by myself, mom." "I can walk to school, all by myself or I can tie my own shoes."

Well, that's how it is with our Father in Heaven. We say, "I can do this all by myself. I'm a big girl now." Then we test our wings and we DO fly high and even higher and then one day, we discover, we need to land or we HAVE to land and we do. And we find out that He's still there for us; always there. Waiting with open arms to love us and strengthen us for the next time we decide we can fly and do it "all by myself".

Your tears are never in vain. In fact they are stored in golden vials of His love...our tears are in His heart, for He is never so far from us, as we think we are far from Him. Always, He is there.

Hugs angel...:kiss:
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Bublnbrnsuga said:
Not saying that you totally left God, but that you stopped depending on Him in everything? Have you ever felt that since you didn't read your Bible daily or pray daily and everything was going well in your life that you were doing good, but then something happened...

*note you don't have to tell your business. You can simply reply with a yes or no. Those who did experience this, please tell me how you got closer to God.*

I will be honest, my fear is that I am running back to God because of my current situation , but when things turn for the better again, I will get laxed in my fellowship. I have prayed to God that He doesn't allow my tears to be in vain.

Yes, I've been there and the truth is I was running back because of my situation. Sometimes when things are going well with us we don't pray and fast and seek his face, because we tend to pray only to ask God for things.

But as you grow in Christ and began to have a relationship with and fellowship with him you'll find you'll do this less and less. See prayer is not you just talking to God, but it is also God speaking back to you. So sometimes after you've talked and told God all about it, stay in the pray posture long enough to hear what he has to say, because when he speaks it's life.

I use to cry and wine and tell God all about my situation and how I felt he should work it out for me. One day God said to me "daughter your tears do not move me but your faith will". For me this spoke volumes, it wasnt that God doesn't care about my tears, but he was letting me know he wasn't going to react to them.

Now, when things bother me and I need to cry I do but then I get it together and began to speak faith into the situation. God love it when we brag on him and say, I know things look bad but God is going to bring me out. I know what the doctor say, but the word says by his stripes I'm heal. It's ok to speak the fact, but it's better when you can rest in truth.

Be encouraged and know you are not alone in the process we are all growing. I commend you for seeing this in yourself and acknowledging it.

Oh, and the only way your tears will be in vain is if you don't finish this race. As my grandma use to say 99 1/2 just won't do.
Yes, chile . . . and I know just how you feel. Right now I'm in a "good place" and I have to admit that it's harder to remember to pray and whatnot when you're not going through. But I keep talking to the Lord . . . and reminding myself to get in God's face just as if I was going through . . . .

Yes girl...been there, done that and probably gonna go that route again.

Living for God is wonderful, but we do go through times where you feel as though all is well, so I can just relax now and not pray or read. It happens.
I've been on this journey for 20 years, and I still have to remind myself that God is my source.

Tears are good...they remind us of the fact that we need a Savior and that He is the One who is able to keep us from falling.

You are a blessing to me, bublinbrnsugr....this is a good thread.
As humans we all have, when you feel like you have life under control then u arent growing spiritually because God wants you to know that you need His grace to make it through, and wants you to seek Him always. Things arent good because you have it under control, they only are because His grace makes it so, it is only by that.

God says to pray without ceasing, you dont just pray about situations, u pray thru it, and let the Holy Spirit take you from glory to glory. You'll get to a point where you dont wonder if God is answering your prayer or not, you'll know Him to know He gives you an answer whenever u ask.
Yes, i have done this, I will pray so hard through a situation and when god comes to make it all better for me, it seems as if i am on cruise control until I hit another bump in the road. and then I go back to praying and worshipping, but I have gotten so much better. My relationship with god is much better now that i had to recognize that I was doing this often. It seems each time he will isolate me, and bring me down again and back to him. I have learned my lesson, but I am still growing and learning, i am much better for it. I try to give god praise and worship each day, whether it be in my car, singing and praising, or a midday prayer at lunch on my job, or before bed, i always try to give him "his" time so he will give me some of his. This keeps me grounded and i stay on track much better.
I know when I fell like the peace is still in my life and I dont prey or read the bible as much I tend to allways testify about the storm I just came out of and give God his praise and use this peaceful time to spread Gods words and his works with others that are going through there rough times.That pretty much keeps me grounded.
Yes, I have too Bubs.

Even in my current, hellish I began praying, fasting, lying prostrate & reading daily & then stopped.
Once I got over the initial hump I have fallen back severely. I'm still in the same sad situation & things are still trying to go crazy around me, but I stopped doing those neccessary & healthy things that I mentioned above.
God gave me strength through the initial phase of this mess & I need to keep doing what gives Him honor & glory and strengthens my faith through this tumultuous walk. Meaning just because I no longer feel as if I am dying inside, daily that is, doesn't mean that I can stop doing what He has instructed me to do.
I hope that made some sense, sis ;)
Love ya
Yes, I do this all the time. I go through rough periods and I run to God praying and reading my bible. As soon as things get better I slack off and live life thinking I can handle it and all is good. Then here comes another rough road and I run back to God again.

Now it's like I"m tired of the back and forth thing, you know? I want to be more consistent w/ my relationship w/ God. Yes, we're human and we all fall short but at the same time, I think God sees your efforts and he will meet you more than half way.
Of course we have all run to God in times of turmoil, but for me I worship and do daily devotion when the times are the best. It gives me the greatest joy to share the goodness of my life with God, especially when things are going good and I know he is the source of all my blessings.

I am in a really good place right now and have been praising God and reading my bible with such a fevor that bad things are really starting to pop up and I feel it is the devil trying to test me. My prayer now is to not let circumstances shake my core. But it seems lately the more I worship him the harder it has been to focus on my blessings. If this makes sense

Good thread--I needed to get that out.
Bublnbrnsuga said:
Not saying that you totally left God, but that you stopped depending on Him in everything? Have you ever felt that since you didn't read your Bible daily or pray daily and everything was going well in your life that you were doing good, but then something happened...

*note you don't have to tell your business. You can simply reply with a yes or no. Those who did experience this, please tell me how you got closer to God.*

I will be honest, my fear is that I am running back to God because of my current situation , but when things turn for the better again, I will get laxed in my fellowship. I have prayed to God that He doesn't allow my tears to be in vain.
I am also going through the same thing, that is the reason I just jumped into this forum(I was browsing the entertainment forum and my running from God came to mind. So I jumped to this forum). But,yes I feel you on this.
Yes. God had been trying to bring me higher, but I was scared to move me out of my comfort zone. I also realized a few months ago that I was living in fear, not in faith. Trusting in my own limited abilities & limited resources & not God's infinite wisdom.

Thank you for this forum. I am glad that I stopped in today:)