Have you ever had the desire..


Well-Known Member
to quit your job, sell everything and preach the gospel? :look:

That's what I been feeling lately. God has blessed me with a very good job and I like it, but I want to do ministry full time. I feel like I am restricted and give too much time to this job. I know I can be a witness at work, but I want to truly go into the harvest. But I will just be still until God leads me further :lol:....:drunk::spinning:
I can't say that i've felt the desire to quit everything and go spread the word; however, i do feel a constant pull to make decisions that give me maximum flexibility and opportunities to fulfill my purpose

Just keep being sensitive to the spirit of God and take baby steps to start wherever you are
No never have and don't ever want that urge I pray. I give mad kudos to those who do desire that. I have done a many personality test and I have seen that type of question and I feel dead cold about that. If you want to go into minstry then you just need to fast,pray and ask. IF it is his will it will be.
I haven't had the desire to quit my job and do God's will but I have had the desire to take a couple months out of my life and do missionary work.
Did it a year ago and never looked back! God has provided EVERYTHING WE NEEDED and He is still doing absolute miracles on our behalf.

When its from Him...nothing will stop it. Just make sure that it's Him speaking.
