Have You Ever Got To


Well-Known Member
the point that you were afraid to testify or thank God for something good happening in your life. This past year, I've found myself giving thanks to God for blessing me in new endeavors. Faithfully believing that these things were ordained by God (jobs, relocating, etc) only to have it all fall apart and I'm left wondering why. People say if God opens a door, no one can close it. Each time, I've been in dire need and when the jobs came I thanked God for them only to lose them. In less than one year, I've been fired from two jobs each of which I believed God opened the way for me believing that God has blessed me, I give testimony of it to my church family, but then when it falls apart, I'm left feeling humiliated, ashamed, like a fool. I know other jobs will come, right now I'm with a temp agency which I hate the job they've placed me with. But when it does, I'm afraid to say thank you Jesus, for fear that its only temporary. I find myself afraid to try for permanent employment because I'll always be wondering, Well Lord, how long are you going to let me keep this one. Has anyone else ever felt this way? What did you do about it? what can I do. Both job losses were through no fault of my own. This last loss just about destroyed me because I relocated to take the position, went in debt to do that, relocated to a town I cannot stand, my nickname for it is KLAN COUNTRY!! Now after all that, I'm stuck here, I just dont see any way out.
This may sound silly Sis, but thank God anyhow, even if the door closes. Remebmer that your steps are ordered by the Lord, so no matther what happens God know and there is a reason behind it. You know that we talk in our chat and on MSN alot and you know what I have/is going throught, but I still give thanks to the Father. One day you will look back and see how "all things worked for the good of those who loves the Lord". It may not seem like it right now but it's coming, it's coming. Stay encourged.

Don't be ashamed of what the world dishes out. You have no control of that. Bad things do happen to good Christians. Never be ashamed of a blessing. Do not judge the outcome. If you needed a job that is what you got. Maybe you wanted that once in a life time carrer to be set but God puts no stock in our standards or idea of being set for life. Also the outcome may not be of God's doing. Many good things he guides us too may still be adversly affected by others in the world. The verse " they meant it for evil but God turned it for good." The reverse may also happen. He will bless us with the child we wanted but some drunk takes them away or the child rejects the good parents and does evil in the world.
Look at Adam and Eve. Sometime we blow it to. We must continue in our prayers and be mindful of what we get. Remember how Moses had to keep reminding the people that God has gotten you this far do not despair or feel down. He never promised that after one blessing we would have smooth sailing. The manna was given each day. Not a life times supply. Trust he will care for your needs and do not worry. We pray each day " Our Father..."

Be of good cheer and give praise and thanks giving. We have the promise of eternal life with him. That is worth more than a hundred jobs. :)
In addition to what the others have said I would like to add to pray about it. Sometimes you are being tested, sometimes you are being attacked, sometimes its just life. I have given testimonies and had the same thing happen, things seem to fall apart as soon as I gave God praise for it. You have to trust Him and praise Him anyway. He will provide for you. :)