Have you ever felt unworthy of being heard?


New Member
Ever felt unworthy because of something you did or havent done? I have. there was a time when I felt this way because I distanced myself from the Lord. When I wanted to restart my relationship with him, I was scared because I felt unworthy. I'm glad I did and pray for forgiveness everyday.

Even though everyday waking day I pray that I enter his kingdom of heaven, I still feel unworthy and ask to entire just as a leaf or a speck of dust so because of me not being able to forgive myself. But I know that the more you give and do the Lords work, the more you will receive. Just like the story that I don't remember where exactly it came from. Where the lord gave three men talents/money. And the first man doubled it and the second man tripled it and the third man did nothing with it and he was scolded. He rewarded the two men with more and the last man was scolded and given nothing. They were all God handy followers but still had to work for there rewards.

Have you ever felt this way?
tatje said:
Ever felt unworthy because of something you did or havent done? I have. there was a time when I felt this way because I distanced myself from the Lord. When I wanted to restart my relationship with him, I was scared because I felt unworthy. I'm glad I did and pray for forgiveness everyday.

Even though everyday waking day I pray that I enter his kingdom of heaven, I still feel unworthy and ask to entire just as a leaf or a speck of dust so because of me not being able to forgive myself. But I know that the more you give and do the Lords work, the more you will receive. Just like the story that I don't remember where exactly it came from. Where the lord gave three men talents/money. And the first man doubled it and the second man tripled it and the third man did nothing with it and he was scolded. He rewarded the two men with more and the last man was scolded and given nothing. They were all God handy followers but still had to work for there rewards.

Have you ever felt this way?

I know exactly how you feel. Whenever I fall short (which is probably often :lol: ), I feel like I'm not worthy to ask for God's forgiveness or even to enter His holy church. But I've finally come to this conclusion...If I was perfect all the time, never messing up and never needing forgiveness, then I wouldn't need God. And God WANTS us to NEED Him. He made us and not we ourselves, so He made us intentionally with flaws. Its in those flawed or imperfect areas that we need Him and His love and His grace and mercy.

Once we've experienced God's love enough, we are supposed to help others come to Him! I hope this helps:)
tatje said:
Ever felt unworthy because of something you did or havent done? I have. there was a time when I felt this way because I distanced myself from the Lord. When I wanted to restart my relationship with him, I was scared because I felt unworthy. I'm glad I did and pray for forgiveness everyday.

Even though everyday waking day I pray that I enter his kingdom of heaven, I still feel unworthy and ask to entire just as a leaf or a speck of dust so because of me not being able to forgive myself. But I know that the more you give and do the Lords work, the more you will receive. Just like the story that I don't remember where exactly it came from. Where the lord gave three men talents/money. And the first man doubled it and the second man tripled it and the third man did nothing with it and he was scolded. He rewarded the two men with more and the last man was scolded and given nothing. They were all God handy followers but still had to work for there rewards.

Have you ever felt this way?

Sis, I know EXACTLY what you mean. That is the true sign of you loving God and really caring about His opinion of you. You don't just disregard His statutes and commandments. And I'm gonna let you in on a little secret......WE ARE UNWORTHY! :eek: We are SO unworthy. If we WERE worthy, then there would be no need for grace or for Jesus to die for our sins.

I had to realize this fact. We feel unworthy because we really are, but that is the beauty of grace. It is God's UNMERITED favor! We can't earn it, we just have to accept it.... I thank God that there is nothing that I can do to become worthy, because if my worth WAS based on MY merits.....:perplexed LORD!

That's why we just gotta thank God for Jesus and His blood. That is why HE is worthy and deserves the glory and honor. Just think that every time you feel unworthy, you should immediately start giving praise and worship to the only One that IS worthy..... Whew! Ya'll done started something ova here! Lord! Lemme get offline and start giving some glory right now! :D Be blessed....
Romans 8:1 says "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus".

The enemy wants you to feel unworthy but GOD's love for us shows otherwise. It is the devil's intention to separate you from GOD he will use any means neccessary. He will even attack your mind and your self-worth. Sometimes I feel like even on my best day Im not good enough, but HIS love sees past all my faults and short comings. But know that you are worthy, you are a child of the MOST HIGH and we are co-heirs with Christ. So when you think about you sweetie are a Queen. And even when you fall HIS grace and mercy is right there to catch you.