Have you ever felt down for no reason?


Well-Known Member
Ladies, I don't know what this I am going through but I am sad for no reason. I am ok sometimes but its like depression is trying its best to find a place in me. I run a business and everytime I get an order it seems like I get pissed and just don't want to do it. This is just a vent so I don't have to scream. Yesterday I praised my way through and found joy and I thank GOD for that. Now I am able to function better but still not 100% whole yet. Ladies be in agreement with me as I bind the spirit of depression and tie the enemies hand. Funny thing is, people call me for encouragement and prayers but its crazy when you know right to do but fail to do it like pray for myself and encourage myself like David did ( that in itself is encouraging). Don't know what else to say just be in agreement with me. THanks Meredith
Yes I have. I pray the blood of Jesus on this spirit of depression. I ask the Lord to touch you with his sweet peace and hold your mind in His great hands, and your heart in his great mind. Rejoice and be encouraged because he that is with us is greater than they that is against us.
I usually dont come to this forum but the subject of the thread describes how I've been feeling for a very long time. I just try to think of positive things.