have you ever experienced??


excessive breakage in one area of your hair. i have this area behind my right ear that has broken off (about nickel sized). It completely befuddles me. I have been stretching my relaxer and I am about 8 weeks post. I plan to relax today because I have excessive amounts of new growth in that area (under processed at my last relaxer). I am unsure what the cause is??? I have hair growing in the area and the breakage occured at the starting point of my new growth (almost right at the scalp and not at the new growth juncture. Has anyone experienced this... am I doing something wron???

I have experienced this type of breakage before but it was in a center area of my head but never in this area??

I have been using more protein than usual because of breakage and to prepare for this coming relaxer.

All input appreciated!
I at a complete loss here!
yes i am going through this right now. mine happened when i used to get my hair pressed an di think the comb was too hot now my left side is broken up pretty badly. its really thin. im still trying to nurse it back to health.
Yeah, I've had that problem for a few years with the left side of my hair in the nape. I thought it was the relaxer that was breaking it off. But now that I'm natural, I still have breakage in that spot. IDK what the problem is. It was like every time I went to get my hair done, whoever the stylist was would be like what happened to your hair? And I'd be like :confused: I have yet to figure it out.
Maybe it's the way you sleep, or the direction you comb, or something like that.

When you tie your hair, is the knot in that area?
seraphinelle said:
Maybe it's the way you sleep, or the direction you comb, or something like that.

When you tie your hair, is the knot in that area?

I have a small broken patch in the back crown near the nape because of this
Sometimes I wear a silk scarf and the knot in the back broke off a patch of hair
Many years ago I had breakage in the very back of my hair and through trial and error figured that it was caused by sweat when I slept at night. Once I figured that out I stopped sleeping in rollers and started wrapping my hair. I can't explain it but wrapping my hair allowed the hair to grow back in. Now I have breakage on the left side even though I still wrap my hair. I noticed that I have started sweating more in my sleep. This problem is what actually led me to this hair board. Slowly the length on my left side is coming back.
thanks for all the replys. I found out the cause. Once again I find myself the victim of poor stylist behaviors. I went to my regular stylist and we found out that another stylist used the sink usually used for chemical processes on my hair during a regular wash. we used a nuetralizing shampoo which stung and afterwards my breakage was MUCH better.