Have You Been Successful Growing out a Bald Spot?


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Have you had a bald spot or really thin patch of hair that you have successfully grown out? What did you use to grow it out? How often did you apply it? How long did it take for the spot to grow out?

I have. :yep: I shared my story (what I did, with progress pics) in this thread. Please see more progress pics on page 4 of the thread. And by last year, and my regular trimming, the hair had caught up with the rest. While the photo below was not taken to show that spot, you can see that all the braids are the same length (bottom right-hand photo shows the area better):
I have. :yep: I shared my story (what I did, with progress pics) in this thread. Please see more progress pics on page 4 of the thread. And by last year, and my regular trimming, the hair had caught up with the rest. While the photo below was not taken to show that spot, you can see that all the braids are the same length (bottom right-hand photo shows the area better):

Thanks for sharing! I have a patch about the size of a half dollar near my crown that broke off all the way to the root and I am trying to grow it out...luckily my hair is thick enough to cover it, but in the meantime Im afraid to go to the salon bc I dont want to hear about it. Other than that spot, the rest of my hair is in great shape and is growing out as planned....so I dont know what happened.:sad: For now Im using growth stimulants in that area and massaging it every night...Im off to read your thread for more info on what you did.
I had bald patches all over last year and my hair wasnt even long enough to have extensions ( less than 1/2 inch in places) and I have been fortunate enough to grow it out:yep:.

I took Viviscal and looked after my ends.
I lost my edges to ghana braids last year and grew them back out fully in a few months, I used africa's best hair fertilizer first then my sulphur mix, (any would do) and now it doesn't even look like the same hair
I'm currently looking into Viviscal to help me. I have a patch in my crown as well. I'm also massaging it every chance I get.
Yes, I had a bald spot in the back. I had a bad bout with the flu during the winter and my body was so dehydrated, my skin was peeling and my hair started breaking bad. I had a spot bigger than a silver dollar that I could barely pinch. Amping up my moisture with cowashes and deep conditioning, along with Boundless Tresses and Naani's Naturals The Elixir Healthy Hair Growth pomade has grown in the spot nicely. It is almost six inches back there now. That was since February. I did a couple of trims to even the ends and it is still growing. I just have to make sure that I always keep my nape area well moisturized.
Yes, my right temple is a bit of a 'thinning, bald area.' I'm hyperthyroid (overactive body), too, so that has contributed to the loss, which I really noticed a few months ago. However, I started using Nioxin follicle booster and scalp therapy, and I've gotta say - I have more hair in this area now then I've had since I was a child! I thought these follicles were totally dead given the number of years they've been this way, but maybe that just goes to show what a little TLC can do!
My temple area was thinning out horribly and I joked about having male pattern baldness. I started stretching my perms and only "texturizing" that area and it has filled in nicely. I have a hairline again dammit!
Yes, my right temple is a bit of a 'thinning, bald area.' I'm hyperthyroid (overactive body), too, so that has contributed to the loss, which I really noticed a few months ago. However, I started using Nioxin follicle booster and scalp therapy, and I've gotta say - I have more hair in this area now then I've had since I was a child! I thought these follicles were totally dead given the number of years they've been this way, but maybe that just goes to show what a little TLC can do!

This is what I am going through right now. I have been using Organic Root Stimulator, but I feel that things are getting worst instead of better. I plan on using scarves instead of headbands to take strain off of my edges.
I have had my bald spots since April of 2006 due to severe anemia. Right now I am trying Organic Root Stimulator's Fertilizing Temple Balm because so far nothing else (i.e. massages with oil blends like: jojoba, avocado, peppermint essential, rosemary essential, and carrot seed essential, Dudley Hair Loss Serum, MTG, Boundless Tresses, Vatika Oil, Doo-Gro, or Lenzi's Request) is working. The Dudley Hair Loss Serum did give me a small amount of peach fuzz about 1/8th of an inch, but it is just so expensive to use and the results are not that great. It costs $50 for only 4 ounces of the Dudley Hair Loss serum and the combo hair loss serum+shampoo is $60, and it calls for use twice a day. That is just too expensive for such as small amount. I tried the Dudley system from May 17 to August 28 and the total cost for this junk was $175.00 ($60 May, $55 June only for the Serum, $60 in July for the combo). The growth serum was used up a few days ago, but I still have a bottle and a half of the follicle cleansing shampoo. *I know your title says "have you been successful", but I had to vent because I have not been successful at all and it's been over a year.:ohwell:
I had 2 bald spots the size of a quarter on either side of my front hairline from having weaves and not taking proper care of them. I started using boundless tresses (BT) consistently for about 9 weeks and now although not perfect, it is not noticable at all (except to me). I figure 9 more weeks and it will back to being completely full again
I had a severe bald spot on the top of my head. I grew it out with daily use of MTG, it took several months. I have pics in my fotki (the 2006 folder) Link and password is in my profile.
Yes I had some pretty bad bald spots/thinning spots on my side that just recently got better.

Most of my comparasions shot are on my home pc which is in storage right now but I found some other shots.I adjusted the brightness so you can really see it.This picture is already better then when I first started out:nono:

It's not all filled in yet but way better now,you can still see where it filled in

I think the first picture is about 2-3 months old
This has happened to lots of people and can be quite stressful:sad:.

Have you tried visiting a dermatologist. They can give you a shot (they hurt, but work) and ointments that will help you.

Also, as someone suggested the Nioxin Follicle Booster works and their entire product line help me to recover the hairloss at my crown. It was an entire bald spot there. So I did both dermatologist and used Nioxin for thining hair to get it growing again.

I wish you luck in getting to the source and finding something that works.



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i went to a dermatologist. Can't say whether what he did helped or not with any certainty because i had 2 separate patches. one had meds, the other didn't. But, you can see there's been better growth at the crown than the one behind my ear.

sorry for the cut and paste, i'm taking this from my fotki.

my dermatologist 1st prescribed an ointment called Dermator (prednicarbate, a steriod related to prednisone). after a couple months and no progress he then prescribed: Olux (clobetasol propionate), a foam. after a 2 weeks or so i noticed peach fuzz then the fuzz started turning darker until it turned into real hair.
i also tried a variety of essential oils and started taking biotin. the biotin seemed like it was causing even more shedding after a week or so so i stopped. the eo's, i massaged in but i can't recall getting any real benefit from them. i also had horrible itching during a shedding phase and would use witch hazel on cotton balls to dab on the patch - this helped immensely.


i also had a bald patch behind my left ear which i hadn't noticed at all for months and months.

This patch did not receive any medication at all because i didn't know it was there. Still, you can see how much shorter it is compared to the patch on the crown...............so basically it regrew itself but not as quickly as the other patch.


If you do decide to go to a derm and he/she offers a choice between a topical steroid and the injections, try the topical first and see if it doesn't stop the follicle attacks and jump start your growth. if after a few weeks it doesn't work, go for the injections.

i told him i'd tried some home remedies and if they would cause the condition to worsen and he said no. i also asked him about monoxidil products and he said it may or may not work. he said they do stimulate growth but i'd have to continue to use it :S

what i really think happened was that this round of alopecia had basically run it's course and the meds probably helped my scalp get over it faster than if i used nothing at all.