Have Yall Seen This Viral Clip Of This Pastor Ranting?

What / Who / What, What , What :huh:

I can't. :rofl: Not tonight. "I ain't ready".... :rofl: I won't be ready tomorrow either which begins in 2.5 hours from now... Midnight. :sleep2:

And I'm keeping my grandmama's hair, too. She had pretty hair and blessed me with it. :love3: This hair comment is meant for him and his silly rant.
So many things going on in that clip.

What scripture is he basing all of this on???

First book of in my feelings Chapter 1 verse 12!

No scripture - all emotions.

See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. Colossians 2:8
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On a serious note, seeing all those people clapping is a good reminder that when you are exposed to a false representatives use that as a time to reflect on yourself. What did you agree with leading up to the statement or action that tipped you off that this person was not a true follower of Christ.

Find out if what was said is actually supported by the Bible in context. The devil will mix truth and lie. And the lies that he chooses are often designed to appeal to the parts of our nature that we are refusing to give to God. Did you fall for any lies? What is the idol that those lies were appealing to?

I came across a literal false prophet once. As in she had people lining up a few times a year to ask for personal prophesies kind of false prophet. I visited her church 2-3 times before I realized what was up. I mainly attended bc my friends who were very religious went and I didn’t have a church that I liked in town.

It was almost three years later when I realized that I did not have a spirit of forgiveness. I also realized that I enjoyed one of her sermons because she literally was not preaching true forgiveness. She was preaching “seek a different form of payment from that person” in the form of “ask God to give them ‘their just desserts’ in this life” etc. Just ignoring that we should be forgiving others of their debts to us as we ask God to forgive our debts as well. As well as the fact that God’s primary concern is being with his children, not handing out “time-outs” over petty fights. She spun a whole sermon to get to that non-Christ-like conclusion and to make it more palatable.

That’s a basic move from the devil’s playbook. However, it is very effective because you only see through it easily if you don’t have an idol that it is appealing to.

On a serious note, seeing all those people clapping is a good reminder that when you are exposed to a false representatives use that as a time to reflect on yourself. What did you agree with leading up to the statement or action that tipped you off that this person was not a true follower of Christ.

Find out if what was said is actually supported by the Bible in context. The devil will mix truth and lie. And the lies that he chooses are often designed to appeal to the parts of our nature that we are refusing to give to God. Did you fall for any lies? What is the idol that those lies were appealing to?

I came across a literal false prophet once. As in she had people lining up a few times a year to ask for personal prophesies kind of false prophet. I visited her church 2-3 times before I realized what was up. I mainly attended bc my friends who were very religious went and I didn’t have a church that I liked in town.

It was almost three years later when I realized that I did not have a spirit of forgiveness. I also realized that I enjoyed one of her sermons because she literally was not preaching true forgiveness. She was preaching “seek a different form of payment from that person” in the form of “ask God to give them ‘their just desserts’ in this life” etc. Just ignoring that we should be forgiving others of their debts to us as we ask God to forgive our debts as well. As well as the fact that God’s primary concern is being with his children, not handing out “time-outs” over petty fights. She spun a whole sermon to get to that non-Christ-like conclusion and to make it more palatable.

That’s a basic move from the devil’s playbook. However, it is very effective because you only see through it easily if you don’t have an idol that it is appealing to.
What an awesome testimony and reflection... "What 'idol' is this message appealing to?' God bless you @Sarabellam for sharing this. :rose:
It is " I " who thanks you. In scripture, God's Word says that "we no longer see through a glass, darkly." How fitting is your message to this scripture, that we no longer see through a dark glass, but clear into our hearts to see and address and to be free of those idols who seek to be appealed.

@Sarabellam , I thank God for you. When I say, God bless you, truly it is beyond words and that it gives Glory to God our Heavenly Father.
