Have we already talked about sock bun curls?

I watched the vid plus the, related one and oohh I wanna try this so bad. I wonder if i would get the same resultts with flexi rods, I worry abbot the hair snagging in the sock.

I will try this tonight, woth the socks.

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I tried it and I liked it.

Instead of socks, I used a holey pair of panty hose. Each leg was a sock bun. Sometimes I mesh the two together and sometimes I did not.

Sometimes I used it as my bun filler.

You SL girls can try this because it is not as thick as a sock.
Please know that if you have thick, course hair it may not work as well. If you have a relaxer or your hair has straightened via blowout or flat iron it will work better.

I have done this.
Ingenious! Will try it. I wonder if I will great curls with almost APL hair. Hmmm.....might have to modify...smaller diameter sock, 2 instead of one bun...Thanks OP!!!!!

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I tried it, but if your hair is straightened or layered, how do you get the roll started? You can't tell in the viedo because the ends of her hair were out of the frame. When I tried it, the straight ends kept popping out and I was worried that the ends would turn out frizzy.
I tried it, but if your hair is straightened or layered, how do you get the roll started? You can't tell in the viedo because the ends of her hair were out of the frame. When I tried it, the straight ends kept popping out and I was worried that the ends would turn out frizzy.

She demonstrates the roll in this video
She demonstrates the roll in this video

loves it!

I've been doing my sock bun like she first demonstrated (wrapping excess hair around sock bun), but now, (even tho my hair isn't nearly as long) I'm going to try the second way of hiding all my hair in the sock and rolling it down like that. Its like a 2 in 1 style... fuller looking bun, plus the takedown leaves nice curls (tho, i wonder how it will look on natural hair... )
Great find OP and very innovating of Loepsie. This I want to try as well. Ladies please post your results, I will love to see it. I will post when I do it. Need to destroy a sock. I see people putting conditioner on the socks to protect our hair.
So, I mixed water, jojoba, jbco in a spay bottle after applying moisturizerm, and then put in 4 sock buns. Time to sleep!
Hey, I tried this the day OP posted it on dry hair, didn't like the results but I loved the loose bun so I kept it at work all day, had to work at my part time job in the evening so I took it out and I had beautiful soft curls, only downside was that I had more curls on one side than the other, so I had to use my curling iron in some sections :/ . So yesterday before going to bed, I moisturized and sprayed my ponytail and put the sock in loosely and used bobby pins as my hair is APL (I think this works better on longer hair). Put my hair bonnet on and went to bed. This morning I have a full head of big curls! I love it.
also, my hair is layered, this works better with damp hair so you make sure to tuck all the ends in.
So, I mixed water, jojoba, jbco in a spay bottle after applying moisturizerm, and then put in 4 sock buns. Time to sleep!

No bueno! Maybe i used the wrong mix, or wrong sock, but my hair no likey. It was so bad, I had to wash my hair to get the kinks out.:yep:
Ladies, try wrapping the sock in a knee-high, I find my ends come out much nicer and stay moisturized this way. The cotton fibers of the sock are drying and cause snags. Just cut off the "toe" and wrap it around the sock, the same way you rolled the sock around itself :yep:
Hope this helps someone: I use a couple strips of saran wrap & wrap it around my sock bun. This helps keep my hair moisturized & I no longer get snags & breakage from the sock!