Have hots for professor?

Not sure if this goes in the relationship forum, but I like the conversations here. Have you ever had a thing for your professor?

I do right now. And of course I'd NEVER imagine pursuing him, he's a very professional man who I'd never expect to participate in such foolishness (he's roughly 30 years older than myself). I've never heard of him speak of being married or having children, but I'm sure he might...(considering his age, but you never know). The funny thing is he's not necessarily attractive, but it's his intellect. I guess we all go through an "intellectual crush" sometime in our lives. I'm in awe of his intelligence, and aspire to be like him.:rolleyes: He's the type of guy I'm sure was a nerd/outcast back in the day, but today he's a very prominent professor and researcher, and therefore I feel I relate to him. I guess you can say I have a thing for his "mind".

So many people speak of how taboo it is to have a relationship with your professor, yet some still do it. If anything, I would never pursue this, but I constantly find myself trying to spend as much time as I can with him. It's as if I want his approval, so that perhaps his knowledge will...in a way..."rub off" on me. Am I crazy?

Yes, I probably am. But I know I can't be the only one.:sad: I can't wait for this semester to be over...so hopefully this will fade.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? Have you, or do you know someone who has actually had a relationship with their professor?
Have never had a crush on a professor but I did work closely with someone, who worked at another firm. He was about 25 years older, big belly, bald but very very smart. I think I had a crush on his mind. That man was so smart.

My BFF has a crush on a local politician, who's gay. He's very smart and was her teacher in nursing school. She thought she could turn him around. I told her she would never stand a chance unless she grew a tail. She still loves him and when I talk with her she asks about him.

He is very beautiful.
I had a crush on my professor but never did anything about it and wouldnt. He's a huge flirt so I think if I had made a move he wouldve been fine with it.
Yep. My Econ professor. He wasn't really good looking; actually he looked a little nutty, but I would get flustered when he did regression charts and when he started writing formulas, mmm mmm mmm.:lick: :lol: Smart has always been sexy to me though. Oh and my Philosophy professor too. That was a rough semester trying not to blush when he spoke to me. I'm sure they were both outcasts because of their intellect. Both were pretty young and awkward. I guess I have a thing for the nerdy ones.:look:
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Have never had a crush on a professor but I did work closely with someone, who worked at another firm. He was about 25 years older, big belly, bald but very very smart. I think I had a crush on his mind. That man was so smart.

My BFF has a crush on a local politician, who's gay. He's very smart and was her teacher in nursing school. She thought she could turn him around. I told her she would never stand a chance unless she grew a tail. She still loves him and when I talk with her she asks about him.

He is very beautiful.

A crush on a gay man? Talkin about liking them unavailable!!! Poor BFF :nono:
Oh yeah I've had a few crushes on some of my professors in the past. I would never do anything about it but it sure makes for good fantasy material. :look:
I've never had a real crush on a professor but I love flirting with the ones that give that vibe off. I just give them this big smile, you should see their faces. Priceless! I remember I had this cute Italian teacher and he invited the class to one of the department's soccer games. I showed up late because I was just going to meet a friend there. He was being very cordial to me and his wife there. She gave me the meanest ice grill, it was so hilarious. It's just innocent fun and every man likes to feel attractive. I always get better grades out of it, too, but that's not why I do it. Just sayin. :lol:
I had the hots for my professor at the university years ago...he had red hair and a thick moustache :ohwell:
But he was so funny and smart!!
Yes, I had a crush on one of my professors. He is like 6’5’’ chocolate, husky voice, intelligent and has the hottest accent. He was my college finance teacher. I kept it real professional . He was married at the time and I was seeing someone so I wasn’t about to go there. I recently ran into him. He remembered my name and that was eight years ago and he only taught me one class. He made sure I knew he was divorced. :lachen: