Have a QUICK regi? Come on in!

How long does your regi take?

  • 1 hr

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • 2 hrs

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • 3 hrs

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • 4 hrs

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • 5 hrs+

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Instagram: adaybyjay
I want to fine-tune my regi to make it quick and simple yet still be healthy & effective, without it feeling like it's an all day event. What's your quick regi that's proven to work and how long does it take from start-finish? I understand all hair responds differently.

Takes about 4 hours to complete the following
Maybe I do too much or move too slow, not sure which :nono::
Prepoo (15mins)
Poo (2-5mins)
Roux PC (1min)
DC (1hr with heat)
Detangle (30mins)
Very diluted ACV Rinse (2mins)
Air Dry or Rollerset (1.5 hrs to dry)

The above takes 4 hours if I'm really hustling from process to process. If I casually move through the regi, it can linger longer than 4 hours. Thankfully this is only once or week or I'd lose my mind for real. :wallbash:

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I chose 1 hour but it really depends on what I'm doing and I never really know exactly how long it takes since I shower while the conditioner is on. But here goes:

Co-wash 1-3 times a week depending on how my hair feels- 20 mins including finger detangle and scalp massage prior to applying conditioner
Apply leave-ins and finger detangle and braid (2-4 sections)-15 min

That's it and I do this at night so the next day I wear a braidout, bun or pony.

If I have to detangle, which I do twice a month, add in an extra 20 minutes.

That's it. Very quick but of course I'm not rollersetting or flat ironing my hair or anything. So I think the length of time will def vary especially if you're doing heat styles or rollersets which require more time. I also don't pre-poo or DC which takes up alot of time.
My regi is really simple. I wear a bun 99% of the time and I wash & deep condition my hair once a week. I may use protein once a month (my hair does not care for too much). I only use direct heat (blow dryer) maybe every 3 months or so for a blow out afro puff. I only stated that my regi is over 5 hours because I sometimes deep condition my hair over night.
If it takes more than 1 hour to do, I don't want it (with the exception of air drying overnight). My cowashing sessions (discounting air drying) take about thirty minutes (including moisturizing and sealing). If I do a braid out set with my flexi-rods, it takes about an additional fifteen-twenty minutes. Otherwise, my hair's in a wet bun.
If it takes more than 1 hour to do, I don't want it (with the exception of air drying overnight). My cowashing sessions (discounting air drying) take about thirty minutes (including moisturizing and sealing). If I do a braid out set with my flexi-rods, it takes about an additional fifteen-twenty minutes. Otherwise, my hair's in a wet bun.
I don't DC when I cowash but I cowash infrequently. I mainly poo once weekly. Question re: your cowash, do you moisturize & seal on wet or damp hair? I like air drying but I don't like the fact that I don't achieve silky results. I air dry in braids to keep my hair tamed. After air drying in braids weekly for about 3 months straight, I'm tired of the braid out textured look.

I only stated that my regi is over 5 hours because I sometimes deep condition my hair over night.
Thx! I sometimes will DC overnight to save time and then rinse the next morning and move on to either air drying or rollersetting. This is by far the quickest option. I don't DC overnight when I have somewhere to go the next morning b/c I don't have any cute hats, wigs, etc to hide my hair while the DC remains in.

Co-wash 1-3 times a week depending on how my hair feels- 20 mins including finger detangle and scalp massage prior to applying conditioner
Apply leave-ins and finger detangle and braid (2-4 sections)-15 min

If I have to detangle, which I do twice a month, add in an extra 20 minutes.
Your hair is doing very nicely without DC. I rarely DC prior to LHCF. I think my hair responds better with weekly DC. Question re: detangling. Are you saying you finger detangle every co-wash but detangle with a comb/brush/or whatever you use every 2 weeks? How do you combat the tangles when you get ready to do a good detangling? How do you keep the hair laying smooth when you only finger detangle?
Oh yeah yeah sorry. So I finger detangle with every co-wash but I use a wide tooth comb and comb through every 2 weeks. I use Aubrey Organics Honey Suckle Rose and it melts my tangles. Usually, this would occur after a shampoo and the shampoo would tangle my hair up so bad that finger combing would be a joke. The AOHSR always allows for the comb to get through easily. This past Saturday, my hair got so tangled after shampooing that I've decided to give up shampooing until December when I straighten. The AOHSR still did its job at melting tangles but it took much longer this last time because of the two textures.

My hair does not tangle unless I use shampoo. I keep my hair in 2-4 braids when I'm home so it rarely has a chance to ever tangle. I brush my hair basically every day to smooth my edges.
i chose 3hrs but it really depends on what im doing to my hair that day even if im trying a new product it may take longer if i dont like the results i may have to start almost over. hth
I moisturize and seal on damp hair (not soaking wet hair - I let the hair "sit" for a while in my turban towel). When I air dry, it's either in a bun or in a braid set.
Takes about 4 hours to complete the following
Maybe I do too much or move too slow, not sure which :nono::
Prepoo (15mins)
Poo (2-5mins)
Roux PC (1min)
DC (1hr with heat)
Detangle (30mins)
Very diluted ACV Rinse (2mins)
Air Dry or Rollerset (1.5 hrs to dry)

The above takes 4 hours if I'm really hustling from process to process. If I casually move through the regi, it can linger longer than 4 hours. Thankfully this is only once or week or I'd lose my mind for real. :wallbash:


@divachyk, my regi is very short (except when I'm putting in twists which could take an hour to an hour and a half). After that, since I never take them out except to redo one at a time while watching TV, washday doesn't take more than 15 minutes or 30 if I am DCing. From your list of steps, I see things I don't do that make my regi short:

I don't pre-poo--unless we're talking about DCing which I do before shampoo which isn't at every wash (15 mins).
Shampooing for me (<3 mins)
I don't Roux PC, but I do condition (3-5 minutes--whatever the bottle says)
I don't detangle.
ACV rinse (<3 mins).
Airdry...but I do it as I go about life so I don't really pay attention. My hair is usually styled how I want to wear it so no waiting time here.(Styling <5 mins)
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I just thought that I'd add that since spritzing with Aloe vera juice and silk amino acids before adding my leave ins I found that detangling was much much easier! I'm a relaxed heat user though.
Detangling prior to wash (mane & tail and finger combing) ------------------------------- 5 to 10 min
Washing & Protein (in shower, so this time also includes the time it take me to shower) - 20 to 25 min
Deep conditioning --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 to 30 min
Leave-ins and Detangling ------------------------------------------------------------- 20 to 30 min


So it can take me anywhere from ---------------------------------------------------- 50 to 95 min

Normally I will airdry in a ponytail and wear my airdrying ponytail as a style for that day.
mine seems pretty simple.
10 min. DC on dry hair with heat
5 min shampoo
2 min. detangle
styling can take anywhere from 10 min. for setting a quick twistout to about an hour and a half for blowdrying, flatironing, or roller setting.
My regi is VERY QUICK!
I co-wash almost daily and I only shampoo once a week, if that.
Wet hair in shower..................1 min
Put conditioner in hair..............1 min
Comb conditioner thru hair........2-3 min
Let conditioner sit in hair..........I don't know, however long I take a shower
Rinse conditioner out...............1 min (I probably don't get it all out)
Style (bun or puff)............................3 min

I don't DC because when I did my hair was no different than before. When I comb the conditioner thru, I'm not really detangling, I'm distributing the conditioner. Some of the '1 minutes' might actually be 2 minutes, I'm just guessing.
I do everything before or in the shower. I put DC on my ends, and then prep. I get in the shower and either wash or co-wash. I then use protein and moisture to DC in there FIRST thing in. I rinse with cold water last. I towel dry, moisturize, leave-in, then seal and go (pony, tie-down).
My Regi,takes about 1 hr to an 1 an half

Wednesday & Saturday i condition wash/deep conditioning
I use porosity once a month for 5 min
Moisturize and airdry
smh...I thought i posted on this thread... Anywho... I selected an Hr to and hr n half.. and that's usually on Shampoo days.. I ..Detangle(before shower with damp hair and loads of CO).. Poo..Rinse out CO (which is usually a light protein)..DC..cold water rinse...moisturize/seal and style... sometimes..i'll eliminate the poo... just depends.. if it's a cowash.. which is majority of the week..eh...30 mins is the most..and that's if I make my wash n go's look like I cared... if i'm slapping it in a puff..co wash..moisturize/seal. fluff it out a bit.. all of 10 to 15 mins...