Hask placenta causes cancer?... Really?


Active Member
I was in Duane reade a few days ago and felt like trying a new product while buying my suave conditioner and shampoo. I came across hask placent on sale, the packet said 5 for the price of 4 and it was supposed to be some kind of conditioner. I bought it, used it and OMYGOD my hair feels like soft Cotton even after drying. I blogged about it yesterday and someone left a comment saying that it causes cancer? How true is this? From what I've learned everything causes cancer but what other side effects are there from using this amazing product? Btw does anyone use this? Has anyone ever used this? Thank you in advance for honest responses and not yelling at me for not using the searchtool first, I'm on my way to work and my phone is slow :(

Products & the Risk of Breast Cancer in African American Women​
What is the link between cosmetics and breast cancer?
Center for Environmental Oncology, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Pittsburgh, PA
Personal care products such as cosmetics, shampoos, and styling aids that are widely used by African Americans contain several chemicals known to behave like estrogens. Many people think that products available at their drug stores have been tested and proven safe by the government; however, this is not true. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the federal department that studies product safety, is only able to regulate cosmetics after products are released to the marketplace. Neither cosmetic products nor cosmetic ingredients are reviewed or approved by FDA before they are sold to the public. (More information on the way the FDA operates is available at http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-206.html)​
To date, there is no proof that any personal care product puts African-American women at a greater risk of breast cancer. However, there have been cases where the use of certain products has affected children like how hormones normally do during puberty...​
While this research does not connect to cancer risk, it does raise some concerns. The known risk factors for breast cancer include age, genetics, family history or personal history of breast cancer, no children or late age at first childbirth, early menarche (the first menstrual cycle), radiation to the breast, and prolonged exposure to oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy. If these products are having a hormonal effect, the worry is that these products might increase risk in the same way that long-term use of hormonal drugs increase risk.​
What products have been found to contain hormones?

Dr. Chandra M. Tiwary's research lists the following placenta hair products as containing hormones (which contain placental extract):

• Queen Helene Placenta cream hair conditioner. (Placental Enzymes)
• Placenta Revitalizing shampoo (contains placental extract)
• Perm Repair with placenta
• Proline Perm Repair with placenta
• Hask Placenta no rinse instant hair repair treatment
• Hask Placenta hair conditioner
• Mexican Spanish Super Gro Placenta
• Nu Skin body smoother (Human Placental Extract)
• Nu Skin NaPCA Moisturizer (Human Placental Extract)
• Nu Skin pH balance (Human Placental Extract)
• Nu Skin Enhancer (Human Placental Extract)
• Hormone hair food Jajoba oil
• Triple action Super Grow (contains hormones)
• Supreme Vita-Gro (contains Estrogen and allantoin)
• Luster's Sur Glo Hormone (contains hormone constituents)
• B&B super Gro (contains estrogenic hormone constituents)
• Lekair natural Super Glo (contains hormones)
• Lekair Hormone hair treatment with Vitamin E
• Isoplus Hormone hair treatment with Quinine (contains hormone constituents)
• Fermodyl with Placenta hair conditioner, no rinse
• Supreme VITA-GRO with allantoin and estrogen plus TEA-COCO

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Nope, never used any products knowingly that had placenta in them ever before I read the above article. And now, will definitely not use them. I'm so glad I never used these type of products on my daughter when she was growing up.
Just read the article, thanks for the post, I see why it was on sale now smh. I'll be doing more research on placenta.
aw shizzznit I used to use this back in the day.

A lot of ppl did, which is just interesting, and some still do. I even remember asking for a treatment at the salon a couple of times and the spanish ladies used some placenta pack. (this was ages ago though, so idk about now) . I read somewhere that the hormones in it have chances of causing cancer. Which is just interesting to me because I find that majority or more than half of American manufactured produce can cause cancer. So if you're not eating entirely organic food, chances are you are on your way to getting cancer :look:. Then, there's the microwave, then the cellphone, then our ozone layer, then the smokers who stand outside your office building smoking up a storm -e v e r y single day-. The list goes on, my mom was recently diagnosed with lung cancer last year (09) summer- she'd never smoked a single cigarette a day in her life. Doctors say it's difficult to determine exactly what caused it. The doctors even said stress could have provoked it. How has she fought it so far? -with hope and medicine because, frankly in simple words cancer happens when your own body cells fights against you.

Anyway, though I may never purchase this product again, I have four more bottles to go, and I'm definitely not throwing them out.:yep:
My mom used hair products on me and my sister when we were little that had placenta (that stuff worked like gangbusters on our hair too) and we never had any issues. Never developed cancer never had hormone issues form them. None of us did. Some of that stuff is just scare tactics. And like you said half the stuff manufactured in this country - or anywhere else for that matter will supposedly cause cancer at some point. Shoot, even the sun causes cancer. I wouldn't run out and buy them again but I wouldn't stress about it either.
Last weekend was the second time i used this product. My hair loves it. It may well be carcinogenic but sao are many other things that we do and face in our daily activities.

Am not saying that we should go ahead willy nilly without any care for suspected cancer causing products (is it suspected or proven?)

BUt i have a bottle that has about 3 more uses in it and i will finish it. Knowing now that it may be cancer causing i MAY NOT buy another bottle. BUt it works well on my hair
i read a thread on this in december and proceed to throw out the packs i bought when walgreens had a sale. better safe than sorry, IMO.
My mom used hair products on me and my sister when we were little that had placenta (that stuff worked like gangbusters on our hair too) and we never had any issues. Never developed cancer never had hormone issues form them. None of us did. Some of that stuff is just scare tactics. And like you said half the stuff manufactured in this country - or anywhere else for that matter will supposedly cause cancer at some point. Shoot, even the sun causes cancer. I wouldn't run out and buy them again but I wouldn't stress about it either.

I agree, and what I'm MOST skeptical about is the category of women that are supposedly susceptible to get cancer if they use any of those products... Ok, I'm not African American per say.. I'm African.... biracial if you wish, so, half African and half Indian.. do I still have chances of getting cancer by using these products since I share ancestors with African Americans? Do the findings include women of the African diaspora? I'm not going to go too much into it and take apart the logic behind their findings but, the only website which seems to carry this information is not enough to scare me. I need a recorded and descriptive analysis, hell where are book references? Anyway, I have 3 more 5/8 oz bottles to go.:yawn:
I have since stopped using this product, I definitely need to update that on my blog. Thanks either way for the advice
the scientists warn you for the products that have a higher risc for cancer. So higher means more then the average chance.
I would try to avoid products that you can replace by other stuff. I'm sure there is more for your hair then the placenta.
It would e a pitty if you do get the cancer and also loose all your hair by chemo.
Just think more then twice
I used it once, then I read about it on the net, then I threw it away, I don't know, anything stating placenta just sound different to me, but I mean like one person said, we used things that could give us cancer, so I wouldn't stress over it, but I would not use it if it has a high chance of giving you cancer.
I haven't used products with chemicals for about 2 years, ever since I went natural. I didn't even know what Hask Placenta was until you posted about it lol. Hope you ladies stay safe now that you have the knowledge.
Oh good heavens. Do you realize the article does not say it CAUSES cancer? It just says that it contains hormones - many of our foods/products naturally contain/affect our hormones. Soy affects our hormones and is highly estrogenic, so much so that breast cancer patients/survivors are advised to avoid it. The reason for not using placenta is not just because it may be carcinogenic but because it may disrupt the body's hormonal balance.

Some of the items that may disrupt the body's hormonal balance that people often think are good for them are
Soy - the argument that it is used in Asia ignores the fact that they do not use the unfermented soy like we do and it is just a tiny portion of the meal not the whole meal
Tea tree oil - linked to breast growth in boys http://www.nih.gov/news/pr/jan2007/niehs-31.htm
Lavender oil - linked ot breast growth in boys http://www.nih.gov/news/pr/jan2007/niehs-31.htm
I made this post a while back and at that time I took it a bit lightly seeing that according to research cancer can be brought on by any number of elements including stress. So though I wasn't cautious about this particular product at the time, my feelings towards it has changed. And I just thought I'd update that, since I was going through some past posts I made. So plain and simple it is not something I would buy again and after much thought I discounted any use of it as I found that I could have easily achieved the same results with a good leave in treatment after deep-conditioning my hair.
Good thing I caught on quick right? lol.
My oncologist told me to avoid hair products, expecially those with hormones He didnt specify but he obviously figuered I was a hair freak. I had jet black, red, and purple freeze dried hair.
That stuff works soooo good.

I can get over the placenta thing, I mean; I eat eggs, meat, etc so why bias against animal products when it comes to hair care? But as soon as I found out about the cancer risk I started to ween myself off it. I replaced it with Aphooge Green Tea & Keratin cuz I like using protein on a daily.
My oncologist told me to avoid hair products, expecially those with hormones He didnt specify but he obviously figuered I was a hair freak. I had jet black, red, and purple freeze dried hair.

Wow, I was just looking @ a BC pill conditioner thread and wondering about hormones/hair products. I don't know your oncologist, but I'll take his word on it.
That stuff works soooo good.

I can get over the placenta thing, I mean; I eat eggs, meat, etc so why bias against animal products when it comes to hair care? But as soon as I found out about the cancer risk I started to ween myself off it. I replaced it with Aphooge Green Tea & Keratin cuz I like using protein on a daily.

IKR! lol. There as to be something extra in it because I was real stubborn about it lmao.
Yus!! aphogee products in general are great!
It is not exactly that there are hormones in cosmetics but there are substances that can mimic hormones that can trigger a oncogenic reaction. So your body thinks he that seems like an estrogen to me because it fits nicely in the 'pockets' of your cells. Let's say breastcells. They get these substances in the pocket and gives the signal to grow.. Sometimes this get out of control turning into cancercells.
So if you have a lot of these triggers/signals then it is plus plus plus plus plus..and by this way the chance gets bigger.
There are things you hardly can't avoid. But like the placenta product.. You'll find something else :) better be safe than sorry!